Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 512 Master Is Not Online

Chapter 512 Master Is Not Online (45)

After being promoted to Huashen, Yuhua can do things freely, and she doesn't need to use Xiaotao's name anymore.

He entered the Demon Realm this time because he wanted to carve out another piece of territory and get within the range of the Mara Secret Realm.

With Yuan Jing as the energy source, the development speed of the mortal world is not so fast. Yuan Jing is needed everywhere, and there are not enough monsters.

Monsters can swallow aura-like things and turn them into magic qi, and creatures in the aura world are naturally attractive to monsters, especially humans, which are the most delicious food in the monster's biological radar, so monsters want to eat people when they see them .

Monsters have no intelligence, are ferocious in nature, and bloodthirsty, and people have no psychological burden to kill monsters.

Monsters are interesting creatures. Many of them reproduce parthenosexually. Some, like ants, are reproduced by queen ants. The lowest level of monsters are simply produced from magic energy.

In short, monsters are the most prolific species, as long as there is magic energy, monsters can be produced in a short time.

However, there is a large demand for magic crystals, and it takes a certain amount of time for the natural generation of monsters, so some places have been slaughtered.

It is necessary to circle another piece of land so that the magic crystal can have better sustainable production.

Yu Hua came to the junction of the Mara Secret Realm and the Demon Realm, and did not go to the Demon Realm right away, but first checked the space restrictions at the junction to see if there were any loopholes.

"hold head high."

A level five monster bit towards Yuhua.

With a sword out of Yuhua, the monster was killed, and Yuhua harvested a magic crystal.

The magic crystals in the mortal world have entered the stage of orderly supply, and now he doesn't need to kill monsters to get the magic crystals, but he will not refuse the magic crystals that come to his door.

A tightly wrapped monk came towards him.

There are quite a few monks above the Golden Core Stage who come to the Mara Secret Realm to practice, and we can often meet them.Because to resist the invasion of the devil energy, the defense is layer after layer, and it is not uncommon to see a monk who is tightly wrapped like this.

This monk was more tightly wrapped, not even showing his eyes.

After the monk Yu Kong came over, he saw the dead monster and Yu Hua standing in front of the monster, paused in the air, and walked around half a circle as if he was watching the excitement along the way.

Comparing the taboos among monks, he didn't come close, but stopped far away.

After turning around for a while, he slowly moved away again.

On Xihua's side, she put away the magic crystal, and was about to leave when her footsteps faltered.

At this moment, several rays of light came galloping towards Yuhua's vital point!
With a flicker of Yanhua's figure, the person disappeared, and Li Guang fell into the air, stabbing into the dead monster's body.

The dead monster was originally covered in light brown fur. After being stabbed by Liguang, the fur turned into an ugly dirty green in an instant. At the same time, a yellow-green and unpleasant-smelling liquid flowed out from the monster's mouth, eyes, wounds and other openings. .

Liguang is poisonous!

The body of a fifth-level monster can be used to refine spirit weapons, which shows how solid it is, but it was poisoned by this poison in a blink of an eye.

Such an overbearing poison, such a strong poison.

This is to kill Yu Hua in one fell swoop.

The well-wrapped monk came after Li Guang, and when he saw that Yuhua had disappeared, he was shocked and turned around to run away.

Under the rules of the Demon Realm here, ordinary monks cannot teleport, unless the opponent is... Huashen!
This time it was Yuhua's turn to make a move, and the long sword made a move.

As soon as this man got up to run, he was pierced by the long sword and his heart was chilled!
The man let out a muffled grunt and fell to the ground.

For those who want to put him to death, Yu Hua will not hold back, and will kill him with a sword.

Yu Hua walked over, put away the long sword, and waved his hand to deactivate the magic weapon that covered the man's head and face, revealing a beautiful face, it was the original owner's second disciple, Cheng Hanyue.

Suddenly, a Nascent Soul floated up from Cheng Hanyue's body and fled outside.

Yu Hua's hand moved slightly, and the white chain was thrown out. Yuan Ying was fast, and the white chain was even faster.

The white chains looked like a circle, but no matter what tricks Yuan Ying used, he couldn't escape the imprisonment of the white chains.

As soon as the white chain was retracted, Yuan Ying was pulled over.

Yuan Ying had no choice but to shout at Yu Hua, "Master."

Yu Hua's voice was light, "You want to ask me why I wasn't poisoned."

After Shen Ling received Cheng Hanyue's message jade talisman, he immediately told him, and he asked Shen Ling to lead Cheng Hanyue to the magic Luo secret realm.

Cheng Hanyue practiced poison art, if she were to cast poison art in Yingshui City or any other place, a large area would be polluted by poison.

With Cheng Hanyue's current state, he will not care about whether innocent people will be harmed or not.

Xi Hua didn't know much about the Poison Dao Kung Fu, but now that he knew it, he could poison him from such a distance.

And the method can be called very secretive. The poisonous aura emanating from Cheng Hanyue's body has no smell and no fluctuations in spiritual power. An ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator would definitely fall for it.

Just now, his footsteps were swaying, pretending to be poisoned, and leading Cheng Hanyue to come over by himself.

"You know?" Cheng Hanyue's Nascent Soul looked defeated.

"If you want to ask, do you know that you have become a Nascent Soul, and do you know that you are casting poison when you circle around me? Ok, I know.

Your poisoning skills are not good enough, and you are far from poisoning me. "

"You knew that I practiced the poisonous way!" Cheng Hanyue Yuanying's eyes were foggy, and her beautiful face turned green and blue, "You did it on purpose! You deliberately asked the elder brother to lead me here, you You want to kill me! Master, you are so cruel.

The big brother made a bigger mistake than mine, why do you keep him by your side and ignore me.You didn't kill Fourth Junior Sister, why did you do this to me! "

"Didn't you come to find me by yourself?" Yu Hua said.

Cheng Hanyue has a selfish side, always blaming others for bad things, no matter whether she has any problems or not.

Unfortunately, she was polluted by the product of spiritual power, infinitely magnified her negative emotions, got into the horns, and only wanted to let the master die.

Except for letting the master die, I can't see anything else, it seems that I have been deprived of wisdom.

Cheng Hanyue yelled hysterically, "Why don't you die! Lingyun Beast, Lingshi Mine, Mirage Orb, Fire Spirit Crystal, all should be my chance, all because of your immortality, I didn't get any of them!
I was not wrong back then!I didn't remind you that Fourth Junior Sister is a villain, and I didn't stop you from going to the Jade Sea Secret Realm because you wouldn't believe me!I recorded your ambiguity with Fourth Junior Sister to restore your reputation!The person who harmed you was not me, what was wrong with me! "

"I can be more ruthless." Yuhua said, the white chain was tightened, and it passed through the Nascent Soul, and the Nascent Soul fell to the ground.

Cheng Hanyue's soul was ripped out of the Nascent Soul by the white chain.

The Nascent Soul that fell to the ground was swallowed by the monster below.

But Yu Hua said to an empty place, "Have you seen enough? Come out."

(End of this chapter)

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