Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 830 There is something wrong with this world

Chapter 830 There is something wrong with this world (4)

She made a comparison. In the water blue star world, there is no reset rule, and there is no anchor point rule of who is controlled.

The Water Blue Star World has little to do with the Creator God.

Before Xihua came in, he had contacted Tiandao of this water blue star world, but Tiandao did not respond.

She has sensed that the rules of Heaven in this world have not produced the will or consciousness of Heaven.

Not only that, the rules of heaven in the water blue star world are still incomplete, and the most incomplete ones are not the rules of space that Yuhua thought, but the rules of time, and the rules of time operation are very simple.

It made Yu Hua really want to know what the result would be if the world continued to run.

Because the rules of the water blue star world are incomplete, the whole world is relatively fragile, and Yu Hua did not act rashly, fearing that something bad would destroy the world.

Even if the world isn't destroyed, it won't work if the creatures inside are harmed.

She still used the old method to enter the inside of the world and discover the truth of the world from the inside.


Just after eating, I heard someone knocking on the door again.

"Ban Xia, are you there?"

After hearing that it was Lu Fang, Yu Hua opened the door and let Lu Fang in.

Lu Fang is afraid of the cold. She wears a thick knitted wool cap and a thick scarf on her head, making her small face smaller and highlighting her beautiful eyebrows and eyes. .

She wore several layers on her body, and the outermost one was the overalls cotton jacket issued by the factory to Lu's father. She wore it to her knees, and she gained several times of weight.

Lu Fang is one of the few good friends of the original owner.

The original owner spends his time taking care of Lu Changzheng and self-study every day, and has no time to socialize with others, so he has few friends.

The original owner and Lu Fang could be called friends, but they were not very close.

Lu Fang was two years younger than the original owner, and the two became friends because Lu Changzheng had lent money to Lu Fang's father.

At that time, Lu Fang's father's parents in his hometown were both seriously ill and needed a large sum of money to save their lives. Lu Fang's father borrowed it from Lu Changzheng. Lu Changzheng lent the money to Lu Fang's father without saying a word, and his parents received timely treatment. , all recovered.

Lu Fang's father was very grateful to Lu Changzheng. After Lu Changzheng's accident, Lu Fang's father helped a lot, and let Lu Fang spend more time with the original owner and talk together.

Lu Fang is good-tempered, and the original owner is not bad-tempered. The two of them can talk a little bit and get along well.

However, Lu Fang has to work every day and has her own life to take care of, so she can't come here often.

As soon as Lu Fang entered the courtyard, she looked at Yu Hua's face, "Ban Xia, have you recovered from your cold? You didn't have a fever yesterday, did you?"

"Okay." Yuhua could see that Lu Fang was really concerned, and let Lu Fang look at her, "Thank you for the cold medicine you brought, otherwise it wouldn't get better so quickly."

"That's good." Lu Fang rubbed her hands wearing labor protection gloves, and followed Yuhua into the house, "It's still warm in the house. Pinellia, you only eat, this is not okay, you have to eat on time, see You have caught cold twice in a row, it has something to do with not having a good meal."

The other party had good intentions, and Yu Hua responded, "Well, it won't happen in the future."

"I'm relieved to see that you've recovered from your cold. I wanted to come over to make you some brown sugar ginger water last night, but then I thought you might have gone to bed early, so I didn't come." Lu Fang took off her gloves as she said, He took off the scarf and took off the big coat, so as not to sweat in the room and catch cold easily.

Lu Fang took out a canning bottle from the big pocket of the cotton coat, but what was inside was not canned food, but sauce in a canned bottle. The sauce was brownish red, with large watermelon seeds mixed in it.

"The old family sent a big pot of watermelon sauce that I dried myself. I made a bottle for you. You can eat it. If you like it, I'll get it for you after you finish eating."

"Okay. Thank you." Yuhua took the can from Lu Fang's hand, but felt a strange feeling from Lu Fang's hand.

She let go of a bit of her mental strength and probed Lu Fang's body. The result of the probe made her happy, because she found a few traces of time rules washed away on Lu Fang's body.

However, what Xihua was sure of was that Lu Fang was not born again, and she didn't have any cheats on her.

Xi Hua took it as soon as it was released.She hasn't started to practice yet, so she can only use as little mental power as possible.

In such a short period of time, she has discovered something. Either there is something wrong with this world, or she is not far from the truth of this world.

Xi Hua put away the canning jar and poured Lu Fang a cup of hot water. Lu Fang then held the glass in both hands to warm her hands, and sat on a chair by the coal stove, looking at Xi Hua, hesitating to speak.

Yu Hua kindly introduced the introduction for Lu Fang, "Lu Fang, why did you come to me specifically for something?"

Lu Fang had the opportunity to speak, "There is one thing. I heard people say that you want to date Director Zheng from the second workshop, but you didn't agree on the terms."

Xi Hua had a taste of the speed with which rumors spread, and how long it had passed before they all reached Lu Fang.

I don't know if it was Liu Zhaolan who spread the word, or Zheng Hui who sent it to others.

It could only be spread after Liu Zhaolan left here. Before knowing her attitude, it is impossible to spread the word that the conditions were not agreed.

"Liu Zhaolan came here as a lobbyist for Zheng Hui. I made it very clear that I disagree."

Hearing what Yuhua said, Lu Fang was very happy, "I thought it wouldn't be true. How could you fall in love with Zheng Hui?" She curled her lips, "Who is this? My wife just died For more than a month, I have been looking for a partner under the banner of having no one to take care of the children, thinking that everyone else is a fool.

That is, Ban Xia, don’t be angry when you hear that, some people even said that Zheng Hui’s conditions are good, and he can be matched with a college student, which means that he is completely worthy of you. "

This is the reason why the original owner and Lu Fang can talk about it. The three views of the two are similar.

Lu Fang said the matter, and left after sitting for a long time.

Yuhua didn't bother with the rumors first, she first practiced to raise her strength value so that her body wouldn't lose the chain when she needed to make a move.

Many times, rumors stop at force.

This world is suitable for cultivating physical and mental power on the scientific side. Yuhua's mental power does not need to be cultivated, only physical skills need to be practiced.

There is a shortcut in the cultivation of physical skills. She took a gene evolution liquid, and her physique has improved a lot.

She has practiced physical skills before, and the speed of practice is very fast.


After practicing at home for a few days, Yu Hua went out.

I have run out of food at home and need to buy some back.

There is food in her space, but through the observations of the past few days, the things she takes from the space will affect the space rules of this world.

This kind of impact seems to be very small at present, but it is not known whether the impact will increase if the number of times increases.

She will try to use as little space as possible in the future.

After she came out, she received some pointers.

In the past few days, the spread of rumors has become larger, and the content of the spread has changed several versions.

(End of this chapter)

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