Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 870 There is something wrong with this world

Chapter 870 There is something wrong with this world (44)

In the book, after Lu Fang came back to Wei's house, Wei Siqing, the eldest brother, was relatively indifferent to Lu Fang at first, but he was much closer to Wei Simin.

He was the latest to accept Lu Fang from the Wei family.

Regarding the plot of Lu Fang's life experience, Yu Hua chose not to promote it, and followed the original plot.

Mr. Cao is an open-minded master of traditional Chinese medicine. He accepts apprentices based on their talent, character, and love for Chinese medicine, regardless of age or gender.

That's why Lu Fang, an older student, was accepted.

In the book, Lu Fang did not officially become a teacher until he was 25 years old.

Moreover, when Mr. Cao taught his students, he always gave his all he had learned and did not hold back, so Lu Fang was able to learn a lot of real skills in a very short period of time.

If Lu Fang's life experience is revealed early, the Wei family will probably take Lu Fang away.

Whether Lu Fang will be able to learn Chinese medicine by then is very uncertain.

After all, with the resources of the Wei family, Lu Fang can get a promising job without having to work hard as someone else's apprentice.

Lu Fang has a soft side in her temperament, if the Wei family insists, she may compromise.

Even though the Wei family respects Lu Fang's wishes, Lu Fang may not learn medicine from Mr. Cao again. There are more masters of traditional Chinese medicine in Beijing, and he can choose to go to the Chinese Medicine College.

There are too many variables going on.

If Lu Fang can't become a master of traditional Chinese medicine, the world will really collapse.

What needs to be figured out now is why Wei Siqing came here, he also saw Lu Fang, and what he will do next.

Knowing this, Xi Hua can come up with countermeasures.

Xi Hua opened up her protagonist aura.

After she quit the plot, her protagonist's halo gradually weakened, but it was still much stronger than He Shuyue's.

Because He Shuyue was the former protagonist, and she was at the time.

Her research on the protagonist's halo is very thorough. She can open and close it at any time, and she can also change the area covered by the protagonist's halo.

The closer you are to the protagonist's aura, the more affected you will be.

Wei Siqing's room was on the tenth floor upstairs, so he was less affected by the protagonist's halo.

Yu Hua gathered the protagonist's halo into a bunch with her mental strength, pulled it into Wei Siqing's room, and spread it out again.

The protagonist's halo only casts around Wei Siqing's body. If the range is too large, the effect of the protagonist's halo will be diluted, and the effect will be increased if it is concentrated on one person.

In Yu Hua's eyes, a whitish band of light was connected to a circle of light around Wei Siqing's body, as if she had flown a kite.

The waiter brought the food, and Yuhua ate while waiting for the protagonist's halo to take effect.

Wei Siqing read a document in the room, and made a phone call in the middle, talking about business matters.

When Xi Hua was halfway through eating, Wei Siqing's mobile phone on the table rang a burst of music.

Wei Siqing's mobile phone has a second-generation large screen, which can display the name marked by the caller.

Yuhua could see clearly that the caller was the second younger sister.It seems that the protagonist's aura is working.

Seeing the caller, Wei Siqing frowned, and didn't answer it right away, but looked at the phone screen on the table and thought about it for a while, and he didn't answer until the music was on repeat.

"Si Min, what do you want from me?"

The female voice on the other end of the phone was a little nervous, "Brother, how are you doing over there, that person, okay?"

"Live well." Wei Siqing raised the corner of his mouth.

"Brother..." Wei Simin over there sniffled.

Wei Siqing picked up his phone and stood in front of the window, "Didn't anyone else see your medical report?"

"No. I didn't show it to anyone. Brother...then do you still recognize me as the second sister..."

"You are my second sister, this will not change."

"Thank you, brother, I'm so happy! Don't worry, brother, I will definitely get the offer from the Chang family—"

"Si Min!" Wei Siqing cut off Wei Simin's words, "Don't talk about these things on the phone! I'll talk about these things when I get back."

"I'm sorry, brother, I didn't do it on purpose." Wei Simin's voice was a little crying because of fear, "I just want to let my brother know that my whole heart is for our Wei family. I understand that if I am not the Wei family, Chang Peng won't marry me."

"Just know it in your heart. I told you, you are my second sister and it won't change. My second sister has been you for more than twenty years, and it will be you in the future.

You stay at home, if you let others see something, then I can't help you even if I want to help you.

Okay, not much to say on the phone, you put away the medical report and don't show it to anyone else, not even Chang Peng, so as not to cause any accidents.remember? "

"I got it, big brother. Big brother, when are you coming back?" Wei Simin's voice became visibly brighter.

Looking at the clean sky outside the window, Wei Siqing said, "It will take two days. I still have business to do here."

"Well, I'll wait for my brother to come back at home."

"Well, I hung up the phone." Wei Siqing hung up the phone.


There is a lot of information, and I have found all the answers I want to know.

Wei Siqing knew that Wei Simin was not his own sister, probably because he saw Wei Simin's medical examination report.

If the blood types do not match, you can know whether the child was born to the parents without checking the DNA. For example, parents with AB and B blood types cannot have a child with O blood type.

Most likely, Wei Simin's blood type did not match that of Wei's parents, and Wei Siqing knew from this that Wei Simin could not be his parents' child.

Wei Simin didn't necessarily know the blood types of Wei's parents. I don't know if Wei Simin failed to hide it and Wei Siqing discovered the medical report, or Wei Simin only told Wei Simin after he found out and verified the situation.

Yu Hua tends to be the latter.

Wei Siqing didn't tell the Wei family about this for profit.

He came to see Lu Fang in person to judge which sister would be more beneficial to him. If Lu Fang showed greater potential, Wei Siqing would definitely choose Lu Fang.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Wei Simin can bring him more benefits to the Wei family than Lu Fang.

The Wei family competed with the Chang family in business, and Wei Siqing wanted to use Wei Simin's relationship with Chang Peng to obtain information on the Chang family's business.

Lu Fang confessed to go home, and Wei Simin became a fake daughter, which would definitely affect the marriage between Wei Simin and Chang Peng.

From this point of view, it is not the real reason why Wei Siqing in the book is indifferent to Lu Fang because he has always loved Wei Simin, the second sister.

What Wei Siqing recognized was profit.

It also made Xi Hua understand that without her changing the plot, Wei Siqing also knew in advance that Lu Fang and Wei Simin were in the wrong relationship.

It's just that Wei Siqing kept it a secret.

At this time in the book, Lu Fang had already established a relationship with Xu Jianping, and she was just a nurse in the infirmary of the factory. Wei Siqing also looked down on her.

It was not until Wei Siming revealed the secret a few years later.

Wei Siqing chose to conceal it, which was exactly what Yu Hua wanted.

Yu Hua put a strand of mental strength on Wei Siqing, so that he could always know if Wei Siqing would change his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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