Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 67: Don't Be a Sister Flower

Chapter 67 Don't be a sister flower after the movie

At least she won't make a decision so early, because Jiang Yan still thought about getting married and having children first, and then devote herself to her career. She considered that people's energy is limited, so they will be prioritized.

The fake Song Xiao's real thoughts angered Jiang Yan, made her change her mind, and made her make career a priority.

And because she knew the future, she changed her research direction earlier.

Will the arrival of the fake Song Xiao change the direction of his future era, or is the direction of his era originally changed because he traveled to the present era?
The rules of time are really interesting.

It's just that she hasn't mastered this time rule yet, and the future is unknown.


Eighty years later, Yuhua's consciousness floated away from her body.

She died of natural causes at the end of her life.Her basic martial arts has only reached the third level, which is the upper limit allowed by this world.

Cultivating to the third level cannot extend the upper limit of a person's lifespan, it can only make people healthy when they age naturally.

Just like the fake Song Xiao remembered, she had been doing research in national scientific research institutions all her life.

She is not interested in men, and of course she is not interested in women. She has never wronged herself and has always been single.

She has been in a secret organization for many years, with constant honors and money to spend, and no one talks about her being single.

Instead, she thinks that it is because she is single and not distracted that she has made one achievement after another that has changed the course of the world.

Cheng Qiuyun lived a prosperous and comfortable life in the second half of her life. When she passed away more than 20 years ago, she aged naturally and passed away peacefully.Taking her own experience as a lesson, Cheng Qiuyun never urged Xihua to get married.

As soon as she left her body, Yuhua's consciousness was repelled by strong rules.

She originally planned that this body's life span was up, and she would find another body and stay here, that is, to reincarnate again.

It seems that Heaven does not give her a chance to reincarnate in this world.

With a thought in her mind, Yu Hua separated two groups of things from her conscious body.

What is so thick that it is almost white is the power of faith. She is an influential scientist and has received many awards from the country. It is not surprising that she has gained so much power of faith.

The golden light is her accumulated merits. She has promoted the progress of science in this world, destroyed the system and prevented the loopholes in the rules from expanding. After more than 80 years of repairs, the loopholes in the rules have almost been repaired.

It is precisely because the loopholes have been repaired, and without the protection of the body, the Heavenly Dao rejects the outsider, Yuhua, so much.

But if she doesn't destroy the system, she won't get the free rules fed back to her by Tiandao.

It's just that these two things are useless to Yu Hua who is about to leave.

What the power of faith boosts is the human soul, and Yuhua's consciousness is strong enough. Compared with Yuhua's consciousness, the amount that this power of faith can gain is like a drop of water and the sea.

As for merit...

Yuhua is the way of heaven in one plane. The way of heaven does not need merit, it just needs to treat all things in this plane equally.

Merit is a kind of reciprocal reward given by the Dao of Heaven to intelligent beings in this plane.

She has become Cheng Wenjin in this world, she has done something that can gain merit, and she has gained the merit that can be obtained as a living being in this side.

The only use of the power of faith and merit to her after leaving is that the essence of both is a kind of energy, which she can absorb.

It's just that both of them are marked with the imprint of this world. Although she can remove the imprint little by little after taking it away, it is too troublesome and she is too lazy to do it.

Compared with energy, rules are more beneficial to her.

Yuhua hooked up with Tiandao, and broke up the two groups, one platinum and one gold. Soon, the power of faith and merit were absorbed back by Tiandao.

Tiandao's feedback was given to her almost at the same time, and Yuhua was very satisfied, because the free rules that Tiandao gave back to her were three times that of when she destroyed the system.

Even more rewarding, there are rules about the progression of time.Although it is only a small point, Yuhua does not dislike it at all. The rules of time and space are always the most rare.

Yuhua's conscious body rolled up, swallowed all the rules, tore open the space before Tiandao threw her out of this world, and returned to her own body.


Stars sway with dazzling brilliance, pulling countless small stars and dust to rotate with it.

The evolution of the main body and the consciousness body are synchronized. The evolution of the consciousness body of Yuhua, and the evolution of ta body have the same evolution.

Sinking the conscious body into the ontology, Yu Hua entered into a dormant state.


After an unknown amount of time, Yuhua's consciousness floated up from her main body and transformed into an adult form.

The human form formed by ta's conscious body is just a phantom, with blurred facial features, regardless of gender.

There was a change in a space near the edge of the nebula, and Yu Huayi followed her heart and went there in an instant.

Reach out and tear open the space wall, revealing a space channel.

Xi Hua's conscious body was thrown into it.

The ripples dissipated, and Yu Hua left the space.

In front of him was a dead woman.

The woman is lying on a kang.

The kang, like this house, has been around for some years.

There is a small Kang table on the outside of the kang, on which there is an enamel tea mug with a painting of Double Happiness. The tea mug has been around for many years, and many places have lost its porcelain. It is filled with dark soup. .

The woman is very close to the Kang table, her head is turned to the other side, as if she is deliberately moving away from the Kang table.

The clothes on her are very old, the prints on them have faded, and the cuffs and hem are frayed.

The mattress under him was even older, with several patches of different fabrics, and two or three cracks on the edge, exposing the yellow and hard cotton inside, smelling it closely, it smelled stale.

The quilt on the side was not much better.

Fortunately, although the clothes and quilts are worn out, they are clean on the surface, and the cotton inside is old and dirty and cannot be washed.

It can be seen from this that the family conditions of this family are not very good.

The woman had just died, and there was still vitality in her body, so she looked as if she was just sleeping.

Only when she is angry can she possess a body.

After a person dies, the anger in the body will transform into death energy.

If there is no vitality at all, the body is completely dead. A body that has completely lost its vitality can only be called a corpse, and her consciousness cannot be revived even if she enters it.

Xi Hua looked at her soul standing next to the woman's body.

Apparently the woman has accepted the fact that she is dead, and she doesn't feel much pain or complaint, instead she looks relieved.

Seeing a group of phantom figures suddenly appeared, the woman's soul was startled. The phantom in front of her eyes was not much taller than her soul, but it made her feel like standing at the bottom of the mountain next to the village and looking up. Something is pressing down.

Make her fearful.

It was a bit timid to speak, "Are you... an errand?"

Yuhua: "No."

(End of this chapter)

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