Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 510 Master Is Not Online

Chapter 510 Master Is Not Online (43)

Fortunately, the Dao of Heaven left a thread for them, and sent their broken souls into reincarnation.

As for the real Jie Hua, the thunder that hit him was as painless as a drizzle of light.

After the ninety-nine 81 thunderstorms fell, the sun was shining, and Tiandao sent another wave of benefits to Yuhua, transforming his physique to the upper limit of Zilong Realm in one fell swoop.

Seeing the disciple standing in the light of thunder, crossing the tribulation as easily as sunbathing, Qiu Luzheng rubbed his hand on Xiao Tao's crown, "Come on, let me be blessed with good luck."

How great a chance did this disciple get?Anyone with eyes can see that the way of heaven is biased towards the disciples and all the disciples are biased towards grandma's house.

After the troubles were resolved, the master and apprentice happily returned to the mortal world.

The two unanimously did not spread the news about Yuhua's promotion to Huashen.

Yuhua's cultivation base was promoted too fast. Before, everyone attributed his promotion to Lingyun Beast. It's not that no one came to fight Lingyun Beast's idea, such as the two Nascent Souls who were killed by Yuhua.

If it is spread that he has become a god, everyone should know that he has more opportunities than Lingyun Beast, which will cause more troubles, and it is foreseeable that it will bring disaster to the mortal world.

The death of the five gods caused a shock in the small area of ​​cultivating immortals for a while, and then nothing happened.

It is not a good thing to die from a lightning strike that is not one's own. The sects and families related to the five Huashen are eager for this matter to be forgotten as soon as possible.

People in the Huashen class know it best, and they are glad that they did not choose to accept the inheritance, otherwise they would end up in the same fate as the five.

Thinking of the past tens of thousands of years of inheritance, there was no record of being punished by thunder, and thinking of the collapse of Qing Shifeng, all the ancestors of Huashen knew that the sky today has changed.

This is how it turned around.

The disciple has also become a god of transformation, so he doesn't need to be by his side to protect him. Qiu Luzheng entered the magic realm when he had nothing to do, and went to the demon world to fight with high-level monsters and demon clans.

This was the happiest life for Qiu Luzheng. In the Demon Realm, he could fight without any scruples, and he didn't have to worry about bad consequences for the sect.

He looked at all the indescribable monsters and found them cute.


The emergence of learning machines has brought earth-shaking changes to the mortal world.

Knowledge is no longer monopolized by the upper echelon, not only Wei Chu State, but all countries in the mortal world are undergoing changes.

The selling price of the learning machine is very cheap, comparable to the price of a communicator. Most ordinary people can afford it. The poorer can buy one from several companies. As long as the Yuanjing is charged, the learning machine will play repeatedly non-stop.

Anything that is supported by the common people must be hated by the princes and nobles. They don't want to see that the "untouchables" in their eyes can read and write.

From ancient times to the present, the method of enslaving the people has not changed, and that is foolishness.

The people are fooled, so they can put various laws, customs, and moral shackles on the people.

Only the "untouchables" who can't read and write can bring out their nobility and give them a sense of supreme satisfaction.

But all of this was destroyed by the advent of learning machines.

It's time to change the way the country is run.

Xi Hua came to the capital of Wei Chu State and drove the emperor from power.

The emperor knew that such a day would come, of course he was unwilling and resentful, but he couldn't do anything to the powerful Yu Hua.

The emperor's party had already asked for help from the world of cultivating immortals, but they couldn't wait for their immortal leader.

"Here we come." Yu Hua kindly told the emperor that the people from the Immortal Cultivation Realm had received their call for help, and they also came, but the fairy who came to save them said, "Dead."

Before Qiu Luzheng came, he and Xiao Tao were the ones who killed him. After Qiu Luzheng came, he was cut off, and it was basically Qiu Luzheng and Xiao Tao who killed him.

The rapid development of the mortal world has made some people unable to sit still.

Some people didn't accept Qing Shifeng's inheritance, which doesn't mean they didn't agree with Qing Shifeng's message at all, they just didn't want to carry the oath.

Regardless of whether it is overt or covert, anyone who comes over to cause damage will be merciless, and there will be no return.

The imperial power of Wei Chu State is resolved, and there are other countries.


"Hand them all over to me! The Fuyang Palace has an order. Anyone who dares to hide is a serious crime of ransacking his home and beheading. If there is a report, the Fuyang Palace will reward you."

Fuyang Palace ordered to hand over the communicator and the learning machine.

These two things are sharp weapons to improve the wisdom of the people, and they are things that the nobles of the family regard as scourges, and they should not be left in the hands of the people.

The awe and obedience to the imperial power has been deeply conscious for thousands of years.

Whenever a dynasty comes to an end, those who overthrow the old dynasty, whether they were farmers or merchants before, still choose to be emperor themselves, tightening the imperial power, rather than establishing a dynasty of great harmony in the world.

These years have changed. Messenger devices allow people to know the world's affairs without leaving home, learning machines make people understand things, and people's obedience to imperial power is weakening.

Even if this is the border of Wuhuai, a small and remote country, it can't block the entry of these two sharp weapons.

Facing the menacing sergeants of the Royal Palace, the people of Zhoujia Town dared not speak out.

"You don't even hand it in, do you?" The captain at the head drew out his machete and waved it, "Bring him up."

A group of sergeants pressed six people up the high slope.

There were six people, male and female. At this time, each person was covered with blood, and it looked like they had been tortured, and they were tied up and pushed to the high slope.

The people below became restless, because the people on the stage were their relatives.

"Water baby!"



"younger sister!"

There was a lot of crying.

The captain saw the scene he wanted, "Quiet me! If you dare to disobey the order, these six people will be your fate!"

After the scene was quiet, the captain was proud, "I give you a quarter of an hour to hand in everything. Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking, and want to sneak away to Yingshui City? It's a beautiful idea!

Anyone who dares to run away will be guilty of the same crime as his family members, and those who run away with his family members will be guilty of the same crime as his family members.Let me weigh it carefully to see whether people of the same clan are more important or my own life is more important. "

As he talked, the captain felt something was wrong, because the people's eyes were not looking at him, but looking at the sky.

He hurriedly looked up to the sky, only to see a long shadow surrounded by colorful lights flying from the sky, he didn't need to see clearly to know what was coming, it was a dragon!It was the silver dragon that was said to be the Lingyun Beast that first appeared in Wei Chu Kingdom!

Yinlong's speed was very fast, just when he could see its appearance clearly, it was already in the sky above Zhoujia Village.

Behind the silver dragon is a flying boat!
"Lingyun Beast!"

"We are saved!"

"Great, Zhongxingwei is finally here!" The people spontaneously cheered.

Why, come here!The lieutenant didn't sit down on the ground, he already had some guts, but his legs were trembling non-stop.

(End of this chapter)

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