Chapter 556 After Ascending to the Immortal Realm (36)

The Immortal Emperor's eyes closed slightly, "Aren't you very happy with your calculations? You want to seize the position of Immortal Emperor, and I helped you, but your comprehension is too poor, and you haven't been able to reach the edge of the Immortal for so long. It's embarrassing.

Although this place is not my domain, it is also under my control. You came in so confidently and boldly, and you still said I was plotting.You don't need me to bother to calculate, as long as I let you see some benefits, you will fall into the trap by yourself. "

The only thing left to say is that the Dragon King is a pompous idiot.

The Dragon King was very angry, and he was even more angry that Hongmengzhu of the Dragon Clan did not listen to his orders, "How did you make Hongmengzhu obey your orders?"

He was able to come in with confidence and boldly because Hongmengzhu was under his control, and Hongmengzhu's betrayal was beyond his expectation.

The Hongmeng Pearl is the supreme treasure of the Dragon Clan, but the Dragon Clan has never allowed the Hongmeng Pearl to truly recognize its owner, so they can only use the power of the Dragon Clan's blood to connect to the Hongmeng Pearl, so that they can use the Hongmeng Pearl.

The Dragon King sensed that the dragon's blood power was still on the Hongmengzhu, but the Hongmengzhu didn't respond to his dispatch.

He didn't think the Immortal Emperor could let Hongmengzhu recognize his master.The Hongmeng Pearl has been in the Dragon Clan for hundreds of millions of years, and the Dragon Clan has a deep understanding of the Hongmeng Pearl. This treasure cannot be recognized as its owner.It is precisely because of this that the Dragon Clan imitated the Taiyi Pearl later.

The Immortal Emperor only said, "I am half-way after all. You are too eager to gain control of Tianyu."

The Dragon King thought that Luan Yin was the Immortal Emperor's lust and devoted himself to it. Needless to say, the Immortal Emperor obtained the power of the dragon blood from Luan Yin.

He understood what the Emperor said, which meant that what he believed to be unknowingly integrating his own rules into the rules of heaven, was under the watchful eyes of the Emperor from the beginning to the end, and let the Emperor pay attention to it. Use it, and thus control the Hongmeng Pearl.

A puff of breath stuck in the Dragon King's heart that couldn't go up or down.

He knew exactly what he wanted to lose, and asked the Immortal Emperor, "Then what do you want from the Man of Destiny?"

"Tao." The Immortal Emperor looked at Yuhua, and returned to his face peacefully, "The Dao that a man of destiny bears is what I seek. Luan Zhen, you think I want to keep the position of Immortal Emperor, then you are wrong.

There are not many immortal emperors worthy of my nostalgia. If I could do it all over again, I would rather be a true immortal who can travel in the void, rather than a supreme immortal who can only stay in the immortal world.

Controlling one side of the sky, which means being a half-way body, can only stay in this side of the sky, and is not allowed to enter the lower realms, not to go outside the sky, even if it is an immortal body, how comfortable is it. "

The Dragon King finally knew the true purpose of the Immortal Emperor, "The Man of Destiny can make you immortal, and also keep you from being trapped in a heaven."

He was extremely annoyed, if he had known that the Man of Destiny had this role, he would have taken him down, how could the Immortal Emperor get it.

He was in a complicated state of mind, "You want me to give way to Luan Yin, and then let him get the throne of Immortal Emperor, while you hide behind, you can travel to other worlds at will, and you can return to the Immortal World with a single thought.

Immortality is immortal, there will be no five declines of heaven and man, it is a god. "

The Immortal Emperor no longer concealed it, "That's right. Isn't it what you wish for the Dragon Clan to control a part of the sky?"

This kind of control is what he wants.The Dragon King wanted to curse, but he also wanted to anger the Immortal Emperor, so he had to endure it.Seeing the wood-like Yuhua beside him, with someone worse than him for comparison, he felt better, and asked the Immortal Emperor, "When did you attack him?"

