Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 838 There is something wrong with this world

Chapter 838 There is something wrong with this world (12)

Judging from the summary of various information collected so far, the Water Blue Star World is a book world with multiple protagonists.

There are six protagonists in the three books, because they are female protagonists, He Shuyue, Lu Fang, and Lu Banxia are the first protagonists, and three male protagonists, Wang Bing, Ji Rufan, and Zheng Hui are the second protagonists.

Any accident to the protagonist will weaken the existence of this world.

After Lu Banxia died, she took over, so it seems that the world is still safe.

For this reason, Yuhua has to do a test to see if she, the protagonist, can try out the ending of the world in the book if she doesn't follow the plot.

Although Feng Lili has not read the book "Being a Stepmother: Lu Banxia's Struggle", she can summarize Lu Banxia's general experience from the other two books.

The Lu Banxia written in the book is very similar to the real Lu Banxia from childhood to adulthood, only some details are inconsistent.

The plot further on is that Lu Banxia married Zheng Hui not long after and became the stepmother of three children. It wasn't like Feng Lili said that she stayed at home and never worked. After two or three months of marriage, she became Zheng Hui's place. Temporary workers in the workshop.

Lu Banxia's job has not been changed to a regular position. Zheng Hui later went to sea to set up an auto parts factory, and Lu Banxia followed Zheng Hui's factory.

In "Meeting Soldiers Is Not Beautiful", He Shuyue complains that Lu Banxia will not enjoy her blessings, and she is dirty and greasy all day long.

In "Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Growth Handbook", Lu Fang often reminds Lu Banxia not to get too involved, as it is not good for your health to be exhausted, and you must be careful when you go to the workshop, and you must take good care of yourself.

"Meeting the Soldiers" mainly writes about He Shuyue's youth. In terms of time, it was before the 80s, and the later writing is relatively brief. Even He Shuyue's entrepreneurship can be written down in one stroke.
Correspondingly, the content about Lu Banxia is mostly written when she was a child, and there is little ink in her adulthood, which is basically a profile description. He Shuyue was moved when she saw that other people made money in business, and wanted to set up a food factory. Most of the start-up capital was borrowed from Lu Banxia.

And the timeline of "Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Growth Handbook" started when Lu Fang's boyfriend got cancer, and there were not many positive descriptions of Lu Banxia.

It should be that the author suppressed Lu Banxia's role on purpose to avoid too many spoilers. "Being a Stepmother: Lu Banxia's Struggle" is not worth watching.

But this is enough for Xihua to combine the real world and draw a thread from it. Among other things, Lu Banxia is definitely not the rich wife who Feng Lili said that she doesn't care about everything and only enjoys herself.


While Yuhua was practicing, someone knocked on the door violently, and she didn't want to pay attention to it, those people kept knocking, as if they didn't stop until they knocked.

Yu Hua stopped practicing and went to open the door.

As soon as the door was opened, seven or eight people rushed in suddenly.

The leader was a lean old man in his 50s with a pig's nose facing the sky, and he ordered to Yuhua, "It's just right that you are at home, so hurry up and vacate the room, pack your things and move out."

"Hurry up." A black and strong woman next to the thin old man stepped forward, "If you don't clean up, we will clean up for you. We don't need your moving fee."

Xihua already knew who these people were, they were the family who changed houses with the Lu family and the helpers they found.

The thin old man and the fat black woman are Ma Changfu and Li Gaiju and his wife. Some time ago, they approached the original owner and said that they would exchange the house and ask the original owner to return the money that the Ma family gave to the Lu family.

The original owner had no money and didn't want to exchange it back, so he didn't agree.

The Ma family came to the house several times, and the original owner was hesitant to change it back, but after she inquired, she knew she couldn't agree, and once she agreed, she even lost her place to live.

Because the Ma family is very thieves, a few months ago, the Ma family exchanged the original two-bedroom apartment of the Lu family with someone else, and replaced it with a one-story house. Now the one-story house that the Ma family bought has been demolished to build a new house. up.

Even if she wants to change the house, she should change with the family who now lives in the second bedroom, and has nothing to do with the Ma family.

Moreover, bungalows have become popular houses now.

The factory has already issued a document, saying that the house in the family courtyard will be sold to an individual. In this way, it will be cost-effective for the courtyard house. After becoming their own house, they can turn it into a two-story and three-story building.

The Ma family should have heard the news before that, and exchanged the two-bedroom house with someone for a one-story house. When the article came out, they immediately bought it and knocked it down to build the house.

The Ma family came up with the idea of ​​Lu's house again.

Yu Hua said, "Let me vacate the room and bring out the documents."

At the beginning, the two houses were registered in the factory, and the Ma family wanted to change back unless the Lu family voluntarily, otherwise there was no reason for the Lu family to vacate the house.

A few pages of paper in Ma Changfu's hand flickered, "Why not? Did you see that? It's clearly written on it. I'm the owner of the house. Don't worry about it. Pack up your things and move away."

"If I don't move." Yuhua saw clearly that what Ma Changfu had in his hand was the housing certificate before the house change, and it should be taken back after the house change. For some reason, it was still in Ma Changfu's hands.

These things are untenable. The neighbors around know about the house change, and there is a registration in the factory, so it is clear after a search.

Ma Changfu's daring to forcefully occupy the house has something to do with the fact that the Ma family now has a backer.

Ma Changfu's family also played a role in the book in which Lu Fang was the protagonist, so it was written in more detail.

Ma Changfu himself could not read much Chinese and was just an ordinary worker. But one of his relatives was the Cai family, an in-law who was rich and powerful in his early years. The Ma family relied on currying favor with the Cai family to let Ma Changfu work in a machine factory.

Cai's family went to the farm a few years ago, and Ma Changfu didn't lose his job, but the family also behaved with their tails between their legs.

In the past two years, when the Cai family came back, their property and status were restored. The Ma family regained their backing and started to tremble again. I don't know much, so I might raise it higher.

Just relying on the Cai family's style, it's really not a good family.

"Don't move it, right?" Li Gaiju curled the sloppy lips, "Then we can move it for you. Speaking of which, if something is damaged, we won't guarantee compensation."

"Try to move it." Yuhua folded her hands and stood in front of seven or eight people.

The Ma family saw that she was left alone, so they were easy to bully, and wanted to forcefully occupy the house. At that time, she would sue the factory, but even if he didn't move, the factory couldn't do anything to him.

Compared to the Ma family, since she has no backer and is not an employee of the factory, the factory will not make decisions for her.

In the book, there is a record of the Ma family occupying the house. It is said that Lu Banxia was kicked out of the house by the Ma family and had nowhere to go, so she temporarily lived in Lu Fang's house.

When she arrived at Yu Hua's place, Ma's family wanted to occupy the house, but they didn't have a door. She just wanted to see how changing the plot would change the world, so let's start with this little thing.

(End of this chapter)

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