Chapter 597 Passers-by who don’t follow the plot (36)

Yu Hua asked, "Why didn't you think of turning into a human form?" She thought the human form was easy to use, so she transformed into a human form.

Consciousness of the Dao of Heaven: He is invisible, why should he change form.

Yuhua: "Because it's interesting."

The consciousness of the Dao of Heaven does not understand the interesting meaning of what Yu Hua said.

It's time to get down to business.Xihua passed the fluctuation of the runes of the witchcraft to the consciousness of the way of heaven.

The consciousness of heaven gave back almost instantly, allowing her to destroy this witch weapon.

"Its history."

The consciousness of heaven passed the relevant information to her.

The inheritance of shamanism has a long history. In ancient times, shamans were proficient in astronomy, geography, astrology, divination, medicine and medical skills to pray for people, cure diseases with medicine, and predict disasters and fortunes.

Later, with the rise of Confucianism and other cultures, witchcraft culture gradually declined, and the inheritance of witchcraft continued only in relatively isolated places with high mountains and far away waters.

One of the places where the Huaishan tribe retains witch culture.

Before the shamans of the Huaishan tribe got a copy of the so-called ancient inheritance, the shamans of the Huaishan tribe not only mastered astronomy, geography, medicine, five elements and gossip, etc. ordinary people.

When a witch named Wen Jin was looking for herbs in the mountains, he accidentally got a parchment scroll, which contained a practice method and a method of making and using a witch tool that matched the practice method.

Wen Jin was overjoyed, and practiced according to the exercises above after returning home.

Gongfa and witchcraft are complementary to each other. Without witchcraft, practicing kung fu can only strengthen your body. With witchcraft, you can practice and use abilities that are beyond ordinary people.

Making witchcraft is not easy, but Wen Jin is a witch, and has a lot of power to speak in the tribe. Sometimes his words are more effective than those of the leader.

He sent people to various places to search for available materials, and finally gathered the materials five years later, and it took another year to make the witchcraft.

Wen Jin activated the witch weapon according to the parchment scroll, which gave him the ability to communicate with animals.

With the help of the witch tool, he cultivated a vigor similar to internal force, which he called witch power.

The vital fluid gathered by the witchcraft rejuvenated him overnight, restoring his appearance and body from his 50s to his 20s.

The changes in Wen Jin's appearance and the display of his abilities have raised his status in the tribe to the highest level. It is known that he has received the inheritance from his ancestors and has become a real witch with the same power as the ancestor of the witch.

A year later, a large area of ​​forest around the tribe died, and the dead area tended to spread outward.

Wen Jin knew the reason was that the witchcraft had taken away the vitality of these trees.

He could manipulate the witchcraft to extract vitality at a slower rate to give the trees time to recover, but once he slowed down, the vitality liquid he got decreased correspondingly.

He needs the supply of vitality fluid to maintain his youthful appearance and witch power.

Huaishan is his foundation, and Wen Jin didn't want to turn Huaishan into a barren mountain, so he left Huaishan and went to other places to collect vitality fluid.

After arriving in the Central Plains, Wen Jin was dazzled by the prosperity of the capital, which also aroused his ambition.

He added some medicinal materials to the vitality liquid, diluted it and made it into longevity and longevity pills, and provided it to some high-ranking officials.

Vitality liquid can make people younger and healthier.

Although the vital fluid contained in Yannian Yidan is diluted many times, it still has the effect of curing diseases and prolonging life. As long as it is not terminally ill or the end of life is approaching, the vital fluid can make people get out of the hospital bed.

It’s just that Yannian Yishou Dan is not a one-time cure, it needs to be taken repeatedly, and the interval of taking it varies from person to person, usually once every two or three years.

The Yannian Yishou Pill became something that high-ranking officials and families fought for. Wen Jin gained both fame and fortune, and was even named a national teacher.

The demand for biological fluid is increasing, and the frequency and speed of Wenjin collection are accelerating.

Wherever he went, the vegetation withered and the crops failed.

The organic harvesting was too much, and some land could not even produce a single grass for many years.

As a result of the lack of food, a large number of people starved to death, many people were displaced, people rose up everywhere, and the whole country fell into chaos.

There are always discerning people in every era. Someone discovered Wen Jin's secret, knew that the death of vegetation was related to the witchcraft he used, and reported it to the court.

The emperor wants to live for a long time, but the premise is that he must be an emperor.Now the world is in chaos, the emperor's position is in jeopardy, no matter how young he looks, he will die if he is killed.

After weighing it, he announced to the world that Wen Jin, the national teacher, practiced sorcery, which caused the vegetation to die, and sent someone to arrest Wen Jin and behead him to anger the people.

Wen Jin has witch power and can communicate with animals, so he escapes the emperor's capture.

During the escape, the jade bird head on the witchcraft was lost, and he was also seriously injured.

Finally, luckily escaped back to the Huaishan tribe hidden in the deep mountains.

But the emperor was not so lucky, the court was overthrown, and the country was torn apart for many years.

The land that was drained of vitality slowly regained its vitality after several years, crops grew again, and countless people died of starvation.

The witch tool that lost the jade bird head cannot artificially control the speed of collecting the vitality liquid, and the natural collection speed is very, very low.

Wen Jin wanted to make another one but was always unsuccessful.

Without the supply of vitality fluid, Wen Jin’s serious injuries could not be cured and he died not long after. Before he died, he passed the position of Wuzhu to his son, instead of being elected by all the descendants according to the rules of the tribe. A witch wish.

Since then, every witch Zhu has been a descendant of Wen Jin, and the parchment has been passed down, but no one has been able to make a new witch tool.

The lack of the jade bird's head witch tool can still allow the current Wu Zhu to have some special abilities, but the ability is very limited, and the ability to communicate with animals is limited to animals with low intelligence such as snakes.

In order to cover up the existence of the sheepskin scrolls and witchcraft, Wen Jin's son claimed that the Huaishan tribe was the descendant of Nuwa. This has been passed down for many years, and even the descendants of the Huaishan tribe believed it to be true.

"Is the sheepskin scroll a foreign thing?" The runes of the witchcraft gave Yuhua a sense of disobedience, and it should not be an original product of this world.

The consciousness of heaven affirmed what Yuhua said, and he made a remedy for it after discovering it.The world is not closed, and the arrival of foreign objects, such as various meteorites and projected void energy, are welcomed by the heavens of the world.

The parchment is a dead thing, its entry did not violate the rules of this world, and the consciousness of the Dao of Heaven cannot directly intervene and destroy it.

The materials used to make the witchcraft and the people who made the witchcraft all come from the local world, and the consciousness of the way of heaven can't make a move.

He could only take part of Wen Jin's luck from the rules of cause and effect, so someone could find out in time that Wen Jin was related to the dead plants, and Wen Jin lost the jade bird head on the way to escape.

In addition, the consciousness of the way of heaven did not do more things, nor could it.

(End of this chapter)

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