Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 81 Borrowing a space to farm

Chapter 81 Borrowing a space to farm (14)

When handing in, weigh the weight on the spot, remember first, after the afternoon handing in, add up the total weight together to calculate the work points for the day.

Wei Xingyu pays a lot every day, at least three work points a day, and sometimes four.

Older children are stronger, and it is enough to cut a large basket for two work points.

Wei Xingyu has little strength, little strength, and a small basket, so she will hand in the basket when it is full, and then come back to cut it. She has to go back and forth twice in the morning, which takes a lot of time.

This is the second basket. Wei Xingyu always mows full before returning home, because her home is closer to the place where the grass is delivered, so she always goes home to eat at noon, and then goes to the village to deliver the grass after eating.

Looking at Wei Xingyu's black and green hands soaked in grass juice, Yu Hua's heart moved slightly.

It is the touching emotion brought to her by the fetters of family affection.

"I'll cut it for you." Yuhua stretched out her hand towards Wei Xingyu.

Wei Xingyu carried the small sickle behind her back, "Sister, let me cut it, sister, you wait on the side."

Being protected by a child who was much weaker than herself, Yuhua felt more ripples in her heart.

Yu Hua rubbed Wei Xingyu's small face as she wished, and wiped off a line of mud sticking to her face with her thumb, "I'll cut it, and you are responsible for picking the grass into the basket."

"Yes." Wei Xingyu gave the sickle to Yu Hua.Between listening to her sister and being afraid that she would be tired, Wei Xingyu chose to listen to her sister. Anyway, she was watching, and if she was tired, she would take over.

When the original owner was a child, he would mow grass to earn work points when he had time, and Yuhua found the memory of how to mow grass and what kind of grass to mow.

After cutting for a while, Yu Hua quickly became familiar with it, and her speed increased.

Wei Xingyu followed behind to pick them up, put the grass cut by Yu Hua into a pile and put it in the basket, and pressed it with both hands to make it firmer.

Seeing how fast and accurate her sister mowed, Wei Xingyu's eyes were full of little stars. My sister told her mother that she was good at everything, even mowing grass well.

Picking up a bunch and putting them in the basket, no matter how much they couldn't hold it down, Wei Xingyu hurriedly shouted, "Sister, enough is enough, there's too much to hold."

Yu Hua stopped, stood up and stretched her legs and legs. She kept squatting and moving while mowing the grass, and her legs were sore from squatting.

Xingyu went to pick up the last piece of grass that was mowed, while Yuhua walked tens of meters away, squatted down and dug the grass again.

It is a few good quality Rehmannia glutinosa, one of the medicines used to make Yunsheng pills.

Wei Xingyu's whole body was pressed onto the basket, and only a part of it was pressed down, and all the grass was put into the basket.

Seeing Yuhua digging grass roots, Wei Xingyu ran over curiously, "Sister, what are you digging for?"

Yuhua didn't hide it from Wei Xingyu, "This is rehmannia glutinosa, a kind of Chinese medicinal herb. I dig it up and prepare to make it into medicine."

Wei Xingyu's starry eyes lit up again, "Sister is really amazing." Sister even knows how to make medicine.

Xi Hua picked five of the best quality trees and dug them up. After digging, they placed them under the pigweed in the basket, mainly because they were afraid that they would fall out when they were carried around.

Seeing a piece of honeysuckle, he thought of Du Laoqi's honeysuckle wall, so Xi Hua dug a few seedlings and planned to plant them at the base of the courtyard wall at home.

"Isn't Erhua a flower picker? Why did my sister dig up the roots?" The honeysuckle is called Erhua here.Erhua can be seen everywhere, on the land and roadside.

"Pick it back and plant it in our backyard. It looks good and is useful."

"Sister, do you want to plant a lot of flowers? I'll dig them for you in the future."

"Okay. But you can only dig it if you know it. Some beautiful flowers are poisonous, so you can't just dig them and touch them."

"I know my sister, I learned how to dig with my sister."

Xihua picked up the pannier and carried it on her back, Wei Xingyu was anxious, "Sister, Shen, I will carry it."

A kind of softness grew in Yuhua's heart, "It's not heavy, I can carry it on my back. Xingyu, let's go, I'll carry it for you when I get tired."

Wei Xingyu looked at the back basket worriedly, still took Yuhua's hand, and called out to her little friend in the distance, "Fangni, Sanya, I'll go with my sister first."

Soon there were two echoes.

"Got it, you go home first."

"I will cut and leave again."

Wei Xingyu waved his hand in the direction of Ying Hesheng again, and followed Yu Hua back home.

When the two returned home, Miao Dalan asked again, were they tired, was it hot, did they feel comfortable?

From this, we can know where Wei Xingyu's desire to protect the original owner came from. Miao Dalan regarded the original owner as a glass man, and was afraid that it would break if he was not careful, so he brought Wei Xingyu into this concept.

Miao Dalan said that she would not let Xihua pick up Wei Xingyu again, saying that Wei Xingyu would be picked up by her.

That's right, now that Xihua's illness is cured, Miao Dalan goes to work normally, and when she comes back, she just brings Wei Xingyu with her. Wei Xingyu only needs to carry the grass once to hand in, and Miao Dalan will help her when she comes back at noon and night. back.

Today I was worried about Yuhua and came back early, so I couldn't pick up Wei Xingyu.

Xi Hua didn't insist either.

He thought that when she got better, he would not mention Wei Xingyu killing pigweed and let her study more at home.

Her study of medicine has already passed.

But it's a little different from what she thought.

Knowing that she wants to study medicine, and has borrowed medical books from Du Laoqi to read, Miao Dalan and Wei Baoshan are very happy, Miao Dalan can't wait to send Du Laoqi a teacher's ceremony, but Wei Baoshan persuaded her Stopped, said to wait for Du Laoqi to open his mouth to formally accept apprentices.

Yu Hua was very confused. When did she say that she would worship Du Lao Qi as her teacher?She just said that she wanted to learn some medical skills and borrowed books to read.

She thought she knew people very well, but she didn't expect that it was just her thinking. She really didn't know how Miao Dalan and Wei Baoshan thought that if she wanted to study medicine, she wanted to learn from a teacher.

Since she wasn't needed for cooking, Yuhua took the honeysuckle seedlings to the east wall and planted them one by one along the wall.

It can be regarded as the first step in her farming career.


The next day, Yu Hua did not rest at home as Miao Dalan had told her. If Miao Dalan did what she wanted, it would be best for her to stay at home all day.

How could Xihua really follow suit.Her conscious body only realized the bond of family affection bestowed on her by the Dao of Heaven, and did not let it affect her decision.

However, she had reported to Miao Dalan in advance, saying that the weather would always be fine, and she wanted to gather some medicine and come back, so she would search around the edge before going far, and she would be back soon.

Because she reported the matter of studying medicine, Miao Dalan agreed with her promise that she would not make herself tired, and repeatedly told her not to go too far.

After Miao Dalan and the others walked for about [-] minutes, they figured it was time for the workers to go to the field, so they went to the tool shed in the east to get a hatchet, and left the house with a basket on their backs.

After exiting the West Village entrance, Xi Hua took the road up the mountain this time.

Her purpose is simple and clear, to find something to eat.

As her cultivation deepened, her food intake increased.

She hasn't eaten enough in the past few days.

(End of this chapter)

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