Chapter 630 I Have a Secret (18)

Duanmu Mingying was entrusted to raise Duanmu Chengyan, which turned into a conspiracy against Duanmu Chengyan, especially the idea of ​​Cheng Kaijing's substitute, which distorted the psychology of Duanmu Chengyan who had just entered the xinxing period.

Duanmu Chengyan didn't want to live with Duanmu Mingying anymore, but Duanmu Mingying was his guardian, so he couldn't leave.

If Duanmu Mingying died, then he would be free.

Duanmu Chengyan is very precocious.

He remembered very early. He remembered that when he was very young, there was a beautiful woman who kept telling him to remind him that his surname was Cheng and that his current mother was not his real mother.

As he grew up, this memory was very blurred, and he only regarded it as a dream he had when he was a child.

After Cheng Kaijing found him, he showed him Xiao Yanqing's photo, and this memory came up. The pretty woman who spoke to him was his own mother.

This is the reason why he quickly believed in Cheng Kaijing.

If his mother was willing to hand him over to Duanmu Mingying to raise him, how could she tell him over and over again, afraid that he would not remember.He was only two years old at that time, and his mother pinned her hopes on him because of how helpless she was.

They are all Duanmu Mingying!For her greedy and dirty selfishness, she forced him to stay, and separated him from his biological father!
Damn Duanmu Mingying.

Duanmu Chengyan understood the principle of killing for life, and he knew it very well in his heart. Although his own father said he liked him very much, the Cheng family would never recognize him if he committed a crime.

Duanmu Chengyan was inspired by a news report and came up with a way to kill Duanmu Mingying.

The news said that a little girl was suffering from acute leukemia because she lived in a newly renovated house.

He will also suffer from high benzene content in house decoration, this method will not work.He found that radioactive substances can also cause cancer.

It just so happened that ore decorations have been popular in recent years. Duanmu Mingying fell in love with this kind of beautiful things, and bought a few to put in the bedroom.

Duanmu Chengyan searched online and offline for a long time, and finally found an ornament with radiation, which he gave to Duanmu Mingying.

As for why he wanted to harm the original owner, Duanmu Chengyan became angry from embarrassment.

Duanmu Chengyan was brought into adult sensual venues by Cheng Kaijing from the age of 12, and he was greatly shocked and stimulated psychologically.

Cheng Kaijing didn't know if he was really thinking about Duanmu Chengyan, or if he had other ideas, saying that he was too young and only let Duanmu Chengyan look at him, not the real one.

Duanmu Chengyan is precocious, looking at it stimulates him even more.

But he dared not disobey Cheng Kaijing.

So, he turned his mind on the original owner.

Once, he found a chance that the original owner was alone at home, and came to the original owner's house after drinking alcohol, pretending to be drunk and trying to attack the original owner. At first, the original owner only touched her when he was drunk, but then he felt something was wrong. fought back.

The original owner has been in good health since he was a child, and he has enrolled in classes to learn some fighting skills. The older original owner has a certain ability to fight back against the younger Duanmu Chengyan.

It turned out that the original owner beat Duanmu Chengyan to the ground.

When the original owner wanted to call someone over, Duanmu Chengyan pretended to be woken up by the beating, and kept apologizing to the original owner, knelt down and cried and begged the original owner not to tell anyone.

Because of the friendship formed since childhood, Duanmu Chengyan was only 13 years old. The original owner believed in Duanmu Chengyan and let him go this time.

But after this incident, the original owner distanced himself from Duanmu Chengyan.

Afterwards, when Duanmu Chengyan saw the original owner, he always avoided and did not do anything to the original owner.

Duanmu Chengyan was not grateful to the original owner for letting him go, but hated the original owner.

Every time the original owner looked at him, he was mocking his dirty thoughts, and every word he said was threatening him.

He followed Cheng Kaijing to see too many women in Fengyue occasions, and thought that the original owner resisted him at that time because he was just the son of an ordinary single mother. If he knew that he was the son of the Cheng family in the capital, the original owner would definitely catch up with him. .

He only had resentment and disdain for the original owner.

Duanmu Mingying's shelf was suggested by him, saying that it would be good to put it there. Duanmu Mingying didn't care about this little thing, and it was up to Duanmu Chengyan to arrange it.

Duanmu Chengyan knew where the original master bed was placed after visiting each other since childhood.

Duanmu Chengyan intentionally let the original owner also be within the range of radiation.

It really worked out for him.

The original owner got sick from the radiation.

Yu Hua broke Duanmu Chengyan's leg too cheaply for him.

The memory of this event was not left to Xihua by the original owner.

Yu Hua could understand that on the surface, the original owner didn't suffer much harm, and she even beat up Duanmu Chengyan.

But at the beginning, the original owner was not on guard against Duanmu Chengyan, and let Duanmu Chengyan's hand touch her body a few times. This kind of insult made her mentally unable to recover for a long time, and she would feel physically sick when thinking about it for a while.

The approach of all men will make her extremely defensive.

She hid this memory because she was ashamed of it from the bottom of her heart.

Because the assassination of Duanmu Mingying was exposed, Duanmu Chengyan was somewhat afraid, fearing what would happen if Duanmu Mingying called the police.

He told Cheng Kaijing about it.

What Duanmu Chengyan didn't expect was that Cheng Kaijing scolded him severely and said that he would go back to Duanmu Mingying no matter what.

It seems that Cheng Kaijing approached Duanmu Chengyan not only for, or not at all, to recognize his son, but for Duanmu Mingying.

Duanmu Chengyan believed in Cheng Kaijing too much. His memory has a filter, and there are not many clues from it.


After returning to the crew, after waiting for more than half an hour, the guest star came.

Yuhua put on the costume of the Fourth Junior Sister again.

This scene is the scene when the hero and the heroine meet for the first time.

The sect where the heroine belongs is a female sect. The male protagonist and his friends went to the female protagonist's sect to convey the news, but they strayed into the peak where the female protagonist is. The male protagonist fought with the female protagonist and her senior sisters.

"Director, can't it?" An assistant director surnamed Liu whispered in front of Director Zhang, "This fourth junior sister is more eye-catching than the heroine. If I were the male lead, I would definitely like fourth junior sister. If it weren't for the stylist Give Fourth Junior Sister a new look?"

Zhang Tuo smiled, "It's okay. The Fourth Junior Sister is not of the same type as the heroine, so I'm not afraid that the audience will be confused."

They knew each other well, and it was Assistant Director Liu who accepted the benefits of He Tian's agent, who was playing the heroine, for He Tian's sake.

Zhong Ling's appearance is so good that she can't compare with the heroine and the second heroine.

But Zhang Tuo, who has filmed many web dramas, knows that whether web dramas are popular or not is all metaphysics. There was once a web drama just because there was a supporting role in it who was not good at acting. A netizen edited it, and then everyone watched how he was funny in the drama, and the drama became popular like this.

(End of this chapter)

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