Chapter 555 After Ascending to the Immortal Realm (35)

It wasn't the Qiankun Mirror sent by the Immortal Emperor, and it was not so easy for Xihua to go to other heavens. If he upgraded in Huo Jing's Heaven, Immortal Emperor Qingyu would know about it immediately.

It is not easy for Xi Hua to deal with the Immortal Emperor, even if he is not the real Immortal Emperor.

The Immortal Emperor was out of breath and couldn't tell, but his face was only majestic and not peaceful, "Luan Zhen, don't make a move yet."

Xiatian fluctuated slightly again, and the Dragon King appeared.

The human figure of the Dragon Clan is not bad in appearance. The Dragon King is dressed in full costumes. His tall and strong figure makes the gorgeous fairy robe look luxurious.

"Not only the Immortal Emperor underestimated you, but I also underestimated you." The Dragon King said this, but his expression did not express much underestimation, "If you can do this, you will not be far away if you have not stepped into the ranks of true immortals Yes. People of destiny should not use common theories."

"Immortal Emperor." The Dragon King turned to ask the Immortal Emperor, "Didn't you figure out that this would happen to you, falling into the hands of the man who was supposed to be used by you?"

The Immortal Emperor was not enraged by the Dragon King, and still couldn't see the solemn face with a change in expression, "Luan Zhen, you and I should try our best to kill the man of destiny, otherwise the fairy world will be in trouble, and you and I can't be alone."

"If the fairy world is really in trouble, why don't you tell the other five fairy emperors, but just cooperate with me in the so-called turning the tide. What you want is the fairy body of the man of destiny.

There is no difficulty in the fairy world, it is you who have difficulties. "The Dragon King looked at the Immortal Emperor with a picky smile, "It's not fulfilled now. "

"Luan Zhen, if you don't get rid of the man of destiny, even if I am no longer an immortal emperor, you will not be able to become an immortal emperor."

"You know?" The Dragon King put his hands behind his back, without the slightest worry, "The human race has been in charge of Huo Jing Tianyu for too long, it's time for our dragon clan to take charge."

"Both of you." Yu Hua interrupted the two of them, "Shouldn't I, the man of destiny, know some inside story with such a lively talk?"

Yu Hua guessed some things, but for some things, the people involved can only know the ins and outs through their own words.

The Dragon King smiled at Yuhua, "It's easy to say. The man of destiny will bring disaster to the fairy world, but the fairy emperor used it to fool me. I believed it at the beginning, because the result of my calculation is also the same.

Later, I don't believe it.The Immortal Emperor has controlled Huo Jing Tianyu for hundreds of millions of years, so it is easy to interfere with my calculation results.

The Immortal Emperor just wanted to catch the Man of Destiny to repair his Immortal Physique.Now it seems that what you brought to the fairy world is not a catastrophe, but a change. "

"Huo Qian thought he was the Man of Destiny, and he was also a trick of the Immortal Emperor." In the fragment of Huo Qian's memory that Yuhua got, there was a piece of information that Huo Qian thought he was the Man of Destiny.

When Huo Qian was promoted to the rank of Profound Immortal, he was enlightened by the Dao of Heaven, saying that he was a man of destiny, with the word Huo in his name, and he was destined to be in charge of Huo Jing Tianyu.This made Huo Qian believe that he would definitely take over the vast realm, because the vast realm would be his first step in taking charge of Huo Jing Tianyu.

"Haha." The Dragon King laughed a few times, "That clown who jumped on the beam. He lived for hundreds of thousands of years and didn't realize it. With the Immortal Emperor, he can be enlightened as much as the heavenly revelation.

It was all because of Huo Qian's name. The Immortal Emperor really thought that Huo Qian was the man of destiny, because the result of the Immortal Emperor's calculations tens of thousands of years ago was unknown, and he only calculated that it was related to the Immortal Guanghao. By Guanghao's side.

