Chapter 532 After Ascending to the Immortal Realm (12)

Yuhua didn't say what his relationship with Immortal Guanghao was, and he didn't ask about each person or bird, and tacitly agreed that Yuhua was the successor of Haolan Realm.

As for whether he accepted the inheritance of Immortal Guanghao, or obtained the things of Immortal Guanghao because of some adventure, why bother so much, no one has a secret.

The two and one bird landed in the boundary hall.

The prohibition of Jiedian was not touched, and Yuhua's takeover was successful.

"Crimson pearl grass, like a green tree, is an immortal flower." Heng Ling almost wanted to jump on the flowers and plants in the palace hall, "They are all heavenly plants!"

The fairy plant has grown for at least 20 years, and it is of great benefit to take it directly, either for cultivation or for the body.

This is one of the reasons why the immortal is willing to drag the small world into the fairy world.The advanced growth of fairy plants must be in the big world with complete rules.

The little glutton was greedy for the spiritual fruit of Kazuki, it is a practical person, once its eyes were greedy, it flapped its wings and flew to a tree tens of feet high, and swallowed the tempting fruit in one gulp before the saliva flowed down. fruit.

This is the first fairy fruit it has eaten.

good to eat!

another one.

Swallowed a dozen in a row.

Xiao Tao swallowed the fruit whole, at first he didn't feel anything, but something went wrong after a while.

Its stomach swelled into a ball, it was supported by the fairy power in the fruit, and it fell to the bottom of the tree.

My belly was too round to stand up, so I had to lie on my back with my feet up.

Heng Ling was speechless, "... Xuanxian can only eat one fire banana fruit at a time."

Fortunately, Xiao Tao is a demon fairy with fire attribute, if it were an ordinary human fairy, his meridians would be bursting.

"It's delicious." Xiao Tao was still savoring it.

Yu Hua came to a julienne and said, "The flowers and plants here are all taken care of by you."

This Zhu Li flower is about one person tall, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and several flowers blooming.

The flower shape of Julius is huge, with layers of pink-purple petals, and the chi-long filaments hanging from the petals are scattered like bead curtains, swaying in the wind, which is very eye-catching.

A figure came out of the julienne flower.

It is a female figure.

Dressed in lavender, she looks like a fairy.

The woman's face was tense, and she bowed slightly to Yuhua and saluted, "Zhu Li has met your lord. Go back to your lord, this is here. I and a few partners took care of it together."

Yu Hua said, "Your partners refer to those two spirit ginseng spirits."

"Yes." Zhu Li lowered his eyes slightly.

She sensed the change of rules in the Boundary Hall, and saw that the visitors entered the Boundary Hall without hindrance, and realized that the owner had changed here.

Before, she sensed the weakening of the rules in the Boundary Hall, and suspected that Immortal Guanghao had fallen. She had mixed feelings of joy and sorrow, but she was happy that after the Boundary Hall lost its master, she was free.

What's worrying is that she is a little fairy with average ability, and she is easy to be taken away by others without protection.

Although the fairy world regards a demon who is born with spiritual wisdom and promoted to a demon fairy as the same fairy, but the strong in the fairy world are respected. She is weak and has the power of vitality, so it is difficult not to be coveted by others.

In contrast, worry outweighs joy.

Now that she has a new owner, she has shelter again, but she doesn't know what the owner likes, will she...

Everything in the palace of the realm cannot be hidden from the eyes of the master, and she can't hide it for the two spirit ginseng spirits.

She made a vague sentence, and sure enough, the other party already knew about the existence of the two spirit ginseng essences.

Yu Hua: "You don't have to worry, I don't need to use the essence of ginseng to refine medicine."

Immortal Guanghao planted spiritual ginseng to extract the essence condensed from the spiritual ginseng.

More than a hundred thousand years have passed, and these two spiritual ginsengs have turned into human forms. After taking their spirits, they will be beaten back to plants without spiritual intelligence.

Zhu Li was overjoyed, "Thank you, sir. Dare to ask your name..."

"Ning Hua."

"You guys will continue to take care of this place in the future." Yu Hua then gave her a mark of the Dao pattern, "You take it well, and you can come back at any time within ten thousand miles."

The two spirit ginseng spirits did not dare to come out, and Yu Hua didn't intend to force them to come out.

As long as he doesn't mess with him, Yuhua doesn't care what these demons want to do.


The boundary hall occupies a very large area, and Yuhua gave Hengling and Xiaotao the authority to move around at will, and Hengling and Xiaotao each chose a palace to make their own residences.

Xiao Tao didn't feel it deeply, but Heng Ling felt it too deeply. The immortal energy here is very strong, and his cultivation speed is much faster than before.

This is just one of the benefits, and another rare benefit is that the authority he obtained allowed him to have a glimpse of the rules of Haolan Realm.

If you don't understand the rules to a certain extent, you can't be promoted to Xuanxian.

The rules of the fairy world are complicated and vast, and he often fails to find the right way to comprehend them, and he doesn't know where to start to comprehend them.

The original body of Haolan Realm was a small world evolved by Immortal Guanghao, and the sequence of rules generation and evolution was very clear, and he realized something at a glance, which made him overjoyed.

If he stays here to practice all the time, he is confident that he will be promoted to Profound Immortal within tens of thousands of years.

He understood why there are so many ascending immortals who choose to follow Shangxian, and the shortcut to comprehend the rules is worth it.

Understanding is understanding, he is still willing to be a free spirit.

Didn't he also get his own big chance?I got to know Ning Hua and Xiao Tao.

And he didn't need to sign the subordination contract, hugging the shiny golden thighs.


Yu Hua lived in the main hall without hesitation.

The treasures of the immortals are all carried with them, and the utensils in the temples are used for decoration.

Visually very nice.

Xi Hua added Xianli first.

Xiaoxian's reserve of immortal power is a bit small, he has to be promoted to Xuanxian as soon as possible, otherwise the lack of immortal power will become his shortcoming.

There is plenty of immortal energy in the world hall, so there is no need for him to use the crystal beads.

After Xianli recovered, he upgraded the soul-striking chain and injected the space cutting rules into the soul-striking chain.

The soul chain that has successfully integrated into the rules can lock people across space.

Sometimes the soul chain is not suitable for fighting, and he plans to refine a magic weapon separately.

He took out a pile of golden dragon scales.

First of all, the trace of blood bondage in the dragon scale was erased, so as to avoid being interfered by the owner of the dragon scale with the power of blood when it was not needed.

Yuhua chose a sword shape with strong practicality.

The refined dragon scale sword is still golden, but it is not so eye-catching, and it looks much thicker.

The dragon scale sword is imbued with the power of his rules, so there is no need to recognize the master separately.

Freed up, Yuhua is going to replace the rules in the area outside the Boundary Hall.

He released his mental power, covering the entire Haolan Realm.

Haolan Realm is a city of true immortals, it can receive the protection second only to Zhongtian Realm, and many immortals come to live in Haolan Realm.

Being protected naturally has to pay.

Temporarily entering the boundary city will not charge a fee. If you live in the boundary city for a long time, or practice in the boundary city, you need to pay a certain amount of immortal crystals.

The regulations in the Zhongtian Realm are even stricter. If you enter the Zhongtian Realm for more than two hours, you need to pay a fee.

There are various residences in Haolan Realm, all separated by a certain distance.

There are a lot of immortals gathering, and there will be a need for trading. There is a place dedicated to trading, and it is very lively with people coming and going.

(End of this chapter)

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