Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 88 Borrowing a space to farm

Chapter 88 Borrowing a space to farm (21)

"Yes, Uncle Fusong. I learned it from Technician Zhou for a while, and it's easy to pick it up again. If I don't understand, I will ask Grandpa Fifth and Grandpa Gensheng for advice. I plan to go to the county to buy agricultural technology in a while." Self-study from books."

The farming that Xi Hua intends is not to do physical work in the field every day, but to do some research related to planting while practicing farming.

She needs to be a well-known teacher in doing things, and she is aboveboard. It is impossible for her to study at home alone.

This club implements a work-point system for collective work. If she doesn't go out to work every day and doesn't earn work points, and fiddles around at home, the villagers may suspect that her brain is burnt out.

It is easy to do in practice, work in the fields, plant in spring and harvest in autumn, grow grain and vegetables, anytime.

But not now, before her body has completely eliminated the root cause of the disease, it is best not to do this kind of labor that consumes a lot of energy, otherwise the potential of the body will be exhausted, and I am afraid that Yun Sheng Gong will not be able to save it.

You can still do research.

It will take a year or two to wait for the distribution of production to households. She can only use the excuse of wanting to be an agricultural technician if she wants to do research on planting.

Weijiagou is too remote, there is no direct road to the outside, and it is difficult for the technical guidance of the agricultural technology station to cover here. The agricultural production of Weijiagou basically relies on the experience passed down from generation to generation.

A few years ago, the Agricultural Technology Station set up a temporary station in Weijiagou to guide people in Weijiagou to use new agricultural technologies and help solve problems encountered in production.

However, the temporary site was only established for two years.

Yu Hua did not lie, Miao Dalan's family had a somewhat devious relationship with Zhou Ping, the technician in charge of the temporary site, so the original owner knew Zhou Ping well, and because she was curious about what Zhou Ping did, she often came to see Zhou Ping. Ping, followed suit.

Wei Fusong was moved by Jianhua's proposal. It was very convenient to have the technicians to guide him for two years. There was a disease and pest in the field that could be solved quickly. He could tell when to fertilize, what to water and how much to water. After all, the output has increased a lot.

But I am not optimistic about Yuhua himself.I haven't finished junior high school, I don't have enough academic qualifications, and I have stayed at home for more than three years, and I haven't been to the field a few times. It was three or four years ago that I learned from Technician Zhou. Can you still remember?

Xi Hua knew what Wei Fusong was questioning, and said, "I have a good memory, I have memorized Technician Zhou's book, and I still remember it.

I can memorize it now, just memorize the corn ear management that can be used now.Earning date management objectives..."

Endorsing is easier for Xi Hua than drinking water. She specially found an agricultural book published in the current era, and the content of later generations will not appear.

Wei Fusong was surprised at first, can he still remember the book he read four years ago?Slowly recalling that before Wei Xingxi was in trouble, he did not have any doubts about learning how to get the first place in the previous year.

He seriously considered Yuhua's suggestion.Maybe it will work.

Yu Hua recited at a slightly faster speed, but people could hear what she recited clearly. After reciting a page, Yu Hua stopped at the right time and said, "...just memorize this much, and don't waste Uncle Fu Song's time."

"Have you memorized all the books?"

"I've finished memorizing. I've memorized two volumes in total. If Uncle Fu Song needs to read it, I can write it all down."

Wei Fusong looked at her with eyes full of approval, "Good job."

Yuhua added more firewood to herself, "Uncle Fusong, I don't need work points now, and I will give them according to the amount of achievements when I make some achievements in the future."

What she wanted was a reputation, but she didn't need work points. When her mental strength recovered, she went to the mountains to dig herbs, catch some wild game and sell them.

But you can't say that you don't need work points. If you want to say that you don't need work points for nothing, Wei Fusong should doubt her purpose.

Wei Fusong didn't agree, "I'll discuss this matter with other people in the brigade, and I'll get back to you after the discussion is over. But the ugly thing is that if this matter becomes your treatment, you won't be treated like Technician Zhou."

If Wei Fusong can say this, things are basically done.Yuhua smiled and said, "I see. Please trouble Uncle Fusong." She raised a notebook in her hand, "I'll start taking records in the field today."

Wei Fusong waved his hand, "Go." This impatient person is just like Miao Dalan.

When Yuhua arrived in the field, someone asked her, and she said that she was studying to be an agricultural technician. After a while, everyone in the village knew about it.

After arriving in the field, Yuhua went to Miao Dalan and told Wei Baoshan about it.I didn't say it before because Miao Dalan couldn't keep things in her mind, and she was prone to go out bald. If things didn't work out, I was afraid that Miao Dalan would be laughed at.

After Miao Dalan found out, she couldn't be more satisfied.If she officially became an agricultural technician, she would have to be given work points according to the accountant of the brigade. Her family Xing can earn high work points without having to work in the fields.

As for whether Xihua can achieve success, Miao Dalan has no doubts: yes.

In the evening, Miao Dalan stewed herbal loach soup, but Yuhua couldn't drink it, the taste was really weird.

Miao Dalan's staple food is good. The steamed buns and noodles are fast and good, and the cooking skills are average.

She could drink it by force, but after thinking about it, she didn't drink it.

If she drank it today, she might drink this weird herbal soup frequently in the future. She really didn't want to embarrass herself too much, so she could only live up to Miao Dalan's wishes.


Not an official staff, it's best for Yuhua, and she can arrange the time by herself.

Yuhua will get up early in the morning and go to the field to observe, check the soil conditions, see if there are any signs of pests, the growth status of the seedlings, etc., and make records one by one.

In addition to watching with her eyes, she will also use her mental power to take a look, and the accuracy of the records is no problem.

No way, she doesn't have any tools for research, so she can only use mental power.

Her body is gradually improving, and she will not be burdened by releasing a little mental power for a short time.

It really made her discover some problems in the field, but now the performance is not obvious, there is no evidence, and no one will believe her if she says it. Wait for another two days, and the crops in the field will have definite performance and can be used She saw it directly, and she brought it up again.

After recording in the morning, I went home to have breakfast. After the family members went to work, she still went up to the mountain to have extra meals for herself after practicing at home.

Wait until the afternoon to go to the field again, observe and make records.

It doesn't take much time to do this every day, so she has enough time to practice.Her physical condition is getting better and better, but it is not a short-term practice to get rid of the roots, and the production of Yunsheng Pills is on the agenda.

She has collected all the common medicines that can be used, and the ones that should be processed are processed, but there are a few medicinal materials that cannot grow locally and need to be bought from other places.

(End of this chapter)

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