Chapter 575 Passers-by who don’t follow the plot (14)

Yu Hua put her hand on the rose again.

The current method of using this ability is in person.

Her fingertips flicked on the petals, receiving the ripples from the flowers.

The frequency of the ripple is relatively simple, and it is easy to summarize the rules.

Yuhua touched the plants in the yard again, and recorded the rhythm of the ripples that each plant radiated outward.

"There is only one family named Qiao, whose parents are both dead. It is definitely the family of the disfigured mother. Should I come and ask, yes.

Old irons, you see, this area is full of houses with one courtyard, right?Look, the three-story building built by this house is not an exaggeration to say that it is a villa, and it has a yard.

Don't underestimate the small counties. The living conditions in many counties are not much different from those of big cities. Not only water, electricity and network, but also gas, and some even have heating.My own yard is more comfortable than living in a building..."

The words "disfigured mother" and "Joe" reached Xi Hua's ears.

After Xi Hua gained new abilities, her five senses, including hearing and vision, have been greatly improved.

She released her mental power and saw the person who said this.

It's a man with a cell phone.

The man was tall and tall, with hair that stood high on top of his head. He had sprayed an unknown amount of hairspray and was glossy. He was wearing a blue T-shirt with an exaggerated pattern of red hearts on the chest.

The man was walking in a winding alley, heading towards Qiao's house, and after walking another hundred meters, he could turn into the small alley where Qiao's house was located.

"...Is it not good to come to the door to expose someone's privacy? I don't think this is exposing someone's privacy. We call it an interview, and it's called exploring the truth of the incident.

Is it the disfigured mother who took the initiative to expose her privacy on the Internet? How did the child disappear and how did she come back? I have to explain to the majority of netizens. We netizens have helped find it anyway. "

"Besides, I'm also doing my best for this poor little girl." The man said, taking out a wad of money from the back pocket of his trousers, shaking it in front of the phone camera, "See, five hundred, later For little Qiaoxi...

Thanks to the compliments from all the veterans, my heart is soft, you have given more rewards, then I will donate more to Xiao Qiaoxi..."

Don't ask, it's just a joke.

Judging by the number of people on the screen of his mobile phone, this is still a small Internet celebrity.

There are good guys and bad guys in every profession, and internet celebrities are no exception.

Xi Hua knows this kind of internet celebrity too well, and will do anything without limit for the sake of traffic.

Her mental power wrapped around the other party's phone, and as soon as she tightened it, the screen of the phone went black silently.

The Internet celebrity man saw that the screen of the phone suddenly went black, his smiling face turned into a black face, and cursed, "...what a broken phone, it lost the chain at a critical moment." He fiddled with the phone in his hand.


When the Internet celebrity man heard this sound, his brain was hammered and hurt at the same time.

He later realized that this voice was ringing in his head.

The voice could not be identified as male or female, or even if it was made by a real person.


The feeling was more tangible, the voice sounded in his head.

This time the pain in my head was stronger.

His head was bound by something, and the thing was tightening inward, which reminded him of the moving picture of a sledgehammer smashing a watermelon.

The net red man's eyes were full of panic, he turned and ran out while grabbing his phone.

Seeing the other party run out of this area, Xi Hua withdrew her mental power.

Her head jerked a few times.

This is a manifestation of the use of mental power to the limit.

Xi Hua took out a bottle of elixir to replenish her physical strength.

The Internet celebrity man didn't stop after running out of this area, and he didn't care about the strange eyes of passers-by.

Who doesn't have an adventure dream, he has had this kind of daydream more than once, if only a golden finger came down from the sky for him, even if he encountered a supernatural event, it would be worth bragging about.

But he really encountered a strange event, and all he had left in his heart was fear.

He didn't dare to bet that the other party would kill him directly if he didn't "get out".

Who knows how powerful it is to be able to speak in his mind.

It's broad daylight.

He ran, suspecting that the moving picture of the hammer smashing the watermelon in his mind was stuffed into his mind by the other party.

It wasn't until he ran out of the old town that the feeling of his head being hooped completely disappeared.

Then check the belongings on the body, the five hundred money for props in the hand is lost somewhere, and the mobile phone is completely broken.

This time it was a big loss.

Grass.He cursed in his heart.

He didn't know how many thoughts turned in his mind, and he thought about reporting this matter, but who would believe him?If it is more troublesome if you believe it, the other party must destroy him first.

Anyway, he didn't dare to get involved in the matter of disfiguring his mother.


In another place, someone also found himself encountering a strange thing.

After Guo Yongfeng came back from a rest, he told his family that he encountered someone hitchhiking at night.

"...A very beautiful young girl, I don't know what happened there, she seems to have escaped, otherwise she wouldn't have brought anything with her in the middle of the night, don't believe it, watch the video recorder on my car..."

Guo Yongfeng's driving recorder is connected to his mobile phone. He took out his mobile phone and fast-forwarded to the video of that period of time, but there was nothing but snowflakes.

Guo Xiaodi said, "Your driving recorder is broken, it doesn't record anything."

"Broken? Hey, it's a good thing I checked it out. Otherwise, I wouldn't know it was broken. If I need it and don't record it, I won't be troublesome."

"I'll show you how it's broken." Guo Xiaodi took the phone and dragged the video to the end, "Hey, it's being recorded again."

Guo Yongfeng's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly took over his phone, only to find that the facts were just as he had imagined. From the time he saw the girl waving to the time the girl got off the car, the records of these few hours were all snowflakes. After a while, it's back to normal.

He knew there was such a thing as a signal jammer.

But is it worth taking a ride and blocking the signal with a jammer?No, he received a message in the middle, and the text message alert sounded many times.

Only shield the monitoring signal, not the mobile phone signal?
"What's the matter, brother, you must have met some great fairy." Guo Xiaodi joked.

Guo Yongfeng thought of the girl who gave him a peace talisman, and hurried to find it in the car.

Seeing the light flowing on the safety talisman, Guo Yongfeng didn't know whether to be afraid or grateful.

Did you throw away the talisman or keep it?


Qiao Feiping didn't wake up until dinner time.

The two ordered takeaway, and Qiao Feiping brought the meal to her room to eat as usual.

In fact, the original owner was not afraid of Qiao Feiping, who had a horrific scar on her face, because she was her mother, and Yu Hua was even less afraid.

But Qiao Feiping herself was afraid of scaring her daughter, so she insisted on not letting her see her face as much as possible.

Yu Hua checked Qiao Feiping with mental strength. Qiao Feiping's burns were too severe, and many nerves were atrophied. Relying on plastic surgery could not restore her appearance.

With the current medical level, Qiao Feiping has no possibility of recovery.

The solution that Hua Hua thought of was to develop targeted genetic medicines.

 I can't write the plot I thought...

(End of this chapter)

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