Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 861 There is something wrong with this world

Chapter 861 There is something wrong with this world (35)

The fishing effect was good, not only on her side, but Mr. Qian and the various professionals involved had encounters and caught many lurking hostile elements.

People or families continue to fall.

Most of the downfallers have roots similar to those of the Cai family. They were either high-ranking officials and gentry in the feudal dynasty, or those with vested interests in troubled times.

Most likely, they thought about it very deeply, but they only believed in "Being the king and losing the bandit", regardless of whether the starting point and process of being the king and bandit violated the righteousness and justice.

They only want to become kings again like their ancestors.They betrayed the interests of the country not because they lost their conscience, but because they had no such thing as a conscience at all.

Due to the downfall of these people, the direction of the country's development has changed. The most intuitive feeling is that the social atmosphere has become much cleaner.

This group of people tonight also failed to get in.


Not a small sound.

Xi Hua hurriedly released her mental power.

The sound occurred in the abandoned factory next to it, and there was an explosion inside.

She jumped up from the bed, grabbed her coat and put it on, picked up the medical first aid kit on the shelf and left the room, climbed over the guardrail on the second floor and jumped from above.

She walked through rows of machines very quickly to the front of the house, opened the door and went out.

When she opened the gate of the courtyard, a soldier with a weapon came out from the shadows beside the gate and stopped her outside the courtyard, "Comrade Lu, please don't leave the room."

Yu Hua raised the first aid kit in front of her, "I heard explosions, and I was worried that someone might be injured. I know some first aid skills. Xiao Zhao, you all know that I am very skilled, and with you here, I don't care. There will be danger."

She could have climbed over the wall without going through the main entrance, but she couldn't do that, because Xiao Zhao and the others would be punished for dereliction of duty.

Because of this, she has always been in front of the protected person, and let Xiao Zhao and the others perform their duties of protecting her. As long as the enemy does not enter the yard, she will not interfere.

But this time, she couldn't help it.

Xiao Zhao paused, "I'll report." He had already learned that one of his companions had been seriously injured, and he was also very anxious.

We all know that Lu Banxia has nursed her father for more than six years, and he knows some medical skills, so maybe he can help.

He turned on the walkie-talkie and talked to his superiors, who agreed.

It was also because all the risk factors had been ruled out, otherwise Yuhua would not have been allowed to take risks.

Without further ado, Xiao Zhao took Xi Hua and ran to the accident site.

After arriving, Xiao Zhao knew why his superiors agreed, because the wounded was too badly injured, his left calf was gone, and he was bleeding from many places on his body. Although he had been bandaged urgently, the bleeding still could not be stopped, and the blood flowed all over the place.

The wounded has passed out.

If the flow continues like this, people may not be able to wait to be sent to the hospital.

Not having time to talk, Yu Hua ran over without stopping, took out a pack of silver needles from the first aid kit, and quickly stuck them on the wounded.

At the same time, she used her mental power to repair several serious bleeding spots, and with two approaches, the bleeding gradually stopped.

After a while, the ambulance arrived.

The emergency doctor was relieved to see that the bleeding of the wounded had stopped. With such a serious injury, if the bleeding couldn't stop, it might be too late for them to come over.

"Don't pull out the silver needle yet, and pull it out after it is sent to the operating room." Yu Hua instructed.She has repaired several bleeding points that were bleeding heavily, so there is no need for her to follow.

At this time, many doctors, no matter what subjects they studied, knew some acupuncture and moxibustion, and it was not a big deal to pull out a needle.

So the emergency doctor was not surprised to see her stop the bleeding with silver needles.

The ambulance drove away quickly, and Yuhua didn't want to burden her protectors, so she didn't stay here any longer, and returned home under the escort of Xiao Zhao.

Before leaving, she received a salute from several soldiers present, thanking her for helping her.

Even though he was injured to protect her, he thanked her.

Seeing Xiao Zhao's tense face, knowing that he was feeling sorry for his comrades, Yu Hua said, "I will make your comrades stand up again."

Just now, she has made a decision to stop the project at hand and give priority to the development of regenerative prosthetics.

At present, there is no condition for her to come up with a real limb regeneration technology, so she thought of a realistic prosthetic limb.

The key to this technique is that it is guided by spiritual power, which is suitable for this world.


Back in the room on the second floor, Yuhua released the soul that had been collected in Sanwu Space, and searched for the soul without asking questions.

She used the violent soul search method to find as many memories as possible.

After she searched, there was no broken soul left.

This man deserves to die.

The explosion just now was made by this person, which caused serious injuries to the soldier.

This man was called Wu Lianyi, but he thought he was from Wagua Island.

Wu Lianyi's father, Wu Youde, was a lurking member of the Wagua Island. In order to conceal his identity, he married a wife and had children in Fengshi.

Wu Lianyi has been trained by Wu Youde since he was a child, and he has also become one of them.

This time I received an order from Pumpkin Island to kill her.

A total of five people participated in the operation, and Wu Lianyi was the leader.

The other four were killed, and Wu Lianyi detonated the explosives on his body.

The souls of the four people who died first were gone, so we couldn't search for them together.

Wu Youde died two years ago, he was taken advantage of, and he did many bad things, even Wu Lianyi's mother was killed by him.

Wu Lianyi's mother accidentally discovered Wu Youde's abnormality and was killed by Wu Youde, which seemed like an accident.

And when Wu Youde killed Wu Lianyi's mother, eight-year-old Wu Lianyi was watching.

When Wu Lianyi came, he destroyed many documents.

Xi Hua copied all these documents.

Wu Lianyi's home was not far away, and Xi Hua wrapped the document with spiritual power and put it in the secret cave dug by Wu Lianyi's home.

Not long after she put down the documents, she saw that someone went to Wu Lianyi's house to search, so she felt relieved.

Not long after, I heard that Wu Lianyi and five people followed the clues and arrested a large number of people.


After this time, Yuhua got a long period of peace.

The development of realistic prosthetics is not something that can be done by Huahua just by making the prosthetics. It also requires the mental strength of the person who installs the prosthetics.

Xihua originally did not expect to launch a product dominated by spiritual power so early, because the chip carrying spiritual power could not be mass-produced yet.

She reconsidered, because she was too pursuing to achieve the highest level of technology that this world can achieve before, let's lower the requirements first, for example, if the mobile phone activated by mental power only uses mental power to activate this function, it can be mass-produced .

Xi Hua talked with Mr. Qian on the phone.

Mr. Qian's current status has improved a step, but his attitude towards Yu Hua has not changed, and he has given her an exclusive contact number so that she can contact him at any time.

Mr. Qian quickly answered her, made arrangements for the matter of mental strength, and sent all the materials she needed.

 These days, I always feel angry and don’t know how to express it
(End of this chapter)

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