Chapter 663 I Have a Secret (51)

These evidences show that the accident that year may not be an accident, but man-made.

The Zhong family has never had any enemies, and the enemies can only appear on Hongyang's side.

The rich couple didn't have such great ability, and they couldn't afford to pay for murder.

In the matter of parasites, Xi Hua can use extraordinary means, because killing parasites is consistent with the rules of this world.

But in other respects, you can’t use it.

This matter can best be resolved by legal means.

The people who talked to Yu Hua were not only people from the research institute, but also personnel from the security department. They took over the documents, looked through them, and their expressions became more serious.

"Xiao Zhong, where did you get all these information? That hacker found it?"

The person who asked the question was a man surnamed Shao. Others called him Director Shao. Although he looked about forty years old, he had a straight waist, a heroic air, and his tone was not aggressive.

Yuhua knew that if she came to her, she would definitely ask about the hackers, "There are many sources of these materials, some were found by my father earlier, some were found by someone I paid for, and some were given by that hacker.

The provenance of the data doesn't matter, does it?The important thing is that the information is true, and I want to seek justice for my parents. "

A young man sitting next to Director Shao stared into Yu Hua's eyes, trying to put pressure on her, "Zhong Ling, you'd better tell me who that hacker is. He is suspected of endangering national security. If you don't say it, you will shelter……"

"Little Hu!" Director Shao gave the young man a serious look, and stopped the young man from continuing.

Then he smiled at Yu Hua, "Xiao Hu is hot-tempered, don't take it to heart. If you can get in touch with that hacker, send a message, the country welcomes talents like him.

Regarding your parents, we will investigate.If it is found that there were human factors in the car accident that year, no matter who is found, it will never be tolerated. "

The other party showed this attitude, and Yu Hua accepted, "Thank you, Director Shao, I will just wait for the good news from Director Shao.

I know that you came here to know if I have any adventures. To be honest, I have, but my adventure is special. I am just a media person. I can't control whether it will come out and when it will come out. "

After knowing the function of Ye Jian, Yu Hua never thought of hiding Ye Jian from the beginning.

The doomsday has stretched out its tentacles, and she alone cannot stop the doomsday from coming.

It's just that Ye Jian was too weak before, so it's the best way to hide it and let it grow in the dark.

She fed the three parasites she got in Junqian Village to Ye Jian, and now Ye Jian has entered a deep sleep to transform, and when it completes its transformation, it will be able to hunt and kill the parasites.

So she did not intervene in Chen Zhe's anonymous report, nor did she stop Chen Jingwei's various secret actions.

There is a reason for choosing to let zombie wolves appear in public.

She sent her unusual signal to the nation.

After hearing what Yu Hua said, everyone present seemed a little excited.

Director Shao also breathed heavily, "It? So, it can communicate with people, can we meet it?"

"Not yet. It has entered dormancy, let's talk about when it ends dormancy." Yuhua's not hiding does not mean handing over.

With Cheng Kaijing's prophet and the power of the Cheng family, if she wants to hand it over, Ye Jian is likely to fall into the hands of the Cheng family.

With Cheng Kaijing's selfishness and indifference, not only will he not prevent the possible apocalypse, but he will also promote the arrival of the apocalypse, so that the Cheng family can let him reap the maximum benefits and power.

As for the billions of people who will die because of this, it is not within his consideration.

Xiao Hu's eyes twinkled, and he said righteous words, "Comrade Zhong Ling, you'd better take the initiative to hand it over to the country. You can't take this kind of foreign object for yourself after you get it. It belongs to the whole world."

Yu Hua glanced at Xiao Hu, "You, Cheng Kaijing's young man, are not worthy of saying that. I think you mean to hand it over to the Cheng family."

Let the Cheng family, a cancer that steals national wealth, let it bask in the sun.

She believes that the conversation here will be transmitted to the ears of many people in real time through the surveillance in the room.

Xiao Hu is a member of the Cheng family. Some people may know this well, but it is another matter to put it on the stage, and it is even more serious when it is put on the stage of the country.

Yuhua herself is not big enough, but she has a golden finger for her to be famous.

"Zhong Ling, don't use the trick of spitting blood to mess things up." Xiao Hu smiled angrily to cover up the panic that flashed in his eyes.

He knows how many people have seen the situation here, and what level they are.

What he never expected was that this Zhong Ling would say such ironic words.Isn't she afraid of offending the Cheng family?Does she have greater reliance?

Xiao Hu took a deep breath and said, "Director Shao, if Zhong Ling doesn't cooperate like this, it's better to take coercive measures."

"I have evidence." Yu Hua looked at Xiao Hu like a clown, "Hu Zhang, there is a secret account in XX Bank abroad, the account number is XXXXXXX, and there are more than 1000 million foreign currency in it."

Xiao Hu's head "buzzed" and he couldn't hear anything, thinking "it's over".In his capacity, it is illegal to have an account abroad, let alone money of unknown origin in it.

"Director Shao, if something happens to me, if something happens to my grandmother, it must be someone from Cheng Kaijing's Cheng family. I believe you have checked it out. The thief who entered my house last time was sent by Cheng Kaijing. The adventure I got.

So here comes the question, how did Cheng Kaijing know?Maybe he also has a golden finger. He was an old dude five years ago, and then he became a golden finger overnight. No matter how you look at it, there is something wrong with it. Could it be that he cannot accept investigation because of his illustrious family background? "

The Cheng family is still far away from covering the sky with one hand. In the past, few people would connect Cheng Kaijing's changes with getting an adventure. A novel is a novel, and things like golden fingers are too fantasy.

Now that there is a real example of Yuhua, who thinks that there is an example of an adventure and a golden finger, then Cheng Kaijing's abnormality can also be considered in this regard.

Who wouldn't want a golden finger?

Apart from being a prophet, Cheng Kaijing's IQ has not improved due to his rebirth, except for his ruthless nature.

Presumably Cheng Kaijing's future life will be wonderful.

Director Shao was very steady, and looked at Yu Hua meaningfully, "We will investigate the matter you questioned."

"I believe Director Shao." Yu Hua accepted it as soon as he saw it, "I think you have found out that those two animals are different from Ji Guangfa. The health pills I made can improve physical fitness and prevent Ji Guangfa's mutation. .

But the health pills were not brought by my adventure, so you have to pay me for taking the prescription. "

(End of this chapter)

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