Chapter 662 I Have a Secret (50)

After the original owner was born, the house was not enough to live in. The family planned to buy a big house, or buy the house next door, so that the family could live in a more spacious place.

When the original owner was five years old, both Hong Yang and Zhong Nuo died in a car accident. Unable to bear the blow, his grandfather fell ill and passed away more than a year later.

Grandpa lived in the hospital for more than a year, and the family savings were all used up.

The driver’s family was poor and had no money for compensation. Later, the driver was found to be terminally ill and died within a few months. This made it impossible for the original owner’s grandparents to ask for compensation.

Grandma made money by setting up food stalls every day to bring the original owner up.

The original owner didn't make a request, and Yuhua didn't investigate the matter between Hongyang and Zhong Nuo in the first place.

When she checked Chen Jingwei, she accidentally discovered that the small pharmaceutical factory actually controlled by Chen Jingwei was related to Hongyang.

Hongyang's clinic had supplied medicines to a small pharmaceutical factory actually controlled by Chen Jingwei.

On the surface, this is a common and reasonable thing. This small-scale pharmaceutical factory is a formal enterprise with complete procedures and the drugs it produces are commonly used drugs.

Because the price is cheaper than that of large pharmaceutical companies, many commonly used drugs in small clinics are produced by such small pharmaceutical companies.

What attracted Xihua's attention was that Hongyang opened a Chinese massage clinic, and some western medicine clinics bought from small pharmaceutical factories were not available.

After having this question, Yuhua searched all the things Hongyang left behind, and found some clues in a notebook left by Hongyang.

The medical books and study notes left by Hongyang were regarded by the original owner as a thought for his parents, and he rarely looked through them, so he did not find these things that Hongyang wrote down in his medical practice notes.

The notes are basically the analysis and research of the case, and a few lines of strange records are written on one of the pages.

The first line only has a few words: Xingyan, Chen.

The second line reads: Drug A, stupid drug? Drug B,? C drug, drowsiness
Two horizontal bars are drawn below the lethargy.

A compound name is written below, followed by a question mark.

Xingyan is the name of that pharmaceutical factory. I don't know if "Chen" refers to Chen Guixing, who is in charge of the pharmaceutical factory now, or Chen Jingwei. More than ten years ago, Chen Jingwei and the pharmaceutical factory had not separated on the public face. .

That compound has a sleep-inducing effect.

Drug A and drug B recorded in the second line will not be mentioned, and drug C marked with two horizontal bars should be the focus of Hongyang's attention.

Wang Yang is investigating the criminal who left him homeless.

Hongyang's life experience is not a secret, his grandmother also told the original owner, and Yuhua checked some more information to add more details about his life experience.

Hongyang was bought by his later so-called parents.

The family's surname is Fu, and Hongyang's name here is Fu Hongyang.

Fu Hongyang has two older sisters.

The two older sisters were not nice to Fu Hongyang, and they always beat and scolded him behind his back.

The rich couple looked at Fu Hongyang very much, and they ate and drank well, but they actually kept him in captivity.

He didn't go to elementary school until he was nine years old, and the rich couple said that he was not very smart and couldn't understand when he went to school early.

He was dizzy for a while when he was a child, probably before he was seven years old. After he was seven years old, the dizziness in his head gradually disappeared, thanks to the old doctor in the village.

The old doctor guessed Fu Hongyang's origin to some extent, felt compassion for him, and treated him in the name of accepting him as an apprentice.

Later, seeing that Fu Hongyang was down-to-earth and capable, he really taught him.

The old doctor didn't charge money to teach Fu Hongyang, and the rich couple was happy to take advantage of it, so they didn't stop Fu Hongyang from studying medicine.

Seeing that Fu Hongyang is more talented in bone-setting massage, the old doctor focused on teaching him medical skills in this area.

After Fu Hongyang went to high school, he knew that he was bought by a rich family, so he decided to leave to find his biological parents.

Where is the rich family willing to go to school to make a fuss, saying that they raised Fu Hongyang, Fu Hongyang is a white-eyed wolf who doesn't remember his kindness, and pretends to buy it as a pick-up.

This incident caused a lot of uproar, and many people who didn't know the truth made accusations against Fu Hongyang, causing him to suffer a lot of blank stares and scolding.

The rich couple came to make trouble from time to time, disrupting the normal order in the school and affecting the students' studies. Fu Hongyang voluntarily dropped out of school before the college entrance examination.

Fu Hongyang went to school late, and he was already an adult at this time.

After dropping out of school, Fu Hongyang completely broke with the rich family. He approached the village committee and the town, and used not to sue the rich couple as a bargaining chip to separate his household registration, and removed Fu's surname. From then on, he was called Hongyang.

He knew best why the rich family bought him, because they wanted him to inherit the "incense" of the rich family. He would rather not have a surname than Fu.

For the wealthy couple, it was like killing them.

It made Hongyang feel ridiculous and relieved.

Hongyang later obtained the qualifications to practice Chinese medicine, and after the death of the old doctor, he came to Qiyang City, opened a massage clinic, met and married Zhong Nuo.

Hongyang has been tracing his background, and later followed a suspected || dealer to Xingyan Pharmaceutical Factory.

The old doctor once told him that he always felt dizzy when he was a child, which was the sequelae caused by taking drugs that were harmful to the brain.

And he didn't remember anything before he came to the rich family.

He was already four or five years old when he was sold to a rich family. He should have remembered some family events and people, but his brain was blank and he had no memory at all.

It should be a human || The trafficker gave him medicine that could keep him from crying and fussing. This medicine made him forget what happened before.

Not long after finding Xingyan Pharmaceutical Factory, Hongyang and Zhong Nuo died in a car accident.

The materials that Xi Hua produced were complete.

"The actual controller of Xingyan Pharmaceutical Factory is Chen Jingwei. Chen Jingwei's first pot of gold was Xingyan Pharmaceutical Factory, which was still a Sanwu Pharmaceutical Factory at that time. The drugs produced were supplied to the black market in underground places in various places."

Chen Jingwei's fortune is not visible, so he tried his best to bury that experience. He has been whitewashing the Chen family for these years, and doing charity everywhere is exactly for this purpose.

"This is evidence that Xingyan Pharmaceutical Factory secretly produces some prohibited drugs." Xingyan Pharmaceutical Factory produces normal drugs during the day, but the night shift produces illegal drugs.

"Chen Jingwei has a close relationship with underground forces."

Chen Jingwei wanted to break with the past, but the people who cooperated with him had to be willing. He made a lot of money from those who did illegal activities, so he had to bear the noose around his neck brought about by it.

Those people didn't want to lose a supply channel, but he didn't dare to stop the pharmaceutical factory, even if the money he earned was worth less than his current net worth, he didn't dare to stop production.

"Two years after my parents died, the ex-wife of the driver who caused the accident bought a house. She claimed that the money was borrowed, but for more than ten years, she has not fulfilled the repayment of the so-called loan."

"This diagnostic sheet proves that the driver knew he was terminally ill before he crashed into my parents' car."

(End of this chapter)

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