Chapter 596 Passers-by who don’t follow the plot (35)

The two cats "meowed" at the dog, denouncing the dog's dogleg behavior.

Under the effect of her affinity, the intelligence of the three cats and dogs has improved, and their fur has become smooth and smooth.

Cats and dogs have sensitive senses. In the past, they were less close to Yuhua than fearful. Under the influence of affinity, they became closer to her.

Behind the cat and dog are a field mouse, a hedgehog, a non-poisonous cabbage snake, and a gray magpie flying in the sky.

They are all the objects of her affinity verification.

Every time she came over to the wasteland, these guys would come over.

Xi Hua stopped in her tracks, and the rest of the group stopped.

The field mouse stretched its head to the left and stretched its head to the right, looking at a gap that slipped from the gap between the three cats and dogs to the feet of Yu Hua, and became the first order.

It can't run without slipping. There are three of its natural enemies here, plus a dog who can catch it, four of which it can't afford to mess with.

The gray magpie can't be provoked, and it's enough to be pecked.

The gray civet cat glared at the field mouse, and when it had a chance, it had the tendency to go up and hold the field mouse under its paws, and the dog also bared its teeth at the field mouse.

The orange cat didn't care about the vole's smuggling behavior, so it ran up to Yu Hua and rolled a few times, trying to get her attention.

The gray magpie had the upper hand in the air, landed on Yu Hua's shoulder, and lightly pecked at her hair.

Not to be outdone, the sparrow flew to the backpack that Xi Hua took off from his shoulder, chirping.

Yu Hua was used to seeing these animals vying for favor, and with a swipe of her finger, "They all line up in a circle."

The three cats and dogs were the first to understand what she meant, and stood in front of Yuhua in a row.

Yu Hua turned her head to look at the gray magpie, pointed to the left and said, "Go and stand on that rock."

The gray magpie flew over with a cry.

The sparrow didn't wait for her to speak, and followed the gray magpie to fly to the stone and stood there.

In terms of spirituality, this sparrow is better than the gray magpie.

"Stay where you are and don't move." The hedgehog and the cauliflower snake didn't move any further when they saw Xihua's gesture.

Only the voles, who managed to get to the front row with great difficulty, still stayed at the feet of Yu Hua, and she looked down, and the voles were looking up at her with round black eyes.

Yu Hua said to it, "Go over there."

The field mouse had no choice but to run away from Yu Hua's feet and stood at the designated position.

"Meow." The gray civet cat cried out in satisfaction.

The earth dog opened its mouth and panted hahaha, as if it was laughing at the field mouse.

The orange cat collapsed into a piece of cat cake.

Yu Hua unleashed her mental power to investigate, and the result was as usual. These were only spiritual intelligence improvements, not demonization.

She took out a knot necklace from the backpack she brought, actually from the space.

This is the string she asked the system to take from Wen Jiarong's hand.

She showed it to Qiao Feiping, and the jade bird head in the necklace was definitely the one worn by the original owner.

There are five ornaments on the pendant, namely a jade bird head, a small gold sword, a wooden vial, a bone monster, and a crystal ring. Each ornament has a unique pattern carved on it.

With the lock as the top, the jade bird head and golden sword are on one side, and the bone beast and crystal ring are on the other side.

The wooden vial is in the center and is at the bottom after wearing it.

After she got it, she saw through the function of the necklace at a glance, it was used to gather energy.

This ornament does not belong to the magic weapon of the cultivation side, it is more similar to the magic weapon of the Daoist sect, but it is different from the energy system of the Daoist sect.

Wen Jiarong is a descendant of witchcraft, so it is more appropriate to call it witchcraft.

Five ornaments and knots form a set of runes, and the runes will not activate when the knots are broken.

Yu Hua fastened the knot, and under her mental power, the runes fluctuated, and waves of energy rushed towards the knot.

The incoming energy was gathered through the runes, and finally gathered into the small wooden bottle.

These energies are not spiritual energy, but vital energy.

The level of witchcraft is low, and it can only gather the vitality of vegetation, but cannot deprive people and animals of it.

Before the wooden bottle was brought, there was already a little green liquid, which was the vitality of the aggregated liquid.

After the rune was activated, the animals began to get restless.

The cauliflower snake was the first to get excited. It changed from coiled up to straightened up, looking at the pendant in Xihua's hand, spitting snake letters.

"Meow meow……"

"Wang Wang..."


Out of fear of Yuhua, all the animals did not rush forward, but just walked around in place.

Runes affect them all.

The source of witch affinity has been found.

Yu Hua took the jade bird's head off the knot.

The rune can still be activated, but it barely works, and the vitality gathered is very little.

The restless cats and dogs quieted down, and the gray civet cat stared at Yu Hua questioningly.

The earth dog tilted its head, not understanding why the thing that attracted it just now suddenly disappeared.

The orange cat was more Buddha, the things that attracted it to drool were gone, and it lay down again.

The field mouse stopped screaming, and put its feet down again.

The gray magpies and sparrows chirped, and each of them straightened their feathers.

Only the cauliflower snake is still spitting out the letter, staring at the knot.

Hedgehogs are also somewhat affected.

It does not mean that those with high intelligence are not as good as those with low intelligence.

But animals with low intelligence tend to rely more on instinct, and the cauliflower snake's instinct allows it to sense the fluctuations of the runes.

This is the same order of influence as the Xihua affinity.Under the same length of time, the effect of affinity is the most obvious for plants, and the influence of affinity decreases for animals as the level goes from low to high.

The facts are very clear, the jade bird head on this witch artifact was lost at some point, and finally it was reduced to an antique stall, where it was bought by the grandfather of the original owner.

The lost time will not be short, because the grandfather of the original owner bought the jade bird head more than 40 years ago, and it is unknown how many people have gone through before that.

The original owner was wearing a jade bird head during the live broadcast, and Wen Jiarong saw it, and then managed to get it.

As a result, the original owner was killed.

Xi Hua looked around. The lush grass that was so green before is now a little wilted. With mental strength, I can see that the vitality of these grasses has lost some, and they will wither a few days earlier than other grasses of the same kind.

She broke the knot, and the extraction of life stopped.

An artifact that randomly extracts the vitality of other living beings should be called an evil weapon. Now that it is in her hands, she will not let this evil weapon come out again.

Xi Hua took out cat food, dog food, fruit, bird food, etc. from the backpack, and placed them on several stones.

"Okay, come and eat."

These are her rewards for them.

Cauliflower snakes eat a few eggs.

Voles eat everything and like to store things, so Yuhua is not afraid to take out too much, and the leftovers will be dragged back to the nest by the voles for winter storage.

Yu Hua went to poke the consciousness of the way of heaven again.

The consciousness of the way of heaven was awakened by her.

Fortunately, I didn't wake up.

The consciousness of heaven already knew that she stayed in this world because she made a deal with the local creatures, and recognized that she had the same kind of breath, so she was more friendly to her.

(End of this chapter)

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