Ling Guang was also misidentified.Thousands of years ago, the Immortal Emperor finally deduced the clear man of destiny. He deduced your arrival, and also knew that the deduced "Ling" character did not come from Ling Guang, but Lingyun Beast. "

The Immortal Emperor remained silent, did not refute the Dragon King, and did not appear angry.

Yu Hua asked the Dragon King, "Then how do you treat me, a man of true destiny?"

The Dragon King didn't answer, but he waved his sleeve embroidered with gold patterns lightly, and saw the Hongmeng Bead floated from Yuhua's body and fell into the Dragon King's hand.

After the gray Hongmeng Pearl reached the Dragon King's palm, it suddenly burst into light.

Like a dusty pearl that has been dusted off, it is dazzling and beautiful.

Yu Hua praised, "Beautiful. This is the true appearance of Hongmengzhu."

The Dragon King's hand moved slightly, and the Hongmeng Pearl disappeared from the Dragon King's palm and appeared above the Immortal Emperor.

The radiance of the Hongmeng Pearl was alive, no longer radiating in all directions, covering the Immortal Emperor, and the Immortal Emperor suddenly became a luminous body, looking like a god.

The Immortal Emperor's eyes were slightly angry, "Luan Zhen, since you have also integrated into the rules, you can know that I and Huo Jing Tianyu's Heavenly Dao are one. If something happens to me, Huo Jing Tianyu will destroy most of it. Are you willing to take over such a Tianyu?"

"If I had been worried before. But now, you are trapped in a whole body, and you are restrained by the Hongmeng Pearl. You can check for yourself to see if your spiritual consciousness is disconnected from the way of heaven."

The Immortal Emperor turned his head slightly, and his eyes met Yu Hua, "Ning Hua, you formed an alliance with the Dragon King, just seeking skin from a tiger. I swear by the way of heaven, I never plotted against your immortal body."

Yu Hua nodded, "I believe that you never plotted against my fairy body. But I won't let you go."

What the Immortal Emperor conspired was his soul.

"Hahaha, it's good for Ning Hua to refuse." The Dragon King said incomparably carefree, "If you think you are the Immortal Emperor, others will trust you unconditionally.

You became an immortal with the roots of a mortal emperor, thinking that you should also be an emperor who is worshiped by immortals in the immortal world?Those who worship others cannot cultivate into immortals.

Look at the good deeds you did after being the Immortal Emperor of Huo Jing Tianyu, adding the Emotion Tribulation to the Immortal Tribulation, how many immortals were forced to cross the Emotion Tribulation, and how many half-demons there were in the fairy world.

You breed desires yourself, but you want others to accompany you to desire them.It's a pity, you are not the way of heaven in the fairy world, you can't make the immortals listen to your orders, and you can't make the immortals in the entire heaven have desires.

If you say that what you are planning is not the fairy body of the man of destiny, then what you are planning is the soul of the man of destiny, and his soul can make you the real way of heaven.No matter what your plan is, I will not let you succeed. "

The Immortal Emperor's voice was unhurried, "The Man of Destiny is not that simple. If you let him go, you will regret it one day."

"Let it go?" The Dragon King shook his head lightly, "When did I say I let him go. People of destiny, let's go back to destiny."

That's what it means to kill Yu Hua.Yu Hua said "Ah" without distraction, "Has the Tuqiong dagger appeared?"

The Hongmeng Pearl's light suddenly shrank, disappeared from the head of the Immortal Emperor, and then appeared above the Dragon King, and the light shone down again, wrapping the Dragon King in the light.

The Dragon King froze all over.Where did he not understand, he was suppressed by the Hongmeng Pearl.

Hongmengzhu can calm even an immortal, let alone him.

"It's you!" The Dragon King glared at Yu Hua.

"It's me." It was the Immortal Emperor who answered, and the Immortal Emperor said to Yuhua, "Let go."

Yu Hua's eyes were confused, she took back the chain, and then stood with her hands hanging down.

The Dragon King no longer had the pleasure he had before, and questioned the Immortal Emperor, "This is all your scheme? I have been in your trap from the very beginning."

(End of this chapter)

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