Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 882 There is something wrong with this world

Chapter 882 There is something wrong with this world (56)

The mastermind is just a program and will not be soft-hearted. Observers and maintainers are under its control.

And the main brain is under the control of the people in the game company.

This three-layer control method of human, main brain, and human not only avoids the rebellion of the main brain, but also makes up for the inflexibility of the main brain's operation.

The robot replied, "I didn't detect it."

"Notify me immediately of any changes."

"Shui Lan understands." The robot reported to Yu Hua, "Shortly after you went out, Wang Yao also went out. She looked at the house before she went out, but she didn't come."

"Hmm." After Wang Yao moved in, she didn't come to the house no matter how curious she was, and Xi Hua's evaluation of Wang Yao was even higher.

Just as he was talking, there was movement at the courtyard door, someone opened the door and came in.

It can only be that Wang Yao is back.

Xi Hua's cell phone rang, and it was Wang Yao calling, saying that she had something to tell her.

Yu Hua responded and walked out.

The robot followed behind her.

After several rounds of modifications to the joints of the feet, the robot makes a more powerful sound than the previous timbre when it walks.

When they came to the door, the robot brought Xi Hua the shoes for going out.

Xi Hua could tell the hospitality brought out by the robot's movements, put on the shoes, and asked the robot, "What do you want?"

The robot's eyes showed a begging emoticon, "Can you lift some of the restrictions on my Internet access?"

The robot is too powerful, and Huahua has imposed many restrictions on the robot's access to the Internet, and also prevented it from accessing the Internet unless necessary.


"There is a new multiplayer game, I want to play it." Playing the game is not necessary, within the limit.

"With your computing power and hand speed, you can pass the game in no time. What's there to play?"

"I turn my computing power and speed down when playing games."

Xi Hua unleashed her mental power and inspected the core of the robot, but found nothing unusual. She nodded, "No more than two hours a day."

"Thank you, Comrade Lu." The robot visibly cheered up, turned around and left with a click.

Robots are becoming more and more humanized, and Xihua can't keep them in this world.


Xi Hua came to the reception room.

Wang Yao put a backpack beside her.

"Sister, I'm going home today. I've thought about it. Why don't I want the shares that I should get? Although [-]% is small, it's cheaper if I don't want my father's two children. Transfer the shares to the name." Wang Yao raised her eyebrows as she spoke.

Wang Yao has a bright appearance, and when she gets angry, she likes to raise her eyebrows and look fierce.

It is very consistent with the character of her little villain in the book.


"Then I'm leaving, sister." Wang Yao put her backpack on her back, stepped back with her open legs, frowned, as if hesitating, but said, "Sister, it's not that I want to inquire about your private affairs, It’s just that there’s something that feels a bit too coincidental.”

"Go ahead."

"Then I'll ask. Sis, you haven't seen that Mr. Ji again, have you?"

"I have seen."

Wang Yao became a little anxious, "Sister, that Ji Rufan may have ulterior motives, you have to be careful. I was almost hit by a car at that time, and I didn't fully recover from it for a long time, so I didn't think much about it.

I was covered in muddy water and felt ashamed. Ji Rufan said he wanted to send me off, and I agreed.Thinking about it now, he might have come for my sister. He knew who I was earlier, and he came to get close to my sister by helping me.

I'm sorry I caused you trouble. "

"Don't worry about it. I checked and you were almost hit by a car. It was an accident." After finding out that it was an accident, Yu Hua could only attribute it to Ji Rufan's aura of the protagonist.

"And." Yu Hua raised her eyebrows, "Don't you think Ji Rufan is outstanding?"

When Ji Rufan sent Wang Yao over, it was obvious that Wang Yao had a crush on Ji Rufan.

"It's good to look good. But if he has ulterior motives, no matter how good he looks." Wang Yao struggled, "Sister, you should investigate him more."

Wang Yao's age is at the stage when she is easily attracted to the good-looking opposite sex. Ji Rufan's appearance is not generally good. Wang Yao can see the other party quickly and rationally, which is clear.

After getting the answer she wanted, Yu Hua said, "You have a good suspicion. Ji Rufan did investigate you first, and was waiting to meet you nearby. Then he used your relationship with me to find me. I have already done this. It's done, you don't have to worry."

"That's good." Wang Yao felt that she was just worrying when she thought that Xi Hua was going out in military jeeps, "Sister, then I'm leaving."

"Don't quarrel with them when you go back. If you want to give shares, it's fine if you don't." Yu Hua said, "You don't have to limit your attention to the food factory. If you want to, you can be like the Yan family after graduation."

In the book, Wang Bing didn't give Wang Yao any shares.

"Really!" Wang Yao said pleasantly, "Sister, I am willing."

It was rumored that the Yan family obtained the authorization from Lu Banxia through her, but Wang Yao knew in her heart that her role was not that great.

No one will influence the decisions her sister makes.

If she could influence her sister, the Wang family would have already been authorized.She once tried her elder sister's tone, but her elder sister immediately refused. Except for lending money to her mother to open a food factory, the Wang family did not benefit from anything else.

Her father used her sister's name to talk about things outside, but was warned by the people above afterwards. Her father was so scared that he never dared to say that Lu Banxia was his stepdaughter.

She went to university and her horizons broadened. Thinking of this, she felt that the Yan family should meet at the right time.

"Well. As long as you have the ability." Xi Hua appreciates people with a clear mind like Wang Yao, and will help if they can do it easily. "The premise is that you can't do illegal things, and you can't do things that violate public order and good customs."

Villains, of course, do bad things.

In the book, in order to gain credibility, Wang Yao showed her parents that she could make a career without relying on the Wang family, and she used some disgraceful means to achieve her goal.

No matter what the purpose is, doing something bad is doing it.

Xihua wanted to help Wang Yao, not to help a villain, but to help Wang Yao get rid of the villain's personality.

So far, Wang Yao has only a stronger personality, and has never done any bad things in the book.

Moreover, Yuhua has another idea, since the protagonist's aura can disappear, can it be regenerated?
Her research on the world in the book is still not comprehensive enough, and her current interest is in the relationship between the protagonist and the main pillar of the world.

She wants to try to see if Wang Yao can become the protagonist.

Wang Yao hurriedly raised her hands and swore, "I will definitely do it." Following her sister, there are a lot of opportunities to make money, and with her backing, she is stupid to do those things.


Yuhua has been following the progress of Lu Fang and Wei's family affairs.

The Wei family approached the Lu family, their posture was much lower, and at Lu Fang's request, they quickly called Wei Simin back.

(End of this chapter)

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