Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 511 Master Is Not Online

Chapter 511 Master Is Not Online (44)

Didn't it mean that Zhongxingwei only cares about Wei Chu's affairs, why did it come to Wuhuai country?In fact, the captain knew in his heart that there would be such a day, but he didn't want to believe that such a day would happen.

As soon as the captain thought about it, the Fuyang Palace's plan to suppress the untouchables by strong means failed. He was just a small captain, and at most he was arrested for hard labor. The whole house may be beheaded.

There was such a strange pleasure in his heart.

There was a young woman standing on the silver dragon, and she announced loudly, "Wu Huaiguo, from now on, belongs to Zhongxingwei."

The cheers of the people grew louder.

The flying boat landed, and a group of people descended from it, all wearing mighty soft armor and holding mortal weapons.

The woman issued an order, "Surrender without killing, resist, and kill without mercy."

The more than [-] sergeants in the Fuyang Palace were all scared, and threw the machetes in their hands to the ground.


The earliest embryonic form of Zhongxingwei was a guard to maintain the law and order of Yingshui City, and all of them were recruited by people who practiced Yuanli.

Not wanting to stimulate some people's nerves, Yu Hua changed Yuan Poli to Yuanli. The technique of Yuan Poli has long been lost, and no one knows what Yuan Poli is like.

Because all the people who cultivated the original force in the early days were women, so Zhongxing Weili is mostly women.

Xi Hua modified the method based on Yun Sheng Gong, and after Jian Yu tried it, she was able to practice it, but it took two or three times longer to cultivate the source power than to practice "Yun Sheng Gong".

This is good for equalizing the status between men and women, and Yuhua is not going to make any further improvements.

Generally speaking, the overthrow of the imperial power in the mortal world went smoothly. The emperors of some countries were smart and stepped down voluntarily, and only proposed to live in Yingshui City.

Yingshui City is the new capital of the mortal world.

All countries in the mortal world have the same root, they have been divided and reunited many times, and now they are united again to become a unified mortal country. Except for the princes and ministers who were vested interests in the past, the acceptance of ordinary people is very high. High.

After the unification of the mortal world, the country name is Zhongxing, there is no emperor, and the head of state is called Shoufu.

Because the life expectancy increases after cultivating the origin force, so the term of office of each chief assistant is 20 years.

All the land in ZTE is owned by the state and is distributed to the people of the country for free. There is no tax on the fields that grow ordinary grains, and [-]% tax on the fields that grow the highly profitable Lingmi.

She is good at formulating various terms and conditions, and she extended the compliance rules to verify the formulated terms and conditions.

However, Yu Hua did not directly participate in the official management of ZTE.

Yu Hua's identity is a monk, so he can only sit in the township. If he participates in the management, ZTE will be suspected of being reduced to the authority of the sect, and it will start a very bad start.

Mortal states should be governed by mortals.

After a few years, when the situation stabilized and mortals had reached a certain level of cultivation and weapon manufacturing, he wouldn't even be able to sit in a town on the bright side.

The first chief assistant elected was Su Zhongxia.

In this regard, Yuhua did not intervene, and it was all the will of the people.

The Zhongxingwei was changed to the Zhongxing Army, and the general in charge was Jian Danlin, who was the grown-up Dan'er.

On the one hand, Jian Danlin has the highest source of cultivation, on the other hand, Xiaotao only recognizes Jian Danlin, and most importantly, Jian Danlin led Zhongxingwei to fight everywhere, and her prestige in Zhongxingwei was built up bit by bit based on her strength.

Yu Hua never expected that Dan'er, a limp little boy in childhood, would grow up to be a great general who loves to fight and kill.

He believed that more than half of the reasons could be attributed to Qiu Luzheng, whom Dan'er called "Master Ancestor".

Since Qiu Luzheng took Dan'er, who was less than ten years old, to the Demon Realm to kill monsters, Dan'er's direction was almost determined.


Cheng Hanyue came outside Yingshui City, because she didn't have an ID card, she had to register before entering the city.


"Yue Yun."

"from where?"

"The realm of cultivating immortals."

"Cultivator or mortal?"


"Which sect?"

"Casual repair."

"Cultivation level?"

"Golden Core Stage." Cheng Hanyue's face became colder and colder.She had never been treated like this in the world of cultivating immortals. A group of mortals kept asking her questions.

"Do you have a communicator? If so, leave the communicator number."


The registration staff kindly reminded, "You'd better buy a communicator, otherwise it will be inconvenient to go anywhere."

Cheng Hanyue was patient, "I'll see and talk."

The registration staff saw too many such arrogant monks, so they stopped talking about irrelevant things, pointed to the spiritual consciousness recorder next to it and said, "You will complete the registration by leaving a spiritual consciousness mark on it."

Cheng Hanyue was stunned, "Do you have to pay attention to the imprint?"

"Yes, all monks who want to enter the towns of mortals have to leave a mark of spiritual consciousness. Mortals also have to register, but the registration is a blood mark."

"I'll think about it again." Cheng Hanyue turned and left the registration office.

After leaving the crowd, the hostility in her heart rose, and her eyes were filled with a layer of gray mist.

After her expression changed for a while, she found a Jade Talisman of Communication, entered a message, and sent it out.

Half an hour later, Cheng Hanyue waited for the person he was waiting for.

"Eldest brother!" She stepped forward in surprise, "Is everything alright, elder brother?"

Shen Ling smiled lightly, "It's okay. Second Junior Sister, where have you been for so many years, why haven't you left any news?"

Cheng Hanyue showed a wry smile, "I did something wrong back then, so I didn't dare to come to Master. Later, I retreated to attack the golden core, and came here as soon as I left.

Senior brother, I want to see Master, but I am worried that Master is still angry with me and unwilling to see me, please help me. "

Shen Ling said, "Master is not a stingy person. If you go directly to him, Master will not ignore you. I also made a big mistake back then, and Master still gave me a chance."

"I..." Cheng Hanyue hesitated for a while, "Brother, where is Master now?"

"Master has gone to the Mara Secret Realm.

Cheng Hanyue was overjoyed, but she said, "Will Master really meet me? I sent Master a jade talisman, but Master never replied."


"But how can I find Master. Eldest brother, do you still have Master's Jade Talisman for Communication? Lend me for it."

Shen Ling agreed, and lent Cheng Hanyue the messenger jade talisman that his master had given him.

Seeing Cheng Hanyue's figure going away from Yu Kong, Shen Ling whispered to himself, "Second Junior Sister, is this your choice?"

Since when, the three of them have become strangers, and each has selfishness that shouldn't be there.


At the gate of the Mara Secret Realm, registration is still required. This time, Cheng Hanyue registered her real name, successfully obtained the identity card, paid the fee, and entered the Mara Secret Territory.

The size and prosperity of Mo Luo's secret realm is even better than what Cheng Hanyue has heard, which makes her even more resentful. This should have her share of glory, but Master is unwilling to give it to her!

(End of this chapter)

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