Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 488 Master Is Not Online

Chapter 488 Master Is Not Online (23)

Yu Hua noticed something, and asked, "Is it for cleaning?"

These days, he has sorted out some frameworks for the manufacturing system on the pure cultivation side. The software is still the spirit patterns, and the carrier is the ryujin refined from the black ryushi.

Think of the spirit pattern board made by Liujin with the spirit pattern mold as the circuit board on the side of comprehension.

After Min Yuliang figured out the rules for drawing the spirit patterns drawn out by Yu Huashu, she got bored and went to practice in the refining room. She didn't leave the room these days.

"It's so functional." Min Yuliang put the silver iron bucket on the ground and pressed a white jade button on one side of the silver iron bucket. The silver iron bucket buzzed a few times and flew into the air. There was no bottom under the iron bucket. An invisible whirlwind came out from inside and swirled around the room.

There is almost no dust in Xihua's room, so the effect of the wind swirl is not obvious.

It landed on the fat bird that was sleeping soundly, and it seemed to work. The wind whirl brought a lot of flying dust from the fat bird's feathers, and the wind whirl turned into a dust whirl, and finally returned to the silver iron bucket.

After a while, the silver iron barrel fell to the ground.

"How?" Min Yuliang couldn't help being proud.

Xi Hua affirmed this vacuum cleaner of the comprehension world, and gave Min Yuliang the supplements he had made to the comprehension manufacturing system these days.

Min Yuliang looked at it and laughed loudly, "Haha, I know how to do it. I still used the refining technique for a few steps this time, so I will make some improvements."

He hurried away with his silver bucket.


After crossing the Immortal Sea and entering the mortal world, the spirit boat continued to move forward.

In order not to cause commotion to mortals, the spirit boat was hidden.

The mortal world is now divided into several countries, of which Wei Chu is one of the three larger countries
The original owner was born in Wei Chu State, so Yu Hua planned to settle in Wei Chu State.

Where is he going? Where does Min Yuliang go with him.

He Lingxi temporarily separated from them and went to the neighboring country of Zhao.

Zhao Guo is the birthplace of He Lingxi, and she is going to put a stick of incense on her mother's grave.

The original owner, He Lingxi, and Min Yuliang did not practice the way of ruthlessness, so He Lingxi knew that her mother might have been reincarnated long ago after more than 200 years, so she would still do sacrifices according to the practice of the mortal world .

The three walked together all the way, and later found out why He Lingxi was so disgusted with monks going to the mortal world to practice.

Because He Lingxi's mother was a victim of the monk's so-called experience in the world of mortals.

He Lingxi's father was an early-stage Golden Core monk, who had formed the Golden Core for more than a hundred years, but was unable to advance to the Middle-stage Golden Core. He thought it was because he had failed to see through lust, so he went to the mortal world to practice in the world of mortals.

He pretended to be a scholar and went to live in Zhao Guo.

Apart from being different in aesthetics, after reaching the Golden Core, the appearance of the monks is the same.

Father He pretended to be a handsome scholar, and said he wanted to get married, so the matchmakers lined up.

He's father took a fancy to He's mother, who could be considered a beauty even in the realm of comprehension.

After the two got married, He's mother became pregnant.

Suddenly one day Father He left without saying goodbye.

From then on, Mother He never saw Father He again.

Later, He Lingxi went to the cultivation world, and found He's father a hundred years later. It turned out that He's father felt that his cultivation base was loose, so he returned to the cultivation world. Rear.

It's a pity that Father He failed to advance to success.

He Lingxi was not relentless, and directly sent He's father to accompany He's mother underground.

When He's father and He's mother were together, they didn't restrain themselves at all. He's mother's energy was seriously depleted. He's mother passed away a few years after giving birth to He Lingxi, which means that He's father killed He's mother slowly.


After entering the Kingdom of Wei Chu, Yu Hua steered the spirit boat to the family location of the original owner according to his memory.

After the original owner went to the world of cultivating immortals, he took care of the family from time to time.

However, more than 200 years have passed, and the relatives who were close to the original owner have passed away. The relationship between the original owner and the family has gradually drifted away, and they have not returned in recent decades.

He left a distress talisman for the family. Coincidentally, not long after arriving in the mortal world, Yu Hua received the distress talisman left by the original owner at home and rushed over.


Wei Chu State, Yingshui City.

It was the busiest time of the market, a team of more than 30 yamen servants, holding a knife in one hand and a whip in the other, divided into two groups, blocking from both ends of the street lined with shops to the middle.

The arrival of the yamen servants caused a burst of chaos in the street.

The yamen servants have a division of labor, and there are those who check on the streets. Eight of them line up on the street and stop people when they see them. There are only two words, "Pay the money."

"Fifty Wen, the money for praying for rain in Tianshou Temple."

If you don't pay, that's ok, let's give him a few whips first.

"What are you doing hiding here?" A yamen servant saw a long-faced man in his 30s hiding in a corner.

The long-faced man is a man who does rough work, his arms are tanned, and he smiled at the two yamen servants, "Master, I'm just passing by, not from this city." He bent his tall head into a shrimp .

"Those who pass by have to pay. Seeing that you are a farmer, the money is for praying for rain. You are the ones who benefit. Pay it soon."

The long-faced man's legs were even more bent, "Master, I, I have no money."

The yamen servant lashed out with a whip.

The long-faced man hugged his head and squatted down into a ball.

Some yamen servants enter the shop in twos to collect money.

"Hurry up, one tael per person to pray for rain and incense money."

Seeing the two yamen servants coming in asking for money, Zhu Changfu hurriedly stepped forward to execute, "You two officials, we have already handed over the money, and the two officials came to the shop to collect it half a month ago."

One of the yamen servants twisted his mouth, "Last time it was incense money, but this time it's money for praying for rain, it's different."

Zhu Changfu felt bitter, "My lord, the small shop can't make much money, and it's hard to support my family. I really can't afford the money for praying for rain. If you do me a favor, can you save me some money?"


The yamen servant slapped the counter with a knife, "You can pay it, whatever price you want. This money is used to build Tianshou Temple. If the construction deadline is delayed, can you afford it?"

Zhu Changfu believed that if he dared not take out the money, the knife would have been slapped on him.

He didn't dare to hide. If he hid, his wife and children would not be well.

But I really can't get the money out, so I can only pay for it with things.

The two yamen servants looked at each other tacitly and rolled their eyes.They can make some money from the price difference.

I was dissatisfied after giving it to the yamen servant, "Why is it only three taels? Don't you have two guys in your store, plus your family members, the total is five taels."

"Return to the official, the man has resigned."

"Why didn't you notify the yamen in advance when you resigned? You resigned as soon as you said so."

If you take something to pay for two taels, the family will run out of food, Zhu Changfu begged bitterly.

The same thing happened in other shops, and the whole street full of shops was full of smoke.

Some people were not as gentle as Zhu Changfu, and they clashed with the yamen servants who came to collect money.

"Why do you ask us to pay the money, the incense money has been collected by the Shang, and it's only been half a month, why do you charge it again?"

"It has been collected several times this year. This is not giving us a way to survive."

"If you don't take a look, how many shops have been closed on this street. If we ask you to pay, we will also close the doors. Let's see who you can ask for money in the future."

"Taking a step back, why should we be asked to pay money for praying for rain? We don't farm land, so we don't need to pray for rain."

The yamen servant was more aggressive than them, "They all want to rebel, don't you! It seems that you all deserve to be beaten!" The knife in his hand swung.

With this move, the two sides started fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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