Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 87 Borrowing a space to farm

Chapter 87 Borrowing a space to farm (20)

Yesterday, I was inexperienced in catching the first pheasant, so I cut off its neck with a hatchet. In fact, the second pheasant could be caught alive.

Wei Xingyu stared at Yuhua with wide eyes, "Sister is really amazing."

Miao Dalan responded, "That's right, your sister can do whatever she wants. Your sister is the number one student every year, and the shoes she made for me when she was ten years old fit my feet well. No one in our brigade is more dexterous than her. When you were young Cutting hogweed behind your back is faster and more than others."

"My sister is good. When I was young, my sister made me delicious food every day."

Yuhua: ...

When the accident happened to the original owner, Wei Xingyu was only four years old, how many things can he remember from his childhood, and still every day?
Xihua knows how Wei Xingyu became her sister's control, and it was instilled by Miao Dalan. The key point is that Miao Dalan didn't indoctrinate Wei Xingyu on purpose, but she just thought so. it is good.

That's right, before the original owner got sick, she was good-looking, well-educated, dexterous, quick at work, and most importantly, followed half of Miao Dalan's temperament, and spoke sharply, making Miao Dalan like it no matter what she saw.

Miao Dalan became worried again, "Xing, you didn't go far, did you?"

How could Yu Hua tell the truth, "I didn't go far. I walked on the mountain and sweated all over, but I didn't feel tired anymore."

Wei Baoshan agrees with this point, "People need to be active, and it is not easy to get sick when you are active."

"Hey, Xing's hands are really strong." Miao Dalan joyfully put the pheasant on the side of the stove, "I'll just clean up and eat it at noon, and add some potatoes to stew together."

Although there are many pheasants and hares on the mountain, they are not easy to hunt. Pheasants can fly, and hares can run fast, so it is difficult to catch up on the flat ground, and it is even more difficult to catch up in the woods with complicated terrain.

It's a good way to fall into the trap.

But being able to set traps is a kind of craft, and it is generally not rumored. There are not many people who can set traps in Weijiagou.

Digging a hole casually will not catch the prey, but it will easily injure other people by mistake.

For example, Wei Baoshan can go to the cage and catch fish, but he has never learned how to hunt and trap. It has been a long time since his family has eaten game from the mountain.

At noon, the family ate delicious stewed chicken.

The stewed chicken is made by Weibaoshan.

Miao Dalan's cooking skills are edible. Wei Baoshan's cooking is better, but he doesn't cook it often.When the family cooks meat, as long as Wei Baoshan is at home, Wei Baoshan cooks it at home. In the words of the original owner's grandmother, letting Miao Dalan cook it is a waste of meat.

The staple food is corn tortillas. The corn is pressed into cakes and pasted on the edge of the stewed chicken pot. One end is soaked in chicken juice, not to mention how fragrant it is.

Xihua's taste is as sensitive to unpalatable as it is to delicious. If she hadn't been afraid of scaring others by eating too much, she would have eaten up a whole pot of vegetables and cakes.

In contrast, the extra meals she ate on the mountain were not so delicious.

In just a few days, she realized what it was like to have an appetite.

Could it be that she needs to learn how to cook?
When it was time to go to work in the afternoon, Xi Hua said that she would go to the field with her, and she helped Wei Xingyu hand over pigweed.

Miao Dalan thought that Yuhua was getting bored of staying at home, and wanted to go to the field to have a look around, so she just said something and came back when she was tired, so she didn't need to talk to her.Because she was assigned a job of weeding the cornfields, and when people entered the cornfields, no one could be seen, so it was difficult to find anyone.

A team went out of the house together and walked towards the entrance of the village.

If you want to go to the field, you usually go out from the entrance of the village. The entrance of the village is on the south side of the village, facing a large field, and you can go to the field from here.

The Xihua family came out early, and there are not many other families like them.

But when I encounter it, I can't help but say a few words.

Probably because there is little entertainment in this era, meeting and chatting has become the main way for the villagers to relax, so although everyone sees each other every day, sometimes several times a day, they still talk to each other when they meet, and the least talkative I will also ask people "Have you eaten?"

Seeing Yuhua, he asked about her.

"Xingxi, are you going to work too?"

"Seeing that Xingxi has really recovered this time, her complexion has eased."

"The longer Xingxi grows, the more she looks like her uncle. Everyone says that her nephew is like her uncle. Your family, Xingxi Xingyu, has already complied with this sentence..."

Miao Dalan liked to hear these things, so she answered them one by one.

"My family Xing doesn't go to work, so I just go to the field to see."

"Fortunately, it's much better, but it's not completely healed yet. You have to raise it at home, and then go to the field after it's done."

"It's not a big deal, both of them imitated her second uncle..."

Xihua didn't know how they saw that she and Xingyu looked like Uncle Miao, probably because they were both white-skinned?

It was this kind of unnutritious words that maintained the connection between everyone, and Yu Hua felt that there was something interesting.

Near the entrance of the village, there is a ginkgo tree that has grown for hundreds of years. There is an old well beside the tree, which is the source of drinking water for the village.

When people in Weijiagou are free, they like to enjoy the coolness under the ginkgo trees.

It is noon now, and there is no one under the ginkgo tree, only two people on the well platform are fetching water.

Except for those who live near the entrance of the village, other people have to pass through this area when they want to leave the entrance of the village.

This area is also where the brigade headquarters is located. The yard of the brigade headquarters is just to the north of the ginkgo tree, about [-] to [-] meters away.

"When, when, when..."

As soon as Xi Hua's family reached the gate of the brigade headquarters' yard, the brigade headquarters rang the work bell for the second time, which made people's ears buzz.

It is said to be a bell, but it is actually a piece of scrap iron, and the sound it makes is loud enough.

The brigade headquarters is in the center of the village, and the iron sheet is hung on the tree in the courtyard of the brigade headquarters. The loud sound can be heard far away, and the whole village, including other families living on other flat slopes, can hear it.

Only then did most of the people come out of each house one after another, talking and laughing as they walked into the field.

Miao Dalan and Wei Baoshan took Wei Xingyu to the entrance of the village, while Yuhua walked to the back of the brigade with a basket filled with pigweed.

Weijiagou adopts centralized breeding, and the shed for raising pigs is behind the yard of the brigade headquarters. Pigs are an important property of the brigade, so a separate yard was set up for this purpose, and the courtyard wall was built as high as one person.

For the sake of convenience, the hogweed is sent here directly.

The place where the pigs are raised doesn't taste very good, but fortunately the place where the grass is harvested is at the gate of the yard, so the smell is not too strong.

"You are..." Qiuhong's sister-in-law who was in charge of harvesting pigweed did not recognize Yu Hua.

"I'm Wei Xingxi, and I'll take care of Wei Xingyu."

Qiuhong's sister-in-law said embarrassedly, "Hey, I don't recognize you anymore after seeing you for two years."

She didn't stop, and turned over the grass that fell into the big basket. There was no poisonous or inedible grass that was cut in by mistake, and there was no soil, clods or stones, which were qualified and could be collected.

She put the basket on the scale, quickly weighed it, and recorded it in Wei Xingyu's name on today's weight, and when the harvest was handed in in the afternoon, they will be counted together.

Yuhua greeted Qiuhong's sister-in-law and left.

She didn't go into the field first, but went into the courtyard of the brigade headquarters, found the brigade captain Wei Fusong, and told her why she came.

After listening to it, Wei Fusong asked with certainty, "You said you want to learn to be an agricultural technician?"

(End of this chapter)

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