Chapter 629 I Have a Secret (17)

The essence of the Iron Castle is in the underground part.

Several hundred meters deep underground, it is a multi-storey large living area, which contains several large storage rooms, several manufacturing workshops, independent network, power generation and power supply equipment, and several laboratories for different purposes.

Yu Hua also saw a machinery manufacturing workshop. I wonder if she was thinking too much, the machine tools inside could make weapons.

The underground part is completely isolated from the above, and it is a secret place.

What Chengying Group will do, what Cheng Family will do.

A person familiar to Xihua came out of the steel fortress.

It was Duanmu Chengyan.

He was wearing a long-brimmed hat, the brim of which was pulled down very low, covering the upper half of his face, and he walked out with dragging steps.

She hadn't seen Duanmu Chengyan since that day when she exposed Duanmu Chengyan's intention to use radioactive ore for murder.

Duanmu Chengyan chose to escape, and lived in the school dormitory after leaving that day and did not go home.

From Yuhua's point of view, Duanmu Chengyan had figured out Duanmu Mingying's temperament and knew that he would be soft-hearted towards him, so he refused to admit it.

Today is Friday, Duanmu Chengyan, a first-year senior, should be in school.

Duanmu Chengyan, Cheng Kaijing.

Duanmu Chengyan appeared in Cheng Kaijing's territory that was not open to the public.

Cheng Yan Cheng Yan.

Xiao Yanqing's name has another meaning.

Yuhua seems to have discovered the secret of Duanmu Chengyan's life experience.

At the beginning, Duanmu Chengyan was determined to enter Qicheng Private High School not far from here, and he also found the reason. He wanted to be closer to his biological father's office.

A place where no one can enter, but someone comes out swaggeringly, which makes people look good.

Duanmu Chengyan rode his mountain bike happily and left under the envious and jealous eyes of several people.

Xi Hua rode a bicycle and followed.

Yuhua didn't hide her behavior. After riding for a while, Duanmu Chengyan found the stalker behind him.

Seeing that it was Yuhua, Duanmu Chengyan felt guilty, the handlebars he was carrying wobbled, almost fell, his feet touched the ground, and he stopped, from guilt to anger, "Why are you following me?"

Yu Hua didn't stop the car, and said something to Duanmu Chengyan, "Come with me."

How could Duanmu Chengyan respond, "Who are you to me? I'll go with you."

"Cheng Kaijing."

Duanmu Chengyan cursed and followed Yuhua.

Yu Hua rode her bicycle into the nearby construction site where construction was suspended, parked the car outside, and entered the half-built ancient building.

Duanmu Chengyan threw down the mountain bike and followed in aggressively, "Zhong Ling, don't try to threaten me with this matter. Now that you know, you should know that the Cheng family was not provoked by you."

Xi Hua's answer was to kick her to the ground.

Duanmu Chengyan was stunned by this blow.

Without saying a word, Yu Hua picked up the stick and started beating. She picked up the stick when she came in, so as not to dirty her hands.

She attracted Duanmu Chengyan to avenge the original owner.

At the moment of the car accident, the original owner saw the car hitting her, and she wanted to hide, but at that time she felt dizzy for a while, and she moved a bit slower, so she couldn't avoid being hit.

Duanmu Chengyan was the culprit who caused the death of the original owner.

But because she came, it seemed that the original owner was not dead, so there was no way for him to be punished as he should.

She beat him first to vent her anger before speaking.

How could Duanmu Chengyan be beaten without moving, he fought back, but he couldn't even get up, and was rammed down by a stick just as he was about to get up.

He dared to curse, and Yu Hua hit him on the mouth. His whole face was swollen, and his mouth was full of bloody smell.

After a few times, I didn't dare to scold anymore, only humming and rolling all over the floor.

Xi Hua hit him on the back of the neck one last time, knocking him unconscious.

Duanmu Chengyan has a cause and effect with her, and Yuhua searched his memory.

She used the Immortal World's memory search method, which doesn't need to damage the soul, but it may cause the other party to lose some memories.

After reading the memory, Yuhua broke Duanmu Chengyan's leg with a stick.

Duanmu Chengyan woke up from the pain, and he couldn't howl even if he wanted to. Before he knocked, the hat on his head was rolled down into his mouth by Yu Hua.

She knocked very thoroughly, don't even think about completely healing this leg, it will be crippled for the rest of its life.

He killed the original owner's life, and she was taking advantage of him by disabling his leg for the time being.

Facing Duanmu Chengyan's cannibalistic eyes, Yu Hua returned to him the disdain he had when he looked at the original owner in the past, "If I know that you play tricks on me again, don't even want the other two legs."

Then another stick knocked him unconscious again, erasing the traces of her being here, and then left.

Duanmu Chengyan was mischievous at most when he was a child, and he called out sister Lingling to the original owner.

The original owner discovered Duanmu Chengyan's change when he was 13 years old.

From Duanmu Chengyan's memory, he found the reason for his change. It was his biological father who found him when he was 12 years old.

Duanmu Chengyan's biological father is Cheng Kaijing.

According to Cheng Kaijing and Duanmu Chengyan, he and Xiao Yanqing were boyfriend and girlfriend back then, but Xiao Yanqing suddenly left for no apparent reason. He didn't know that Xiao Yanqing was pregnant, so he respected Xiao Yanqing's choice and didn't go to her.

Cheng Kaijing knew that Xiao Yanqing had given birth to a son for him a few years ago, so he searched for it and found Duanmu Mingying here.

Originally, Xiao Yanqing wanted to send him back to Cheng's family after he fell ill, but Duanmu Mingying kept him privately because she wanted a son and wanted to take Xiao Yanqing's money to herself.

The reason why Duanmu Chengyan was recognized in private was because he was worried that Duanmu Mingying would be detrimental to Duanmu Chengyan if he found out.

Because Xiao Yanqing left him all the money in Duanmu Mingying's hands, and without Duanmu Chengyan's guardian status, she could no longer spend the money, fearing that she would take risks.

Duanmu Chengyan asked Cheng Kaijing why he couldn't take him home directly. Cheng Kaijing said that he got married after missing Xiao Yanqing. If Duanmu Chengyan was brought home like this, it would give Duanmu Chengyan a bad reputation as an illegitimate child.

Duanmu Chengyan didn't believe it all at first, but Cheng Kaijing couldn't help being responsive to him, and took him to exciting places such as bars, underground casinos, boxing rings, etc. that he couldn't go to before to learn more, allowing him to enjoy the fatherly love he had never had before.

Duanmu Chengyan gradually believed in Cheng Kaijing's words. After Cheng Kaijing gave him a flat in the capital as a birthday present, Duanmu Chengyan became convinced of Cheng Kaijing's words.

He turned out to be from the Cheng family in the capital, and he had a background that could walk across the country.

This is Duanmu Chengyan's confidence to walk with his head held high and his steps dragging every day.

After believing in Cheng Kaijing, she became dissatisfied with Duanmu Mingying, and at some point, she developed resentment towards her.

Cheng Kaijing told him that when he doesn't need a guardian in the future, he can return to Cheng's house at any time. Before that, it's best not to let Duanmu Mingying notice it.

Cheng Kaijing also told Duanmu Chengyan that Duanmu Mingying was his ex-girlfriend, saying that the reason why Duanmu Mingying kept him and didn't send him to Cheng's house was because she still had thoughts about Cheng Kaijing and regarded him as a substitute.

(End of this chapter)

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