Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 837 There is something wrong with this world

Chapter 837 There is something wrong with this world (11)

The scenes, characters, and things that can be described in the book are limited, and the world in the book automatically completes these during the evolution process.

According to what is completed, Yuhua tends to follow the author's own world.

According to this line of thinking, the origin of the world in the book can be traced, and it is a special parallel world.

It is special because this world is confined in a closed dimensional space.

Although it is the real world, the plot and characters in the book still have a great influence on the world, like the halo of the protagonist that He Shuyue cast on her that day, trying to bring the plot back to the plot in the book.

Having said that, fortunately, it didn't develop completely according to the book, otherwise the three views would be so crooked.

For example, after Lu Banxia decided to give up going to college, Wang Bingjia made up the idea of ​​her admission quota.

Wang Bing's eldest daughter, Wang Zhen, graduated from high school and did not go to university. Knowing that Lu Banxia will not go to university, Wang Bing wants Wang Zhen to enroll in the university instead of Lu Banxia.

Wang Bing came up with the idea behind his back, and He Shuyue was the one who made the move. He Shuyue took advantage of Wang Bing's sweet talk and approached Lu Banxia, ​​and asked Lu Banxia to take out the notice to Wang Zhen.

What He Shuyue said in the book persuading Lu Banxia meant that if Lu Banxia didn't sign up anyway, the university quota would be wasted, and it wouldn't hurt anyone to let Wang Zhen go.

Lu Banxia did not agree.To replace Lu Banxia is to take away all of Lu Banxia's identities. From now on, Wang Zhen will become Lu Banxia. In the future, Lu Banxia will have no choice but to go to university or work in a factory, because Wang Zhen has taken away the files.

Impersonating someone who went to college to break the law should be done by the villain in the article, but in this book, it was done by the two protagonists, and there is no intention to criticize this as a negative case, and it is written that He Shuyue failed to do it. If it is done, I am ashamed of my successor, Queen Zhen.

It also happened in reality, He Shuyue just told Lu Banxia what Wang Bing thought.

Of course Lu Banxia didn't agree.

And He Shuyue said that it was right for Lu Banxia to refuse.

Wang Zhen is her stepdaughter, not her own daughter. Even if Lu Banxia doesn't kiss her, she is her own daughter. He Shuyue can ignore her own daughter, but she won't cheat her own daughter for her stepdaughter.


Yu Hua asked Feng Lili, "Did you do the rumors that spread some time ago?"

"It's not all about me, I just added some material to it. Who knows who Lu Banxia offended, and someone made up such an ugly rumor."

Feng Lili was very happy about this in her heart, and as she spoke, the joy showed on her face, "It's no wonder that Zheng Hui would be willing to marry her after her reputation has become so bad."

Xi Hua asked another question that puzzled her, "Zheng Hui has three children, are you willing to be a stepmother?"

Zheng Hui's eldest daughter is 16 years old, her second son is 22 years old, and her youngest son is [-] years old. Feng Lili is only [-] and [-] years old. What does she think?
Xi Hua couldn't figure out what Feng Lili was thinking. If it was for money, Zheng Hui hadn't developed yet. According to the book, it would take more than two years for Zheng Hui to set up his own factory. He invested in the early stage and managed it. It took several years to make some money, and it took more than ten years to develop.

During this period, because most of the money earned was continued to be invested in the business, the standard of living of the Zheng family was only slightly better than that of ordinary people.

If Feng Lili wants to live the life of a rich wife, she will have to wait at least ten years later. In these ten years, Feng Lili can make a lot of money by relying on her foresight of the general direction of society.

This era is a golden age everywhere. Whether it is setting up a stall, dumping goods, or setting up a food stall, these are small businesses that ordinary people can do. As long as they are willing to do it, they will definitely make money.

Others can earn by groping, but Feng Lili, a prophet, should earn more.

Feng Lili, however, relied on the prophet to achieve freedom of money by robbing other people's marriages.

Although the original owner did not care about this marriage.

Now that she was replaced by Yuhua, Yuhua wished that Zheng Hui would stay away from her, so that she would not want to use her fists - the rumors had nothing to do with Zheng Hui.

Feng Lili didn't take it seriously, "What's the point of being a stepmother, anyway, the three children are all grown up, so don't worry about it, Lu Banxia is like that, she never went out to work after getting married.

Zheng Hui is such a nice person, he gave shares to Lu Banxia in all the factories he ran. In my original world, I heard that those rich people tried to cheat their wives out of their shares.And Zheng Hui is not bad, I am not at a loss. "

Seeing that Feng Lili's brain is on the tip of her horns, she wholeheartedly believes that as long as she marries Zheng Hui, she can become a rich wife who enjoys all the wealth and honor, so Xihua no longer asks such questions.

The matter between Feng Lili and Chen Yong is very simple.

Chen Yong was the original owner's boyfriend. After Feng Lili traveled here, she thought of marrying Zheng Hui, and immediately broke up with Chen Yong.

Feng Lili would have broken up with Chen Yong if she didn't have this idea, because Chen Yong would beat his wife even if he didn't have much future prospects.

Chen Yong refused to break up, so he pestered Feng Lili. Feng Lili was afraid of being beaten by Chen Yong, so she kept avoiding him. Today, Chen Yong blocked her and dragged her to that remote place. Feng Lili tried to run but failed.


After emptying out everything Feng Lili knew, Yu Hua tampered with Feng Lili's memory after Chen Yong left, making Feng Lili only think that she came to Lu Banxia's home by thanking Lu Banxia for her name, but it's a pity I didn't see anything, so I stayed for a while and left.

Later, Yu Hua asked Feng Lili to leave.

Feng Lili owed the debt to the original owner, and Yuhua didn't think about how to deal with it for a while, so Yuhua asked Feng Lili to leave first.

Even if Feng Lili was going to be killed, it wasn't now. Several people saw Feng Lili coming to her house.

First of all, it is not easy to use legal means to recover.

The original owner died from gas poisoning, Feng Lili did not do it, she just prevented Lu Fang from looking for the original owner, so Die missed the original owner's chance to be rescued by Lu Fang.

According to the law, Feng Lili cannot be convicted.

Feng Lili was able to travel to this world, and completely replaced the original Feng Lili, with her uniqueness, Yu Hua was not sure what kind of impact Feng Lili's disappearance would have on this world.

But Yuhua didn't let Feng Lili leave unscathed in this way. She took part of Feng Lili's luck and sent it to the underworld.

She memorized the soul breath of the original owner, and the luck will be accurately placed on the original owner.

The most important thing right now is to figure out what will happen in this world after the plot unfolds.

The world in the book has one of the most special features, that is, the protagonist in the book is the pillar of the world rules.

The protagonist is the place where the timeline begins. After the book evolves into a world, the identity given to the protagonist by the author is the template of the rules. The world is formed and unfolded according to the rules contained in the protagonist.

Before the world grows into a complete and stable world, the protagonist is very important to the world.

(End of this chapter)

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