Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 65: Don't Be a Sister Flower

Chapter 65 Don't be a sister flower after the movie

The system is called the Queen's Growth System, which is easy to understand. Becoming a star is the fastest way to gain the power of faith.

Although Huang Fangying is black and red, she also has her own fans. Those who like her have the power of faith.

Knowing what she wanted to know, there was no need to observe the operation of the system, she took it back.

Huang Fangying's side.

She was overjoyed when she received a call from her agent, saying that she had been confirmed as the heroine of the web drama.

After completing the task of "acquiring the heroine of an episode" issued by the system, she can exchange for 'Perfect Voice'.


no respond.


The familiar [ding] mechanical sound was not heard.

Huang Fangying had a bad premonition in her heart.

"System, system, are you still there?"

Still no response.

Half an hour later, Huang Fangying finally confirmed that the system was gone.


Huang Fangying is going crazy.

Getting it and losing it is even more unacceptable than never getting it. Huang Fangying is unwilling to accept this result.

Fortunately, she was alone in the apartment, and no one heard her yelling.

"Chen Fei! Did you steal my system!"

In order to prevent herself from going crazy, she shifted the source of her pain to Chen Fei.

Who let the two be a control group for each other.Moreover, the system has clearly stated that Chen Fei's slender waist is made of props!She asked the system several times how Chen Fei got the props, and the system always said no comment!

Xi Hua here.

She knew that if Chen Fei and Huang Fangying did not change their natures, they would not live well in the future.The props in the system are time-limited. After another three to five years, the effect of the props will expire, and the two will fight back to their original forms.

However, money came in fast in the entertainment industry, and the two of them had already earned much more money than ordinary people, especially Chen Fei, who was taken care of by a financial backer, and she was a rich woman among ordinary people.

If the two quit the circle in time, they would at least live a prosperous life.

But with their natures, they would not choose this way.

Xi Hua thought well, Chen Fei's props had already begun to lose their effectiveness.

Chen Fei found that her waist was getting thicker, and correspondingly, her chest and buttocks were getting smaller.This discovery made her very frightened. Without a good figure, how could she keep the benefactor? Without the benefactor, how could she gain a foothold in the entertainment industry!

It has to be said that the entertainment industry can change people too much. Before entering the industry, Chen Fei determined to become famous in acting, but after tasting the sweetness of taking shortcuts, she has already bet her future on taking shortcuts.

The system was completely useless to Yuhua, and she couldn't take it away anyway, so she destroyed it conveniently.

Without warning, a force of rules rushed towards her.

There is no sense of pressure, not rejection of her, this force of rules is very peaceful.

Wrapped by this force of peaceful rules, it turned out to be free rules.

Devouring the rules, Yu Hua is professional.

They are all rules with clear meanings. If there are no traps, she will not be polite at all.

After she finished absorbing it, the rules in her consciousness underwent a leap-like evolution.

She also figured out the origin of the free rule.

She destroyed the system and caught worms for this world, which is the feedback given to her by the heaven of this world.

If she didn't know that this world has no self-awareness, she would think that the conscious body of this world is watching her every day.

So timely and accurate.

Xi Hua made sure again.

The evolution of her consciousness this time made her more sensitive to the rules.

It is determined, this world does not have self-awareness.

She seems to have found another way to evolve herself faster.

She now hopes that the creator of System 4531 will put more systems into this world, so that she can catch them and exchange rules with this world.

With the new method, she did not give up the way of self-comprehension through learning, after all, this kind is sustainable.

Because the conscious body was full all at once, Xi Hua took a rare vacation and stayed at home for three or four days without going to school.

On the afternoon of the fourth day, she was called away by Mr. Fan.

Fan Lao called Yu Hua and handed her a journal, "You can take a look at this."

Hua Hua took a quick look at it, and it was an article on quantum computing.

The problem was, the article was almost identical to the one she had put on her computer.

Of course the ones on her computer were written by her, not the ones given to her by Mr. Fan.

The signature on it is Song Xiao.

"What's going on here? Jinwazi, did you show this guy named Song Xiao?"

Yu Hua shook her head, "No."

If it wasn't for the fact that she wrote this article a year ago, it was recorded in the computer, and she showed it to Mr. Fan after it was written, she really couldn't tell.

After she finished writing, she felt that some parts could go deeper, so she didn't submit a manuscript. She just finished it three months ago, but she didn't have time to publish it.

This Song Xiao has a problem.

Song Xiao majored in microbiology, so it's not that he can't cross majors, but Song Xiao had been preparing for the Ph.D. exam in his major, why didn't he start studying physics all of a sudden within half a year.

Fortunately, she was free for three or four days and did not send out the article, otherwise it would go according to the original plan.She should have shown it to Mr. Fan three days ago, and if there is no problem, she will submit it directly.

If she votes for it, even if it is not published, people outside the academic circle will not know about it, but because she has won an award and the honor of a young scholar, many people in the circle are paying attention to her movements. Once it is known The manuscript she submitted had been published by others, so she would be given the name of plagiarism.

Song Xiao is now Jiang Yan's boyfriend.

She was about to ask Jiang Yan, when she received a call from Jiang Yan.

"Sister, are you free today? Have a meal together."

Xi Hua thought for a while and said "OK".

Both of them are busy, and they usually contact each other through Weixin, and they haven't seen each other for nearly three months.

Yu Hua packed her things and drove back to Bihai Qingyuan.

She bought the car by herself with the money she received from the Jiang family's pharmaceutical factory.

As predicted by the Jiang family, once the two health care medicines were launched, the situation quickly opened up.At the beginning, it was the advertising effect of spending money, and two months later, it was the influence of word of mouth from consumers.

One is Yunsheng Oral Liquid for women.This is what Jiang Yan took before.

One is a health-care pill that can be taken by both men and women.This effect time is slower than that of Yunsheng Oral Liquid, but the price is relatively lower.

Those who are weak will gradually improve their physical and mental strength after taking it, and those who are healthy will have a stronger physique after taking it.

Because the effect of recuperating the body is so good, many people have doubts. They are afraid that there is something in it that can temporarily stimulate the potential of the human body. After taking this kind of thing, it will make people in a good state for a short time, and then the body will quickly decline.

More than one person bought it and went to the relevant department for testing. The results of the testing dispelled doubts. It does not contain any hormones and has no toxic side effects.

(End of this chapter)

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