Chapter 576 Passers-by who don’t follow the plot (15)

Genetic drugs won't be produced in a short while, even if she shows her genius side now, it will be at least ten years later.

All she can do now is to relieve Qiao Feiping's pain first.

Around ten o'clock in the evening, the cihuamao came back.

Cihuamao looked very tired, and sat down on the ground, [I picked all the medicines on Lianshan]

The system is bitter, haha, is there such a miserable system that uses the cat's body to gather medicine.

Do you know how difficult it is to dig soil with a cat's claws, its claws are almost worn out.

Xi Hua checked a few medicinal materials and found that they were not mistaken and all were correct.


Cihuamao covered its stomach with one front paw, 【Boss, I'm hungry】

The boss told him not to eat the things in the space, but he listened and didn't dare to eat.

Stomach this will be very hungry.The system has experienced what the host said before, what it's like to be hungry with a heart attached to a back.

Xi Hua took out the cat food that was delivered in the afternoon and poured out some.

She didn't let the system eat things in the space, because she didn't want to create a cat monster. Who knows in which direction the cat's body will mutate.

With those things in the system space, it's really hard to say what the system can be transformed into.

The smell of cat food is naturally attractive to cats, the system rushed over and buried its head in the cat food bowl.

"Meow meow meow meow." It's so delicious.

Xi Hua packed up the herbs.

The medicinal materials from the same city have been delivered today.

The analgesic medicine is easy to refine, and she plans to refine it tonight.

The system saw the boss take out the tempting spiritual fruit from the space, and then ate it, and was stunned again, 【Boss, how can you eat the things in the space, I can’t eat it】

The reason why Xihua eats the spirit fruit is because the refining of the medicine will use mental power later, so as not to deplete the original source.

"Because I can and you can't."

The system gave up.The boss is only ruthless to it.

"have eaten."

Seeing the two pills that the boss gave it, the heart of the system came alive again. Maybe the boss was not so cruel and ruthless to it for the sake of its honesty.

It is not an item from the system mall. It only scans out that two different pills contain spiritual energy, which is good for the body, but the specific use is not found out. [Boss, is this pill for me to practice? 】

Being a mortal cat is too aggrieved, but being a cat demon is great.

"No need to practice. Peiyuan Pill, Transformation Pill. You eat it and turn into a fox."

The body of an ordinary cat cannot withstand the medicinal power of the Transforming Pill, so it can only use the Peiyuan Pill to improve the system's body first.

The elixirs given by Yuhua were all her-controllable. To be on the safe side, she also used the compatibility rule for the two elixirs to further eliminate ingredients that exceeded the limits of this world.

You can't be too cautious about the system.

Does the system dare not eat it?dare not.

Cat's Claw held the pill and ate Peiyuan Pill first.

It scans the rapid transformation taking place inside the body, and this process is very fast, completed in a blink of an eye.

Then he ate the Transformation Pill.

Another change has taken place inside its body.

Yu Hua monitored the whole process, and the changes in the civet cat's body were within her preset range, so she nodded slightly, "It's ok, let's try a change."

Do you dare to change the system?

Fox, fox... The fox in the system's mind turned into a yellow-brown fox.

Yu Hua was not satisfied, "It's too ordinary, let's make it bigger and white."

[Are you becoming a vixen? 】The system asked.

It's really hard to guess what the boss is thinking. When he was looking for a body, he said that finding an ordinary animal would not attract attention, which would turn him into an extraordinary fox demon.

"It doesn't have to be refined, it's just a little more than ordinary."

The system couldn't figure out how much the supernormal was. It figured out what the boss meant, and turned into a white fox that was a little bigger and more beautiful than ordinary foxes. The supernatural was mainly reflected in the tail, which was much longer than normal foxes. .

Yu Hua was satisfied now, "Okay, I will use this appearance when I do special things in the future, and change back to the original appearance at other times."

【Boss, what do you want me to do? 】again?

Yu Hua passed the information to the system, "Go now."

The system has received a lot of information, and the heart is complicated.

In the past, it was the one who forced and lied to the host to do things, but now it was its turn to be forced to do things.

Heaven is good to reincarnate.

The point is that all it consumes is the energy it has finally accumulated.

But does it dare not go?dare not.

After dismissing the system, Xi Hua began to refine these medicinal materials.

It was already night when the medicine was refined, and Xi Hua put Qiao Feiping to sleep again, and fed the painkiller liquid into Qiao Feiping's mouth little by little.

In terms of radical pain relief, Jian Hua uses acupuncture and moxibustion.

These methods are all effective little by little, and will not arouse suspicion.


The next day, a video suddenly became popular.

The protagonist of the video is a white fox.

The place where the white fox stayed was not in the mountains, but in front of a village.

The village is neither biased nor close to the mountains, and the transportation is convenient. The village is paved with cement roads, and it takes a few minutes to drive to the national highway.

This village called Wangjia Village has a little bit of special features. At the entrance of the village, there is an ancient chastity archway.

The white fox is sitting on the top of the three-to-four-meter-high chastity archway, seeing people watching below and not running away, his eyes are very agile.

The video is about to explode.

【Wow, what a beautiful white fox, who knows where this is?】

【This white fox looks very spiritual. You see, it flicked its tail and produced several afterimages. This is a fox demon, right?】

【Daji, is that you? You have returned to this world again】

[I know where it is, it is a village under Ninglong City, called Wangjia Village.Every village here has many historical stories, just look at the archway]

[After checking, this archway was newly erected more than [-] years ago, and the original one was demolished long ago. 】

[I will not talk about the original ones in ancient times.What era is it now, and the archway is still being erected, and the archway for chastity is being restored, the people here are sick, right?]

[What's wrong with the archway, the historic site is not allowed to be protected?Women nowadays are almost being praised to the sky. Doing housework is too tiring, giving birth is too painful, and they want to get divorced at every turn. I think it is the lack of chastity education]

[The person upstairs has a serious illness and still has chastity education. Is the old thing the old dross from 200 years ago?]

[An archway exploded so many rotten || corpses crawling out of the ground, I really doubt which century it is now]

[It is said that the white fox has a spirit, and the white fox stays in front of this village, which means that this village is good, and I want to visit this village]

[There is a new video again. Someone went to Wangjia Village, and the white fox was still on the archway, showing no intention of leaving.Isn’t it said in the legends that the white fox repays the favor? Could it be that someone in this village rescued the white fox and it came to repay the favor]

[Explanation that people in Wangjia Village have good Fengshui]

[The houses in Wangjia Village have local characteristics and a very simple appearance. I really like this kind of village. It is not remote, the life is convenient, and there is idyllic scenery. I really want to live here]

【Hehe, Wangjiacun】

 Today is also my birthday, I wish you all get married with Qian and have a lifetime!
(End of this chapter)

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