Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 836 There is something wrong with this world

Chapter 836 There is something wrong with this world (10)

The reason why Lu Banxia was so kind to Lu Fang was that Lu Fang had saved Lu Banxia's life. Once, Lu Banxia was poisoned by gas. Fortunately, Lu Fang went to rescue Lu Banxia from the house in time and sent him to the hospital for treatment.

"So, you took Lu Fang away on purpose that day, and didn't let her come to rescue Lu Banxia, ​​right?" In fact, Yu Hua already knew the answer without asking, but Feng Lili still had to say it herself.

Feng Lili looked at the roof and thought back, "Yes. If Lu Banxia dies, there is no way to marry Zheng Hui. Then I will ask Liu Zhaolan to introduce Zheng Hui to Zheng Hui. After I marry Zheng Hui, the future Huixia Group will be It’s half of mine. No, no, it won’t be called Huixia Group in the future, it will be called Huili Group.”

"Since you have time-traveled and possessed the knowledge of a prophet, why don't you fight on your own, instead of robbing other people's marriages."

This is what Yu Hua always doesn't understand. Some reborn girls come back after rebirth, always thinking of snatching other people's marriages to realize their desire to live a prosperous life, and even beautify themselves as a happy lie.

Interstellar hypnosis will put the brain in another waking state, the brain is relaxed, but has a strong willingness to express itself.

Feng Lili is like this, her brain is gone, she is afraid of being found out that she is not the original defense, she can finally speak her mind, answering every question, "I thought about making money by myself, but the people and things in the book, and the people and things in the real world Can't match.

I checked the map, Fengshi here is the city where I live in the real world, but it is not the name in reality, and there is no such a big machinery factory in our city in reality.

This makes me how to struggle.

Among the supporting roles written in the book, Lu Banxia has the best life, and the money is all tens of billions. Didn't she get it by marrying Zheng Hui?Anyway, it wasn't me who killed her, it was her own gas.

It's a pity that I haven't started reading Lu Banxia's book yet, and I don't know the specific process of Zheng Hui's entrepreneurship. Otherwise, if I became a prophet and helped Zheng Hui, Zheng Hui must have given me more shares than Lu Banxia. "

Yu Hua originally guessed that it might be a group portrait novel, but it turned out not to be.

It is very likely that this world evolved from a co-evolution of three books.

The three books are a series written by the same author. The background of the three books is the continuation of the same setting, and the characters are interspersed with each other.

The first book in this series is not "The Handbook of Growth of a Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" with Lu Fang as the protagonist, but the book "Meeting a Soldier Is Not Beautiful" by the protagonist He Shuyue.

Interstellar hypnotism is used in conjunction with mental power, and the memory of the practitioner can be directly observed by the practitioner under hypnosis.

However, people instinctively beautify or tamper with the memories related to themselves, and only looking at the memories is sometimes unreliable.

Using the method of guidance to let the practitioners speak out by themselves can sometimes be closer to the truth.

For some memories, such as intellectual memories that have nothing to do with me, it is more convenient to look at them with mental power.

Therefore, there is no need for Feng Lili to narrate the contents of the book little by little. Feng Lili only needs to recall the contents of the book, and Xihua can directly check the contents with mental power.

The "Shu" in "Meeting Soldiers Is Not Beautiful" refers to He Shuyue, and "Bing" naturally refers to Wang Bing, He Shuyue is the heroine, and Wang Bing is the male protagonist in the book.

The book describes He Shuyue as a female entrepreneur who combines beauty, virtuousness and ability.

Yes, He Shuyue later became the boss of a food company in the book... Mother, the boss is Wang Bing.

Everyone is willing to read a young and beautiful heroine, and this book is no exception. The book mainly writes about He Shuyue's various experiences and tribulations when she was young.

It is sad to write about the beautiful love time between He Shuyue and Wang Bing when they were young. The two were beaten with sticks.

It is written that after the death of Wang Bing's wife, He Shuyue reunited with Wang Bing, and it was not easy to be a stepmother.

Write about how He Shuyue endured grievances, without complaint and regret, and let her two stepson and stepdaughter who hated her finally call her mother, and let her father-in-law and mother-in-law who tortured her finally accept her.

These accounted for more than 90.00% of the space, and the following 5.00% of the space wrote that He Shuyue started her business, was encouraged by Wang Bing, and succeeded in starting a business, and the two of them entered the ranks of the rich.

From these two books, Xi Hua can see that the author's three views are problematic, which is why the three books have been controversial.

One of the parties commented on these three books very well, saying that these three books, on the surface, seem to be women's struggle articles, but what they preach on the inside is that the husband is the sky, like this "A Soldier Is Not Friendly" is a change Niang Daowen of this era.

He Shuyue married someone else and gave birth to a child, but when Wang Bing waved after his wife died, He Shuyue rushed over immediately.

The article beautifies why Shuyue and Wang Bing's love is as deep as the sea, and they reunite after a broken mirror. It doesn't mention that Wang Bing first retreated after encountering resistance from his parents, and then he still didn't abide by the agreement with He Shuyue. The breakup did not arrive for half a month. , married someone else.

It also didn't mention that Wang Bing was eager to find a woman to take care of him and take care of the two children, and he was afraid that the stepmother would abuse the children. Wang Bing, who knew He Shuyue well, felt that He Shuyue was the most suitable, so he seduced He Shuyue who was not single yet.

He Shuyue didn't want her own daughter, but went to chase her son to be the stepmother of Wang Bing's child, but the article praised He Shuyue for being very motherly, and regarded her two stepson and stepdaughter as her own.

The two stepson and stepdaughter scratched He Shuyue's clothes, put nails on the chair and stabbed He Shuyue's buttocks, but the article praised He Shuyue for forgiving the two stepson and stepdaughter, and stopped Wang Bing from training the two children.

Let’s take He Shuyue’s entrepreneurship as an example.

He Shuyue has worked in a food factory for decades, is very familiar with the operation of the food factory, and has some contacts. Under the tide, she resigned and started a food factory. Later, she expanded and established a food company.

But Wang Bing didn't know anything about food production, and he didn't resign.

The company that He Shuyue resigned to run relied entirely on the large company she worked hard for alone. Wang Bing, who worked in another state-owned factory and didn't contribute much, held more than half of the shares.

Concealedly explained, what is called, "Women belong to men, so women's property also belongs to men" The arguments of the feudal remnants.

In the book "Unfair in the Soldiers", Lu Banxia also plays a role. She is the one who sets off the existence of He Shuyue's stepson and stepdaughter. With Lu Banxia's disobedience to her mother, she compares the four, especially the stepson and stepdaughter. Come.

Hua Hua compared the contents of the book with the real facts she knew, and found that the main line is the same, but many details are inconsistent, that is to say, the development of the world in the book does not completely follow the plot.

This proves that once the world in a book becomes a world, it is no longer a book and has its own laws of operation.

(End of this chapter)

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