The Immortal Emperor said indifferently, "He is bolder than you. He used his trump card when he communicated with me for the first time. He thought that he could act recklessly in the fairy world by controlling some rules. I added some rules to him."

Yu Hua suddenly smiled, "You two, I have never heard of it, you are so bold."

The light golden chain was bound to the Immortal Emperor again.

And Yuhua was holding one in his hand.

"How could it be?" The Immortal Emperor opened his eyes wide, "What kind of foot are you, how can you resist the shackles of the rules of the Immortal World."

"You might as well calculate and calculate again." The thread of punishment is a set of rules, which is invisible.Before, what Xihua took back was only the shape of the rope of punishment. In fact, the body of the rules was still tied to the emperor. Yuhua pretended to be controlled by the emperor, so that the rope of punishment was hidden.

Yu Hua had heard all the information she wanted to know just now, and she was not interested in explaining the confusion to the Immortal Emperor, so she said to Hong Mengzhu, "Hejian Immortal Venerable, let's do it."

Both the Immortal Emperor and the Dragon King were astonished.

Tsurumi Zhenxian was killed by the two of them together, and the immortal body, spirit and soul were all turned into chaos, how could it be revived again.

No one explained to them, nor did they have a chance to ask questions.

The Hongmeng Pearl's light became more spiritual, and it split into two strands, each enveloping the Immortal Emperor and the Dragon King in the light.


Amidst the Dragon King's gloating and self-deprecating laughter, the two beams of light withdrew and disappeared.

It was taken in by Hongmengzhu.

Immortal Tsurumi was turned into a chaotic time and space, that is, inside the Hongmeng Pearl, the Dragon Clan connected the time and space inside the Hongmeng Pearl with the Dragon Court to facilitate the Dragon Clan to control the Hongmeng Pearl.

So the Dragon King dared to give the Hongmeng Pearl to Yuhua, not afraid that Yuhua would really take it away.

Yuhua said to Hongmengzhu, "Immortal Hejian, what are your plans in the future. Come back to the vast world with me, or return to the cloud world."

The Hongmeng Pearl is in Yuhua's hands, and it contains all the rules, so he can't let it go.From it, he got the restoration rule which is close to the reset rule.

It turns out that the Hongmeng Pearl can trap people, turn immortals into chaos, and also has the function of restoration.

This gave Xi Hua a new idea.

Yu Hua entered the chaotic time and space again, and found out all the power of rules with unique characteristics in that piece of chaotic rules.

He restored the power of these rules.

As he thought, he restored a ray of spirit of Tsurumi True Immortal, but the spirit was too weak to disperse at any time, and Yu Hua attached this ray of spirit to the Hongmeng Pearl.

By mistake, this ray of soul became the tool spirit of the Hongmeng Pearl, but it also awakened the memory in the soul.

Tsurumi Zhenxian quickly accepted the fact of becoming a tool spirit, and only proposed that he wanted to avenge himself.

This is consistent with Yu Hua's thinking.

Therefore, the Dragon King thought that he was the owner of the Hongmeng Pearl, and the Immortal Emperor thought that he had snatched the control of Hongmeng from the Dragon King.

A deep voice came out from Hongmengzhu, "Follow you to the vast world. My disciple Ling Guang looks gentle and elegant, but in fact he is the most indifferent. I can't trust him."

Hongmengzhu is a treasure, who doesn't want it.Ling Guang will take into account the residence of Master Hongmengzhu for a while, and it is not easy to seize it, but it does not mean that he will take care of it in the future.

Yu Hua nodded.

The Hongmengzhu flew into the Sanwujiezi space of Yuhua.

It is also beneficial to become the tool spirit of the Hongmengzhu. It is only a matter of time before Tsurumi Zhenxian can use the Hongmengzhu as his root to re-cultivate, and then cultivate into a fairy body.

The main body is the Hongmeng Pearl, which is much stronger than the main body of Tsurumi Zhenxian's grass and trees.

(End of this chapter)

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