Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 66: Don't Be a Sister Flower

Chapter 66 Don't be a sister flower after the movie

After the results were announced, the supply of the two products began to exceed demand.

Others sell health products as medicines, but Yunsheng Pharmaceuticals sells medicines as health products.

The best-seller in the past two years was Baoshen Pill, because it was cheap and could be taken by both men and women.

In the past year, the most sought-after product is Yunsheng Oral Liquid. Although it is expensive, it has great effects. At first, I thought it only had the effect of nourishing the body. After taking it for two years, some people’s physique and strength have obviously improved. , sold like crazy.

No one underestimates the purchasing power of women in any food-related products, so Yunsheng Oral Liquid is out of stock.

Class 8 Bold Group knew about the relationship between Yuhua and Jiang Yan. Fortunately, except for a few people, the others did not know that Xihua had shares in Yunsheng Pharmaceutical, but Yuhua also became a member of the Bold Group for a while. people.

Xi Hua simply set up a group for Jiang Yandan, and asked them to enter the group to ask Jiang Yan for goods if they wanted to buy.

In the past three years, Jiang Yan has become the first group of online celebrities who became famous for carrying goods, and they only sell products produced by Yunsheng Pharmaceutical.

The benefits of Yunsheng Pharmaceutical are good, and the money allocated to Xihua will be more.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Jiang Yan shaking a pink bottle of peach blossom wine at her, and said with a smile, "Come on, let's celebrate my return to being single."

More than three years ago, Jiang Yan and Song Xiao had a little ambiguity, but both of them were busy with work or studies, and they were not in the same social circle, and they gradually drifted apart over time.

Half a year ago, Song Xiao suddenly started chasing Jiang Yan fiercely. Jiang Yan had always had a good impression of Song Xiao. After more than two months, she agreed to Song Xiao, and the two officially became boyfriend and girlfriend.

Yuhua looked at Jiang Yan, feeling a little depressed, but more relaxed, she nodded and said, "Okay."

Went in and changed shoes.

Jiang Yan winked at Yuhua and asked her, "You don't even ask who brought up the breakup?"


Jiang Yan laughed, "Jin Mei Zai knows me best."

She poured the wine in her hand into two white porcelain cups, handed a cup to Yu Hua, raised the cup in her hand, "Cheers."

Xi Hua raised his cup and took a sip.

She is not very fond of wine, she has tasted all kinds of wine, only a little interested in rice wine.

That's why Jiang Yan took out peach blossom rice wine to drink with her.

Jiang Yan didn't care either, she just wanted to find someone to listen to her complaint, but other friends might not understand what she was complaining about, Yu Huaneng.

"...After I agreed to his marriage proposal, he drifted away, thinking that if he had a physical relationship with me, he would be my master, but he even told me not to practice Yun Sheng Gong anymore, saying that it would be bad for having children.

I really want to turn him upside down and control the water in his head.Well, and mine, why do I have such poor eyesight, I was fooled by such a person..."

"...I don't know what it means. I am stronger than him now, and he feels that his dignity as a man is threatened. Heh, I decided to resign and take over the live broadcast platform at home. I live full-time to teach people how to cultivate Yunsheng achievement……"

Yu Hua asked earnestly, "You really won't regret breaking up with him?"

"Of course." Jiang Yan is not drunk, and this kind of rice wine can't make her drunk, she said very simply and seriously, "If there are other problems between me and him, we can reconcile, but the position cannot be compromised. There is no room for maneuver with him anymore.

You know, what is the sand that cannot be rubbed in my eyes is related to three views and principles.I am most fortunate that I discovered it early and stopped the loss in time, otherwise I would suffer even greater losses if I got married and had children. "

Yu Hua nodded, "I see."

After leaving Jiang Yan's house, Yu Hua didn't go home, but drove out of Bihai Qingyuan.

I found him in Song Xiao's apartment.

Xi Hua went upstairs and knocked on the door.

"It's you!" Song Xiao welcomed Yuhua in in surprise.

Xi Hua saw directly into his soul.

The last time she saw Song Xiao, she noticed that Song Xiao's aura had changed, but Jiang Yan had just agreed to date Song Xiao at that time, so she didn't pursue it further.

No matter how good her relationship with Jiang Yan is, meddling in the other's personal feelings, even if it's all for the other's benefit, may cause the two of them to turn against each other.

From the fact that Jiang Yan and Song Xiaoruo have been separated for more than three years and have not been able to make any further progress, and the relationship between the two has improved by leaps and bounds half a year ago, it can be seen that Song Xiao, who has changed his breath, will please Jiang Yan even more.

So she never got to know Song Xiao deeply, as long as Song Xiao didn't bother her.

Now, it is not his own soul that controls Song Xiao's body.

Yuhua's spiritual power turned into invisible big hands, grabbing out the soul occupying Song Xiao's body.

The soul didn't even have time to scream, and Yu Hua searched his memory.

The fake Song Xiao was worn more than 100 years later, and has been worn for more than half a year.

More than 100 years later, she is an influential physicist.

The Yunsheng Gong taught and promoted by Jiang Yan brought women into the era of real gender equality.

After the fake Song Xiao transmigrated, he preferred the current era where men had a higher status, so he was unwilling to let Jiang Yan change this status quo.

It's a pity that he misjudged Jiang Yan. Jiang Yan was not a person who gave up herself for the sake of feelings, which made his plan come to nothing.

As for using force...he might want to.

The fake Song Xiao was a maintainer of the Holographic Network in his time, and he taught himself that the computer technology he called "ancient" was still very fast.

He stole the article from the desktop computer at Hua Hua's home.It was also his luck, if he stole it from the laptop that Xi Hua carried with him, he would probably be discovered by Xi Hua immediately.

The purpose of the fake Song Xiao is very clear, which is to ruin Yuhua's reputation.Let a future scientist die young, change the direction of the world, and give him a sense of accomplishment in controlling the fate of others.

In this case, Yuhua is not polite.

After a while, the fake Song Xiao's soul dissipated.

Yuhua waited for a while, but couldn't wait for Tiandao's feedback.

It turns out that not all bugs are rewarded when caught.

She left with a little regret.

Half an hour after Yuhua left, Song Xiao woke up. He was shocked to find that he woke up half a year later. He had no memory of how he spent the half year.


The article had already been published by the fake Song Xiao, and it was difficult to rectify the name, but Yuhua thought it was troublesome and didn't do it.

Xi Hua is now more interested in another subject.

Controlled nuclear fusion.

She has been devoted to quantum research with Fan Lao. Although she is very interested in controllable nuclear fusion, she has no intention of changing her research direction now.

Because what promotes the evolution of the rules of her consciousness is not how much she learns, but how deeply she studies the same principle.

In Song Xiao's memory, the controllable nuclear fusion project was successful under her leadership, opening a new chapter in the world's energy revolution.

Let her make a decision, and turn to controllable nuclear fusion research in the future.

She thought of a question.

Without the arrival of the fake Song Xiao, would Jiang Yan continue to make the promotion of Yunsheng Gong the direction of her life's efforts?

 Thank you for your votes and rewards, each one is the motivation for my code words, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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