Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 82 Borrowing a space to farm

Chapter 82 Borrowing a space to farm (15)

There is plenty of food in the family, and she will be found if she eats a little more.

What's more, if she is full, instead of eating a little more, she needs to eat a lot more.

Her appetite has already doubled compared to when the original owner was there, so it cannot increase too quickly.

To eat as much as she can will scare the family.

She could not explain the sudden increase in appetite.In the previous world, she could say that she had a lot of food after practicing martial arts, and it could be said that she learned from whomever she downloaded the martial arts skills.

Let her tell Miao Dalan and Wei Baoshan that she has practiced martial arts, and they will think that she has burned out her brain.

Her movements are under the watchful eyes of her family, who can she learn martial arts from?

If she wanted to say that she met an expert teacher on the mountain, if the two of them didn't believe her, they would still think that she had lost her mind.

If she believed it, she would definitely ask her to find that person, ask where he was and why she came to her house, and if not, she would report it to the village and report it as a bad person.

Yuhua could infer Miao Dalan's thoughts: He is really a good person with great ability, why hide in the mountains and dare not see others?
Therefore, Yuhua will not make up a lie about things.

I could only be hungry for the first two days.

Let the family accept that she eats a lot, and she has to take her time and increase her appetite little by little.

A good foundation is that Miao Dalan is born with greater strength, and she has shown that her strength has become stronger in the future, which can be said to have inherited Miao Dalan.

After the Yunsheng Pill was made and the root of the disease was gone, she could attribute part of the cause to the Yunsheng Pill.

As long as it is not too exaggerated, it will not make people suspicious in the family.

She drank two bowls of porridge this morning and ate one and a half nests, which made Miao Dalan very worried that she would accumulate food if she ate too much at once, so she was not allowed to eat any more.

But Yuhua won't starve herself, she can make herself some extra meals.

She wanted to go into the mountains to see if she could catch a pheasant or a hare. The best and fastest way to nourish her body was to eat meat.From memory, there are quite a lot of pheasants and hares on the mountain.

According to regulations, all the produce on the mountain is owned by the collective, no matter who catches the prey, it must be handed over to the brigade, and then the brigade will decide how to distribute it.

However, the regulations are dead, and the specific practices will not be so rigid.Usually, I get a small game on the mountain, and I quietly take it home and eat it. No one will say anything, because everyone does it this way.

The big guys are dying, so score points.

It is the most luxuriant season of vegetation, and the mountains are full of greenery.

There is also something to eat everywhere.

Weijiagou is close to the mountain and the water, so it is blessed by nature, there is no shortage of food, but in the bad years, I have never heard of anyone dying of starvation in this area. At most, there is not enough food to eat. Those who swim and run on the ground, as well as wild vegetables, mushrooms, and wild fruits, are mostly edible, and generally not hungry.

After walking for a while, Yuhua encountered only one snake, a non-venomous cauliflower snake. Considering the problem of parasites, which are difficult to deal with in the wild, she did not attack the cauliflower snake.

Seeing some wild fruits, Yu Hua picked them up, picked a few late-ripening wild apricots, broke them open and ate them.

There are many wild apricot trees on the mountain, and the stream flowing down from the mountain is on both sides. The villagers call this stream Xingxi. When Xingxi flows outside the village, the water surface becomes wider and becomes Xingxi River.

This stream is the source of the original owner's name.

The dried apricots at home for her to suppress the smell of medicine are dried from the wild apricots on the mountain.

Xi Hua didn't eat much.

In the era of the last world, people who had enough to eat advocated pure natural and wild food, and some people bought vegetables and fruits that were sold at sky-high prices.

Pay attention to the use of no machinery, no manual work, no spraying, no chemical fertilizers, and all natural growth.

But those fruits that look good, are big, and have no insects or spots make people doubt whether they are really pure and natural.

The apricots in Xihua's hands are absolutely natural and wild.

However, wild apricots are small and have a strong sour taste, which is too sour for her highly sensitive taste.

In addition, cooked wild apricots are very attractive to birds and insects. Either they are pecked to only half of them, or they are full of worms.

It looked like a yellow and intact apricot, but once it was broken open, the black inside had become a nest of bugs.

Absolutely nothing like artificially grown sweet apricots.

In addition to wild apricots, she also found a few medlars and raspberries, picked them and ate some, and didn't forget to leave some for Wei Xingyu.

Yu Hua didn't stay on the outside, and walked along the Xingxi River into the mountain.

Xingxi River flows continuously all year round, even in the dry season. The stream is extremely clear and there are many aquatic organisms growing in it.

Xi Hua looked at the snails scattered all over the stream, and felt that it was not enough to fill him up and it was inconvenient to make it now, so he gave up taking it as an extra meal.

On the outskirts of the mountain, people come up to look for mountain goods and dig wild vegetables almost every day, and the animals are frightened away and do not settle in the outskirts.

It is not easy to encounter wild game on the periphery.

When there were fewer and fewer traces of people, Yuhua finally saw a prey, a pheasant, pecking at unknown seeds on the ground.

He stepped lightly, moved his position, and saw that there was no tree in front of him, and threw the hatchet in his hand.

The pheasant became alert, but unfortunately it was too late. As soon as its wings took flight, the hatchet had already arrived, pierced its neck, and nailed it to the ground.

Xihua practiced martial arts for many years in the last world, and her skills have been engraved in her consciousness. Her accuracy is just as good without mental power.

She walked over, pulled out the hatchet, and saw that the pheasant's neck was twisted and broken.

A broken neck is of course dead.

This pheasant was very fat, she weighed it, and it weighed about four catties, enough to make up for a meal.

She carried the pheasant and walked up the stream until she came to an open beach in her memory.

There are many water beaches like this in the place where Xingxi flows. This place is in the mountains and forests, and it is a relatively remote one. The original owner only passed by with Miao Dalan.

Yu Hua thought it was out of the way, and it was not easy to meet people.

The water beach with a width of more than ten meters is full of large and small pebbles and gravel. There are no trees, only a few sparse grasses. It is a good place for barbecue, and it will not accidentally cause a wildfire.

She plans to cook and eat now.

Although she has never cooked, she has a lot of theoretical knowledge. The knowledge she copied in the previous life is all-encompassing, and the recipes and cooking videos are not less copied.

The theory is there, is it difficult to practice?

After starting, the facts told Jian Hua that it was very difficult to practice.

The first is to clean up.

The raw chickens she saw in her last world were all packed in supermarkets. She had seen live chickens before, but she had never seen the process of packing a live chicken into a chicken.

No matter how you clean it up, the hair must be pulled out.

She tried to pluck a few chicken feathers, but it was not very easy to pluck them raw.

Searching the huge library in her memory, she found a way to cook chicken without plucking.

The original version of Beggar's Chicken.

(End of this chapter)

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