Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 860 There is something wrong with this world

Chapter 860 There is something wrong with this world (34)

Yuhua's mental power is too strong, and it is not of universal significance to use it for testing, so she called Lu Fang.

Lu Fang was attracted by the mobile phone placed on a metal frame, "Is this a mobile phone? It really looks like a small TV, so thin, so beautiful."

Lu Fang was right. It looks like a small TV, nearly two centimeters thick. This is the thinnest mobile phone that Huahua can achieve with current technology.

She has to consider the issues of mass production and cost. Only when the price is low can mobile phones become popular quickly.

This is the fastest way to seize dominance in the data field, at least to firmly control the country's territory in its own hands.

Xi Hua put a semi-circular device assembled from various parts on Lu Fang's head, and the other end of the semi-circular device was connected to the mobile phone with a cable.

Lu Fang can't release his mental power externally, so he needs to use external equipment as an aid to input Lu Fang's mental power imprint into the mobile phone.

Yu Hua said to Lu Fang, "Concentrate on it."

Lu Fang did so.

"Okay, you can sense the existence of the mobile phone. It's okay to look at the mobile phone if you can't sense it, and then meditate on 'turning on'."

"I sensed it!" This feeling was so amazing that Lu Fang couldn't tell. She knew where the phone was and what it was like without looking at it. She said 'start' silently, and then saw the phone's screen light up. .

Xi Hua took off the mental power assisting device from Lu Fang's head.

The mobile phone has been imprinted with Lu Fang's spiritual power.

The imprint of spiritual power is more unique than fingerprints, and the same imprint of spiritual power will never appear.

The mental power assist device only serves as a channel, it does not retain mental power, and it will not be stolen by others.

This is the superiority of using the imprint of spiritual power as a password.

Even if the imprint of spiritual power is copied by others, it is useless.

The imprint of mental power is the trace left by the washing of mental power, just like the water marks left by the stone slab being washed by water. This water mark is not water.

The imprint of spiritual power is not the spiritual power itself.

Entering the imprint of spiritual power on the mobile phone is equivalent to the magic weapon on the cultivation side to recognize the master, and the two have the same effect.

However, at present, Yuhua can only open and close the mobile phone with mental power, and it cannot be done with more complicated ones, and the hardware and software must keep up.


The characters used for programming are their own square characters, which can be understood at a glance, and it is easy to use when they understand it. Soon, various software based on the source code ordered as Taiyi will be released one after another.

With the software and the chip, the hardware is not a problem.

Nowadays, the users of computers are mainly work units, and there are no ordinary work units, let alone ordinary individuals. Many ordinary people have never even heard of a computer or what a computer is.

This is also a good thing. The country has just started in this area, and the original data systems of other countries are easy to replace. The impact caused by the replacement process is not big, and those who are not equipped can just use their own systems.

Therefore, the new computers produced by the country are given priority to all departments and units of the country, and the models originally imported from abroad are gradually replaced.

At the same time, network base stations have been laid across the country.

So the best choice to bring to the market is a new type of mobile phone.

Compared with the existing mobile phones starting at RMB 600, the new mobile phone is compact and can be used as a phone or as a radio. The main reason is that the price is relatively cheap. The national unified price is [-] yuan.

The country does not lose money at this price. First, the research and development costs of mobile phones are almost zero, and second, it uses its own system and chips. It does not need to pay any fees to other countries.

In order to reduce costs, the first mobile phone did not use a large screen, but a window-type screen, and its functions were simplified, leaving only the functions of making calls, sending text messages, storing phone numbers, and radio.

It can be seen from this that in terms of technological products, how much profit other countries have earned from them.

600 yuan is not a big amount at the moment. Not to mention people who go to sea to do business, they can take it out on the spot, even ordinary working families can take it out, just because they are reluctant to spend it on it.

Whoever uses the mobile phone knows the benefits of having a mobile phone, especially for business people. After having a mobile phone, it is convenient to communicate and the business becomes smooth.

The phone sold out quickly after its launch.

The real-name system is implemented for mobile phones, which are purchased with ID cards or household registration books, disassembled and registered on the spot, and cannot be transferred within one year. This is also to prevent people from buying in large quantities and driving up prices for profit.

This spring is destined to be extraordinary, and it is an important turning point for Huaguo Technology to overtake in a corner.


The cold spring is expected to be cold, and there is a drizzle in the second half of the night, which brings more coolness and quieter.

"Bah." It sounded like a firecracker, and then another.

Then the sound became noisy, and there were hurried footsteps, fighting sounds, and short voices, and occasionally one or two firecrackers.

Yuhua opened her eyes.

It seemed that the person who came this time was a desperado who wanted her life.

Since the start of production, the country has been unable to hide the news of the computer system with independent intellectual property rights, and the country has not thought about keeping it hidden.

On the downside, there are always people who want to disrupt.

People like the Cai family were there, and news spread that Xi Hua was the developer of the new computer.

At that time, the Cai family didn't know whether what she said was true or lying, and they would find the Ma family to kill her based on the idea that they would rather kill the wrong than let them go.

Now that she has really done it, the Cai family and their masters will not let her go.

Conspiracies against her one after another, mainly wanting to kidnap her.

Kidnap her for her brains.

Yu Hua thought of this, but she would not choose to stay in a safe station.

She also wanted to use herself as a bait to catch the deeply hidden Cai family and others, so as not to suddenly stab the country in the back at any time and cause great losses to the country.

In later generations, these people infiltrated all aspects of the country, and used the method of "destroying the country first to destroy its history", which really made their invasion partly successful.

Yuhua will not allow this to happen in this world.

These dogs, as well as dogs and dogs, should be cleared out earlier.

She still wanted a match factory. One reason was that the surrounding area of ​​the match factory was either an abandoned factory building or an open space. There were very few houses. If someone wanted to do something to her, it would not hurt innocent people.

She is able to protect herself, so she is bold.

Qian Lao's faction also favored the method of fishing out hidden enemies. Although he did not agree to let Yu Hua take risks, even though the Cai family and other people were eliminated, the news of Yu Hua still leaked out.

It can only be according to what Xi Hua said.

On the surface, Yu Hua didn't have any guards following her, but she had a lot of covert protection.

When she moved in, the two or three families next to her had already changed their occupants, all of whom were soldiers in plain clothes.

 Wow!Thank you for the reward~~Thank you for your votes~~Because I am a handicapped party, I am too embarrassed to come out to claim it, but I can guarantee that it will never be hydrological, try to make it look better

(End of this chapter)

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