Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 828 There is something wrong with this world

Chapter 828 There is something wrong with this world (2)

Her body felt very sore and heavy, and she had to use a lot of force to turn over and sit up.

The lack of oxygen has already caused damage to the inside of the body, she found a repair agent from the space, and swallowed it.

This is a science-side world, and she chose the science-side product.

Fortunately, this repair agent is allowed by this world.

She used the interstellar product's repair agent to take effect quickly. After taking it for a while, the heaviness in her body gradually disappeared.

She got up from the ground, picked up the cotton padded coat beside the bed and put it on her body, seeing that the gas in the house was almost exhausted, she closed the doors and windows.

After this cold wind blows, there is no heating in the room, and it is cold.

She buttoned up the cotton coat and put on the down pants, her body gradually warmed up.

She is not afraid of the cold and her body is afraid of the cold. She doesn't want to fall ill again.

She didn't want to sleep anymore, so she turned on the light, and the one-meter-long fluorescent tube immediately illuminated the whole room.

The most things in the house are books, many of which are large reference books, and judging from the degree of wear and tear, they are often read.

There are also stacks of notebooks, mostly used.

Books and notebooks occupy half of the room, and the simple bookshelves placed by the side of the room have long been unable to fit, and they are all piled up on the thick wooden boards built with bricks.

The table is also full.

Xi Hua picked up the half-written notebook on the table, on which was a structural diagram of a mechanical part, with various sizes marked out.

Every line is straight and smooth, and every arc is smooth, which makes Xihua look very comfortable.

This is what Lu Banxia learned by himself.

Lu Banxia's childhood was very happy. Her father, Lu Changzheng, was an engineer in Fengshi Machinery Factory, and her mother, He Shuyue, worked in the city's food factory.

I live in the family courtyard of the machinery factory. Compared with other factories, the family courtyard of the machinery factory has better conditions. The food factory where my mother works often distributes sweets and snacks as welfare, so that Lu Banxia has no shortage of snacks.

Lu Banxia had a carefree childhood.

When Lu Banxia was seven years old, her parents divorced, and Lu Banxia followed her father.It was an agreement reached between Lu Changzheng and He Shuyue, and it was also chosen by Lu Banxia herself. Compared to her mother, Lu Banxia prefers her father.

For a period of time after the divorce, mother He Shuyue often came to see Lu Banxia. Later, He Shuyue remarried, and the visits were much less. A year later, a pair of twins were born, and the visits were even less, not necessarily once a year. .

However, Lu Banxia's life is not bad. Lu Changzheng's skills are excellent, and he became a senior engineer in a machinery factory in a few years. Not to mention the high salary, he was assigned to a newly built building in the machinery factory. The two lived in a spacious and spacious room.

When the accident happened to Lu Banxia, ​​one day not long after her college entrance examination, Lu Changzheng was hit by a part that fell off accidentally in the factory. She was seriously injured on the spot and fell into a coma. After rescue, she survived, but was paralyzed in bed.

Lu Changzheng was injured in the factory, so he didn't have to worry about medical expenses and living expenses, but there was no one to take care of him.

Lu Changzheng's parents were long gone, and one younger brother lost contact very early, and there was no one among his relatives who could come to take care of him.

Lu Changzheng's situation is that he can't do without people for a moment, so Lu Banxia had to put away the university notice and stay at home to take care of Lu Changzheng.

The Lu family lived on the third floor, and it was inconvenient to go up and down. There was no way, Lu Banxia changed the bungalow with someone.

It was quickly changed to a yard with two and a half rooms.

In the family courtyard, the newly built building is the best house. It has a bathroom and a kitchen. It is convenient to live and has heating. It is much more valuable than a bungalow courtyard. Several houses are willing to change. This house is willing to supply the Lu family. Lu Banxia exchanged some money for this family.

This care lasts for six years.

Influenced by Lu Changzheng, Lu Banxia became interested in machinery after high school. She was preparing to study related majors in college, and she couldn't go to university. While taking care of Lu Changzheng, she started to study by herself.

There are ready-made professional books at home, which are used by Lu Changzheng himself.

She also has a teacher, Lu Changzheng.

Lu Changzheng can speak, but he speaks slowly.

Lu Banxia is talented and learns quickly and solidly.

Unfortunately, after more than six years, Lu Changzheng's health deteriorated rapidly, and he passed away within a few days.

The only dearest person in the world is no longer alive, and Lu Banxia quickly accepted the fact after his death.

Lu Changzheng passed away more than three months ago, so Lu Banxia said that she wanted to go to the underworld to find her father quickly, fearing that her father would be reincarnated and she would not be able to see her.


Yu Hua flipped through the reference book, and the formulas in it were all new to her.

The modern world she went to is similar in general, but has its own differences in details.

She compared and found that the basic physical rules are the same, but the formulas are expressed in different forms.

Xi Hua started her old business, copying the books in the house.

While copying, it is integrated in the conscious body.

Lu Banxia gave her the memories, but she couldn't give her personal learning feelings and inspiration.

By the time Yu Hua felt hungry, it was already broad daylight.

The weather is fine today, the wind has stopped, the sun is out, and it doesn't seem so cold.

Yu Hua was preparing to cook something when she heard a knock on the door.

"Ban Xia, are you at home?"

The owner of the voice I found from memory was a neighbor in the family courtyard, Liu Zhaolan. She was not a worker in the factory, but her husband was.Her husband used to help out under Lu Changzheng's men, and Lu Banxia also knew each other.

Liu Zhaolan is a housewife who has been in the family courtyard for a long time. Lu Banxia also happens to stay at home every day. She often meets her when she goes shopping. She has become acquainted with Liu Zhaolan in the past few years.

Yu Hua went over and opened the door, "Miss Zhao Lan, what's the matter?"

Although Liu Zhaolan has a son who is about to graduate from high school, he is only ten years old in Mainland Pinellia, so the original owner called her a sister.

Liu Zhaolan was dressed tightly, with a big scarf around her face, showing a small circle of face, seeing Yu Hua's face with a smile, "I have something good to ask you, go, go to the room and talk about it."

Xi Hua let the man into the house.

After Liu Zhaolan sat down, she looked at Yu Hua, "I see that your complexion is much better than before. That's right, people have to look forward, and Lu Gong doesn't want to see you sad every day after he's gone."

Xi Hua said, "Thank you."

"Oh, thank you, thank you, I have watched you come over these years, I know how hard it is for you better than anyone else..."

Xi Hua interrupted Liu Zhaolan's super-long opening speech, "Sister Zhaolan, if you have anything to say, just tell me, I haven't eaten yet, and I'm about to do it."

"Hey, I knew I would bring you a few buns." Liu Zhaolan clapped her hands, "Look, you just can't do it alone. Without a companion to care about, you don't care about your body anymore. What time is it? , haven't had breakfast yet."

Facing Shang Yuhua's calm gaze, Liu Zhaolan felt a little nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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