Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 829 There is something wrong with this world

Chapter 829 There is something wrong with this world (3)

Thinking of what she agreed to, Liu Zhaolan put the bad idea in her mind behind her, but she didn't go around in circles anymore, "Ban Xia, do you know the workshop director of the second workshop, it's Zheng Hui, he's taken a fancy to you, Ask me to ask you for a kiss."

Xi Hua checked, and there really was such a person in his memory. Zheng Hui also came to visit Lu Changzheng at home, but it was not special at all. When Lu Changzheng was just injured, many people came to visit him at home.

The nature of his work allowed him to deal with the most production workshops, so Lu Changzheng knew the most workshop worker leaders in the factory.

Zheng Hui must be at least forty years old, and, "Isn't he married?" If my memory is correct, Zheng Hui was married a long time ago and has three children, the oldest of whom is in high school.

She also didn't hear that the other party was divorced. In this day and age, the whole factory knows that someone's divorce can be spread quickly, and people like the original owner who don't go out very much or chat with others have heard of it many times.

Where did this come from?
"Haven't you heard of it? Zheng Hui's wife died last month. She said it was a disease in her brain. She fell to the ground and was sent to the hospital without being rescued. Damn, she is also unlucky. Zheng Hui just became the director. Fortune is in the back, but let’s go like this.”

"Oh." The original owner hasn't been able to adjust since her father passed away. It's not necessary that she hasn't been out much. She was not an inquisitive person before, so she hasn't heard of it.

Xi Hua just wanted to find out what was going on, and Liu Zhaolan thought that there was someone to ask Xi Hua about, so she hurriedly stepped up, "Zheng Hui said, if you agree, he is responsible for arranging your work, so I will arrange it for him." I will go to the workshop, and he will take care of you when the time comes, so your work will be smoother."

Yu Hua said straight to death, "I disagree. My work is arranged by the factory. If Zheng Hui dares to use this matter as a threat, I will make him unable to be the director."

According to the regulations in the factory, the original owner can arrange to enter the factory, and the original owner also applied, but has not been able to arrange for her.

There are several reasons. It is now 85, which is not what it used to be. The factory only looks at profits and wants talents.

She's still a woman, so she can't fit into a front-line heavy job that requires physical strength.

The leaders of the factory have changed in the past two years. She is a problem left by the previous leader. Naturally, the current leader will not actively solve it, and delay it if she can.

Not to mention, how did Zheng Hui plan, Yuhua knew too well, the original free nanny in the family died, and there was no one to do the housework, so he had to find a new one quickly.

The original owner is good-looking, and has a reputation for taking care of people in recent years. Lu Changzheng was diagnosed by a doctor at the time and could only survive for a year or two. The original owner taught himself injections, acupoint massage, and cooking medicinal soup and food, so Lu Changzheng survived. more than six years.

Someone once said in front of the original owner without meaning, saying that her husband will be blessed in the future, and he will be held comfortably at home.The original owner just smiled and didn't answer.

Among Zheng Hui's main ideas about Yuan, there is definitely this one.

I want peach.

It's only been a month since my wife died, and she immediately came to attack the original owner. Moreover, knowing that the original owner was in the filial piety, she didn't think about it for the original owner.

This kind of disgusting thing, what Yuhua said was polite.

Liu Zhaolan didn't expect that Yu Hua would speak so terribly, and felt that she was being humiliated and her face was not good-looking, "Banxia, ​​it's not good for you to say that, Director Zheng is sincerely asking for marriage, you say let me marry you?" It’s impossible to be the director of others, what’s the reason for that.”

But he let out a sound in his heart, what are you bragging about, so that he can't be the director?In her opinion, it was Lu Banxia who couldn't do her job.

Lu Changzheng is dead, no one cares about his face.

I'm already looking at the 25-year-old girl with 30 and six eyes, and I still don't like Director Zheng.

"My words are reasoning." Yu Hua stretched out her hand, "You have brought the words, please."

After being driven out, Liu Zhaolan became angry, "All right, all right, I'll take your words with you, and if something bad happens, don't blame me."

He put on the scarf that he had untied just now for the convenience of talking, and walked out muttering.

Seeing Liu Zhaolan's attitude, Yuhua understood that Zheng Hui must have promised Liu Zhaolan some benefits, and since this was the case, she would not even give Liu Zhaolan the chance to come in again.

Seeing that the door slammed shut as soon as she came out, Liu Zhaolan almost lost her temper, "What a strange temper, no wonder I'm an old girl, I don't like this or that..."

Feng Lili saw Liu Zhaolan coming from the bungalow over there from a distance, she stepped forward to meet her, and asked, "Sister Zhaolan, why did you come here from over there? Could it be that you are a matchmaker for someone?"

"It's bad, it's not. I think Lu Gong is gone. He kindly found a companion for Banxia, ​​but he was kicked out."

How could Lu Banxia be fine!Feng Lili's face was gloomy, and her heart was even more gloomy.


Yu Hua sent the man away and came to the kitchen to have a look.

The courtyard is two and a half rooms, the main house is an inner and outer room, Lu Changzheng is placed in the outer room, and the original owner lives in the inner room.

The half room on the west side of the courtyard is the kitchen. It is cold now, and the original owner is only one person, so simple cooking is enough, so the coal stove is placed outside the main house, which can be used for cooking and heating.

The original half kitchen became a utility room.

In the kitchen, apart from staple foods such as rice and noodles, there are a small pile of sweet potatoes, two cabbages, a bundle of spinach, five or six carrots and green radishes, and seven or eight eggs.

Xi Hua took some dried noodles, eggs, and spinach back to the outside room, and made a bowl of egg noodles.

As soon as the coal stove was turned on, the room was warmed up immediately.

She would not treat her body badly, and took out a piece of sauced beef from the space.

This body basically satisfies her. She has a good foundation and strength. The original owner has not been thinking about eating for a while, and she has lost weight and needs to be replenished.

She made a lot of sauced beef in Longqi World, and they all kept well.

Thinking that the world is in the 80s, the beef has not been impacted by foreign varieties, and the quality and taste are good, so she just made another batch.

After waiting for a while, there was no change in the sauced beef, which meant that it was allowed by this world.

This world is something Yu Hua has never seen before, because it is not a unified space.

There is another space outside the star system where this planet called Water Blue Star is located.

In other words, the water blue star world is not in the same dimension as the space that can be seen.

What I see is not the real space, but the image projected from the space of another dimension to the dimension of the water-blue star.

But the water blue star world is real.

It made Yuhua think of the so-called book world created by the Creator God, the world of Daning Dynasty and the world of spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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