Chapter 533 After Ascending to the Immortal Realm (13)

Huayue Mansion is a place where immortals gather and trade. The pavilions and platforms are located on the fairy spring water, with gold and lithium swimming under their feet, and fairy lotus standing beside them. It is very happy to smell the fragrance and enjoy the beauty during the discussion.

Immortals are no less fond of enjoying than ordinary people. Isn't the purpose of becoming an immortal to enjoy the life of an immortal?

This kind of place that integrates leisure transactions has contract rules attached, so the immortals who trade in it don't have to swear to the sky, and the transactions carried out already have the meaning of a contract.

There is no need to worry about the other party not keeping their promises when conducting transactions in Huayue Mansion.

Yuhua's mental power was covered, modifying the unique rules left by Immortal Guanghao in the vast world.

It is the first time in the world that he has covered such a large area of ​​mental power without worrying about hurting the source of the body, which is very satisfying.

Although there was a little obstacle, overall the modification went smoothly, and now Haolan Realm is under his control.

The master's control over the boundary city is far inferior to that of the boundary area. After all, if it is like controlling the boundary area, if it has absolute control, others will not dare to come in and live there.

In addition to being happy, Yu Hua also modified all the Dao pattern imprints in Haolan Realm.

Almost at the same time, someone has discovered the changes in Haolan Realm.

"Huh?" It was a half-demon who was discovered first, and the jade badge on his body lit up.

This jade card is his proof of living in Haolan Realm for a long time. It has the Dao pattern logo of Haolan Realm on it, so he needs to carry it with him.

In the fairy world, there are not only immortals, but also creatures who have failed to become immortals.

Some are demons born in the fairy world. The growth period of the demons is longer, and they are all demons before they can become immortals.

In the same way, the descendants of immortals are not born immortals, they need to practice to become immortals.

The descendants of the immortals of the human race are hard to come by. There may not be any descendants for hundreds of thousands of years, even millions of years. Therefore, the descendants of the immortals of the human race are basically protected and grew up. They must be accompanied by immortals when they travel. It's much more moisturizing.

The half-demon is the descendant of the human race and the demon race.

Except for a very few lucky half-demons, most half-demons are born with disadvantages.

They don't have the powerful body of the monster race, but they inherit the long growth period of the monster race. Most of them are in human form, but they have the characteristics of a monster.

This half-demon has a pair of fox ears and a fox tail.

Many half-demons died of old age before becoming immortals.

Half-demons who have not become immortals belong to the bottom class in the fairy world. If they do not have family protection, they will basically enter a boundary city and work for the lord of the boundary city in order to obtain protection.

This half-demon hasn't cultivated into an immortal yet, so he can't put the Dao Rune logo into the Palm Void Mansion that can only be opened up by an immortal, so he can only carry it with him.

Some immortals saw the change of the jade badge on Banyao's body, and then paid attention to the palm mansion, "The imprint of the Dao pattern has changed, it is the Haolan Realm that has changed its master."

The Palm Heart Void Mansion is used to store foreign imprints that should not be taken into the body. It is separated from the mind and needs to be checked specially, so the immortal did not discover the change of the rules before the half-demon.

After a few breaths, everyone in Huayue Mansion knew about the changes in Haolan Realm.

After a few breaths, the news spread throughout Haolan Realm.

In an exquisite residence, a golden fairy's complexion became ugly.

He called the attendant Xiaoxian, "Go, find out if there is anyone living in the Realm Palace, is it true Immortal Guanghao has returned, or has someone else changed?"

"Yes, Xianjun."

Xiaoxian went out as promised.


There is no heaven in the fairy world to release water for him. In order to upgrade as soon as possible, Yu Hua practiced for several days without leaving the house.

After finishing her practice, Yuhua remembered one thing she had forgotten.

He moved the soul cage out of the Mustard Dimension.

The mustard space he opened up is just to put some things that are inconvenient to put in the litchi space. It is relatively simple, that is, the three-no space without mountains, water, and light. There is immortality, and people can live in it.

In the soul cage, Immortal Ling Guang's spirit has become much weaker.

Seeing the sun again, Ling Guang Xianjun looked very calm on the surface.

He asked Yu Hua first, "How can you let me go?"

Yu Hua likes this kind of straight-to-the-point dialogue, "You estimate the price yourself, and I will let you go if it is suitable."

Although his Mustard Seed Dimension belongs to the Sanwu Dimension, his immortal energy is not too small, and it will not damage his soul.

Immortal Ling Guang's spirit was sluggish, because he tried many times to get out, which triggered the punishment mode of the soul cage. If he stayed honest, the soul cage would only serve as a confinement and would not do anything to him.

From this point of view, I forgot well, and I wouldn't be so calm if I didn't let Xianjun Ling Guang toss about on his own.

Immortal Ling Guang has a real immortal backer behind him, so it's not easy to kill, but it's good to get some benefits.

Ling Guangxian didn't argue with Yuhua, "You let go of the space so that I can get things out of the mustard space."

The opponent's outer skin is a real fairy, and the inner soul that suppresses him in the void and has no resistance is not far from a real fairy.

Before cooperating with Luan Yin, he repeatedly checked the other party's details, and his identity was indeed Xiaoxian who had just ascended from the lower realm.

There is no mistake in the Xianji Palace.

But it's not Duoshe, the opponent's soul and body are not incompatible at all.

He couldn't see the opponent's roots, so he didn't think too much about it. There are thousands of people in the lower world, and it's not surprising that there are any races.

The hardships he has suffered in the past few days are enough to prove that the other party is much stronger than him. In this case, the other party has no intention of killing him, and it is the best policy to pay some price to get away.

Xi Hua restored the size of the soul cage and released the confinement of space in the soul cage.

Immortal Ling Guang moved out a bunch of things from his mustard space, among which the fairy crystal beads almost covered the soul cage, and the visual effect was very good.

There are a dozen or so things suspended above the fairy crystal.

These are the real value.

There were three or four items that Yuhua didn't know or were not sure about, but the others recognized what they were. Judging from the recognition of these items, Ling Guang Xianjun was very sincere and didn't fool him. He gave them all treasures.

"Okay." Yuhua approved the thing, "You make another oath, answer me a few questions, and I'll let you go."

Ling Guang Xianjun pointed to the sky and made an oath.

Yuhua sensed that the oath triggered the rules of heaven, and the other party did not tamper with it.

"I want to ask, where is your master Tsurumi Zhenxian?"

The Soul Cage only got a very few memory fragments of Ling Guang Xianjun, or Ling Guang Xianjun touched the punishment procedure, and was annoyed for a while, and got a little memory by the Soul Cage.

Immortals pay great attention to protecting their own memory, not only the soul cage, but Yuhua's soul chain is not very good at collecting memory.The two black dragons in the Xuanxian realm also only got part of the memory.

Therefore, if you want to know something, you can only ask.

Immortal Ling Guang's calm face fluctuated slightly. Few people knew that Immortal Tsurumi had accepted him as a disciple. The master said that when he came back from his wanderings, he would invite immortals from all walks of life to hold a teacher apprenticeship ceremony.

(End of this chapter)

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