Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 487 Master Is Not Online

Chapter 487 Master Is Not Online (22)

From Gu Ningchu's memory, it was for the sake of trickery, but Gu Ningchu has been smooth sailing since birth, and he has developed an arrogant temperament early on. He thinks that he doesn't need others to support him, and the position of the young suzerain is none other than him.

Gu Ningchu gave birth to the root of the demon, because he was too conceited.

Just like what Min Yuliang said, the people from the Beast Sect had a lot of thunder and little rain, and they looked for Gu Ningchu in a big scene, but they didn't make a sound, and left after being disturbed.

This time, almost everyone knew that Gu Ningchu, the young patriarch of the Royal Beast Sect, died on Wanzhang Cliff.

The ancestors of the Gu family are in seclusion, and Gu Ningchu's father is the suzerain, but he can't break the wrists of a few ancestors.

Seeing that this matter is over, Yuhua congratulates Min Yuliang and bid farewell to Lingxi and the two.

When Min Yuliang heard that Yu Hua was going to the mortal world, he asked, "Why do you think of going to the mortal world? Is it to practice. I went to the mortal world once a hundred years ago to practice."

He Lingxi does not agree with Min Yuliang's statement, "I don't agree with always talking about experience in the mortal world. The mortal world is the world in which mortals live, not a secret place. It can be said that monks go there for fun. How can it be called experience? .

Not to mention that the experience is in the world of mortals, there are no less intrigues, love and hatred in the world of cultivating immortals than in the world of mortals.And the monk who claimed to be going through life, old age, sickness and death, pretended to be a mortal to marry a wife and have children, watched his wife die of illness and refused to take out a panacea to save his life, saying that he could not interfere with the lifespan of mortals.

Bah, is it interference if he conceals his identity and marry someone?If he is not married to him, the other party may live a few more years.Isn't this common sense, the combination of a monk and a mortal, no matter which side is a monk, the one who consumes the most energy is always the mortal, unless the monk is willing to suffer and make up for the other party. "

Min Yu rubbed his nose coyly, "I just went to the mortal world...to play, and looked around, but I wasn't there, and I didn't think about practicing in the world of mortals."

Yu Hua understands the position of the two.

Min Yuliang was born in a cultivating family in the world of cultivating immortals, and the family has never lost monks for generations.

Although he has many mortals without spiritual roots in his family, he does not have a superior attitude towards mortals, but his impression of the mortal world is relatively rigid, and he follows the mainstream understanding that the mortal world is inferior to the immortal world.

He Lingxi comes from the mortal world, and has more sense of identity with the mortal world.

"One day, mortals will come to the world of cultivating immortals to play." Yu Hua said.

Min Yuliang's heart moved, "So those mortal tools you refined...are for mortals in the mortal world."

"Yeah." Yu Hua didn't think that way before, but now she does.

The current production tools in the mortal world are still at the level of cattle farming, waterwheels, and horse-drawn carts. If you want to change the status quo in the mortal world, you must first start with the production tools.

It is necessary to popularize the manufacture of all kinds of utensils.

The mortal world of Zilong Realm also has aura, but its concentration is much lower than that of the Immortal Cultivation Realm, but it is much richer than the low-spirit world that Yuhua has been to.

So Xi Hua took aim at the safe and efficient energy source of Reiki.

Existing mortal implements use spirit stones, and large quantities of mortal implements will consume a large amount of spirit stones, which will compete with the world of cultivating immortals.

Using spiritual energy is different, the mortal world and the world of cultivating immortals are naturally separated, and mortals using the spiritual energy of the mortal world will not arouse opposition from the world of cultivating immortals.

Min Yu said coolly, "If you say that, I want to go with you. I haven't understood the truth of Fan Qi, so it's really itchy."

"A mortal weapon? What kind of magic weapon?" He Lingxi asked.

"It's this kind." Yuhua took out the communicators he had just refined and gave one to Min Yuliang and He Lingxi respectively.

The communicator is very simple, it looks like a palm-sized jade block with an oval depression on it. In addition, each communicator has a different pattern on the top.

Because the system for making mortal weapons has not yet been calculated, most of the steps in making the communicator he used were refining techniques.

Min Yuliang had seen Fan Qi before, so he didn't know how to recognize it, "This is the function of the Jade Talisman for Communication."

Yu Hua nodded, "However, this is a semi-finished product." He gestured, "Use your fingerprint to activate, the first fingerprint shall prevail."

Min Yuliang pressed his fingers in the depression according to Yanhua's instructions, and a palm-sized light curtain stood above the communicator, with two patterns displayed on it, "It turns out that this is the case, don't pay attention here, just You only need to know the pattern of the other party's communication device."

Xihua originally planned to use blood binding, but considering that monks taboo about blood and hair, and it was the first batch of experimental products, they changed it to fingerprint identification.

Light curtain images are not uncommon in the world of comprehension, and a lot of information recorded in the jade slips are images.

The light curtain technique is a spell that can be cultivated in the middle stage of Qi training.

Min Yuliang clicked a pattern on the light curtain.

The communicator in He Lingxi's hand lit up, the light curtain jumped out, and the pattern representing the communicator in Min Yuliang's hand lit up above the light curtain.

He Lingxi clicked on the lighted pattern, Min Yuliang's image appeared on the light curtain, and He Lingxi appeared on Min Yuliang's light curtain.

The two looked at the light curtain and tried to look at each other, then pressed their fingers on the depression again, and the light curtain disappeared.

"Ning Ye, are you sure this is a semi-finished product?" Min Yuliang couldn't put it down while holding the communicator, "Whatever you say, I will follow you this time."

It's exactly what Yuhua wanted.

He took out this semi-finished communicator just to attract Min Yuliang.

Min Yuliang is very talented in refining weapons and is interested in ordinary weapons, so he is the helper Yu Hua wants.


The world of mortals and the world of cultivating immortals are separated by a vast sea.

This sea area called Xianfan Sea is a natural boundary sea.

The weather on the Immortal Sea is changeable, and there is no way for mortal ships to cross it. From the mortal world to the world of cultivating immortals, one can only take the spirit boat of the world of cultivating immortals or be taken to the sea of ​​immortality by other monks.

It is much easier for monks to go to the mortal world, and monks above the foundation stage can go to the mortal world with their swords alone.

Yu Hua still took Min Yuliang's spirit boat.

He was not the only passenger on the spirit boat, but He Lingxi, her spirit beast He Bai, and the fat bird Xiao Tao were also added.

Without revealing her true identity, Xihua follows Xiaotao's wishes.

It's just a talking underage monster, definitely not ordinary, and the little chubby bird's head with a pinch of blue hair, how could it prevent Min Yuliang and He Lingxi from thinking about the Lingyun beast.

Xiao Tao didn't say he was, so the two pretended not to guess.

There were too many people, Min Yuliang didn't use his red jade boat, and took out his other spirit boat tens of feet long, so that everyone and the spirit beast had their own separate room.

It is also because Min Yuliang is impatient and wants to follow the new idea proposed by Yu Hua to refine the mortal weapon. This spirit boat has a room for refining the weapon.

The matter of driving the spirit boat was handed over to the puppet, so he didn't need to control it himself.

Min Yuliang came out of the room excitedly, and came to Yuhua with a big guy like a silver iron bucket, "Ning Ye, look at this mortal weapon I made."

(End of this chapter)

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