Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 869 There is something wrong with this world

Chapter 869 There is something wrong with this world (43)

Wei Siqing's mother had gas on the way back to the capital, and the county hospital was the closest. After she was delivered, there were signs of labor soon, and she was moved to the delivery room, where she also gave birth to a girl.

The two were in the same delivery room at the time, and both were prematurely activated due to accidents. The production process was very difficult. They advanced during the day and were born only in the middle of the night. The two children were born almost at the same time.

There were a lot of babies born that night. There were five mothers giving birth. The doctors and nurses were very busy, and there were many family members outside the delivery room. It was a mess. I don’t know which link went wrong, who did something unintentionally, and confused the children. .

It was written in the book that because it took too long and there was no monitoring or anything at the time, no one knew how it was wrong, but it was definitely just an accident.

Invariably, the children of the Lu family and the Wei family were switched.

After Wei's mother gave birth, she carried the child back to the capital, and Lu's mother took the child back to Fengshi. The two families never met again.

The child brought home by the Lu family is Lu Fang.

Lu Fang is the first child of the Lu family. Even a girl is loved by the Lu family's parents.

Although the grandparents of the Lu family were not very satisfied when Lu Fang was born, as Lu Fang grew up, they got along with each other, and the grandparents of the Lu family also cared for Lu Fang.

Otherwise, she would not have supported Lu Fang to go to school, and Lu Fang was determined, and after graduating from junior high school, she was admitted to the technical secondary health school.

In the book, Lu Fang knew her true life experience after a few years.

After Xu Jianping died of illness, Lu Fang suffered for a period of time, and she used Chinese medicine as a psychological support to survive.

Later, through Lu Banxia, ​​Lu Fang became Cao Zhengjie's disciple.

Without emotional interference, Lu Fang devoted herself to studying medicine and made rapid progress. Two years later, she obtained her medical practice certificate and began to see doctors with her master.

Her talent in medicine made her medical skills better and better with the growth of experience, and gradually some patients came to see her specially.

Lu Fang knew the importance of academic qualifications. She studied while working. When she was 28 years old, she was admitted to the Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine as a graduate student.

At this time, Lu Fang already had a little reputation in Feng City because of her good medical skills. Her acupuncture skills won the praise of many masters of traditional Chinese medicine.

While studying at the University of Chinese Medicine, he was seen by Wei Siming, the second generation of Beijing.

Wei Siming felt an indescribable familiarity with Lu Fang. After thinking about it carefully, it turned out that Lu Fang was very similar to the photos of his mother when she was young.

Because of this, Wei Siming paid more attention, but this attention was not serious, and found that Lu Fang and his second sister had the same birthday in the same year, the same month and the same day.

Looking at it again, Lu Fang is from Feng City, and his second sister was born in a county under Feng City.

Wei Siming had an idea in his mind.

At that time, DNA testing technology was already available. Wei Siming tried to get Lu Fang's hair, and verified it with his parents' hair. It turned out that Lu Fang was his second sister.

Wei Siming told the Wei family about this.

After a lot of confirmation, the Wei family and Lu Fang recognized each other.

The child taken away by the Wei family became the second child of the Wei family, named Wei Simin.

After knowing that she was not the biological child of the Wei family, and that her biological parents were just ordinary workers, Wei Simin was unwilling to admit her back to the Lu family.

Wei Simin was married at this time and had a child of her own. She didn't want to recognize the Lu family, and the Wei family couldn't force her. Besides, the Wei family didn't want their pampered children to love his family.

The Wei family was originally from a good background, had a lot of contacts, and was very good at seizing opportunities. They started business early, and they were already very rich at this time. They could be regarded as a respectable family.

Wei Simin grew up pampered since he was a child, married to the eldest son of the Chang family who was in a similar family background as the Wei family, so it can be said that he has never suffered.

In order to make up for Lu Fang, the Wei family tilted their resources towards Lu Fang.

Resources such as connections and favors are limited, and if they are inclined to Lu Fang, Wei Simin's side will naturally be less.

In addition, the Chang family's marriage to Wei Simin was mostly based on the purpose of marriage. Now it is discovered that Wei Simin is not the biological daughter of the Wei family. It's all right.

If Wei Simin married the Second Young Master of the Chang family, what status was she, since she was already married, the Chang family would not care too much.

Chang Dashao is different. Chang Dashao is the successor of Chang's enterprise. He should have a wife who can show his status and knowledge. Wei Simin was qualified when he was the daughter of the Wei family, but his status is not enough after he becomes a fake daughter. .

Wei Simin had no feelings for the Lu family at first, and knew her situation in the Wei and Chang families, and it was too late to hide from the Lu family, so how could he recognize her.

In this way, there is no child left in the Lu family.

Lu Fang fell out with the Lu family when she resigned for Xu Jianping. Although she later understood the painstaking efforts of Lu's father and Lu's mother, the scars were already there and there was no way to erase them.

In addition, after Lu Fang studied medicine with Cao Lao, she wished that a day would last 36 hours, and she would not go back to Lu's house for many days, and the relationship between the two parties gradually faded.

After Lu Fang was able to earn money with medical skills, she gave the Lu family a lot of money. The tuition fees of the Lu family's siblings and the living expenses of the university were all paid by Lu Fang in those years.

It is equivalent to repaying the grace of upbringing.

Lu Fang admitted to the Wei family, and the Lu family could not say that Lu Fang was wrong.

Wei Simin herself didn't want to recognize the Lu family, and the Lu family couldn't force her to do so.


But now, Wei Siqing came to Fengshi and found Lu Fang.

Yuhua didn't know if it was the original hidden plot, or if it was a change brought about by her arrival.

How did Wei Siqing know that his second sister was wronged?

Since Wei Siqing came here in person, it means that he has basically found out the facts, and he also knows where Lu Fang is now and what he is doing.

Wei Siqing could understand that he quietly went to see Lu Fang, he just wanted to see with his own eyes what kind of person his own sister was.

If it weren't for Lu Fang's keen five senses, he might have left after reading it.

But since Lu Fang found out and the two met face to face, Wei Siqing only found an excuse and didn't tell Lu Fang anything about it.

Did Wei Siqing not want to recognize Lu Fang?Is this what the Wei family meant or Wei Siqing's?
Hearing what Lu Fang meant, Wei Siqing's contempt for Lu Fang was revealed on the surface.

Wei Siqing must have disliked Lu Fang's current status.

Although Dr. Cao Zhengjie is well-known, he is a self-employed person. Lu Fang studied medicine with him, which is equivalent to an apprentice in the past.

It happened that Lu Fang was doing the cleaning of medicinal materials just now, and she looked like a small worker in a private workshop.

And Wei Simin should have graduated from college by now, and she will soon be assigned to a good unit. With the support of the Wei family's connections, her future is bright.

From this aspect, Lu Fang is not as good as Wei Siqing.

Wei Siqing has been with Wei Simin for more than 20 years, and he is a stranger to Lu Fang, so it is understandable that he is inclined towards Wei Simin in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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