Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 883 There is something wrong with this world

Chapter 883 There is something wrong with this world (57)

Wei Simin didn't want to come, but the Wei family said that if she didn't come, the Wei family would ignore her in the future, so Wei Simin had to rush to Fengshi.

The Lu family heard from the Wei family that the daughters of the two families were wrong. At first they were reluctant to believe it. After the Wei family presented some evidence, they saw that Lu Fang looked like Wei's mother, and Wei Simin's photo looked more like After the Lu family, the Lu family had to accept this statement.

Genetic testing is necessary.

The two families went to the hospital together, and blood was drawn on the spot for testing. After a week, the results came out. Lu Fang was a child of the Wei family, and Wei Simin belonged to the Lu family.

After confirming, it's time to recognize relatives.

Wei Simin stood up with a cold snort, "What's the matter with being born or not? Being kind is better than raising kindness. I only recognize my parents. I won't go back to the Lu family."

She said to Wei's father and Wei's mother, "Mom and Dad, I'm going back first, it's not good to ask for too much time off."

Before Wei's father and Wei's mother could say anything, she walked away.

Before leaving, he glanced at the Lu family as if they were enemies, and rushed out of the room.

Wei Simin knew that Wei's parents and Wei's mother didn't want her to recognize the Lu family. With her as a bond, the cooperation between the Wei family and the Chang family has always been very good. Even if she changed from a biological daughter to an adopted daughter, as long as she Still staying in the Wei family and being recognized by the Wei family, the cooperation with the Chang family will not change much.

The daughter-in-law that the Chang family recognized was the daughter of the Wei family of the same class, not the daughter of the ordinary Lu family.If she recognizes the Lu family, she may not be able to be a daughter-in-law of the Chang family for long.

The parents of Lu's family felt a little uncomfortable. Although they just met and they didn't have much affection, they are all their own flesh and blood, especially Lu's mother, who had a dystocia when she gave birth to her first child, and she suffered the most. Why don't you want the other party to recognize you.

The younger brother of the Lu family muttered angrily, "If you don't recognize her, then you won't recognize her. I don't even recognize this kind of person as a sister." He just wanted Lu Fang to be his eldest sister.

He stared at Lu Fang nervously, wondering how the eldest sister would choose.

If Lu Fang chooses to return to the Wei family, he can't say anything. The Wei family's parents are Lu Fang's real parents, and the Wei family is rich and powerful. Lu Fang will live a hundred times better life in the Wei family than in the Lu family. .

And Lu Fang was at his own home, didn't eat well or wear well, and all the money he earned was subsidized for the family, and his college tuition was paid for by Lu Fang.

He only hated himself for not being able to repay his eldest sister because of his inability to do so now.

Seeing that Father Wei and Mother Wei didn't stop Wei Simin from leaving, Lu Fang knew what Father Wei and Mother Wei thought, and wanted to have both daughters.

Lu Banxia gave her a complete set of information, knowing that some interests of the Wei family and the Chang family are bound together, and Wei Simin plays a role in the middle.

As for her, her medical skills are also good, and there is also a patent for a prescription. Although this patent for a prescription will not bring great benefits, another prescription that she is improving will bring great benefits.

She even suspected that the Wei family had found out what she was developing, and hurriedly recognized her back to the Wei family before she produced the results.

Both daughters can bring benefits to the Wei family, and the Wei family does not want to let go of any of them.

Is there such a good thing?Lu Fang stood up.

Both families stared at her.

Lu Fang had already made up her mind, and said calmly, "Wei Simin doesn't want to recognize the Lu family, so the Lu family can't suffer, right? It's just right, I stay at the Lu family, and each of them has a daughter, so neither family will suffer.

There is no need to mention the change of surname. If you want to change it, you both change it together, or you don't change it at all.There is no question of custody, so why bother. "

"Son, you are my own daughter." Mother Wei stretched out her hand to Lu Fang, with tears in her eyes again, "Come home with me."

Lu Fang was touched by the sadness expressed by Wei's mother. She walked over and gave her hand to Wei's mother. Wei's mother held Lu Fang's hand in both hands. Stay with me, even for a short while."


Yu Hua, who stayed nearby, sensed the timeline washing over and over again.

In the past few years, Yuhua has become accustomed to the erosion of the timeline. With her intervention, the timeline is constantly deviated, but the corrective nature of the timeline pulls the timeline to the original track.

The scouring of the timeline is a concrete manifestation of revision.

The time rules are incomplete, the repairability of the timeline is not strong, and the timeline is always in a state of deviation.

Lu Fang admits that going back to Wei's house is an important plot. Lu Fang has decided not to go back to Wei's house now. The timeline is constantly being washed away, trying to influence Lu Fang and make her change her decision.

It is also that the timeline has deviated to an important critical point, and the timeline is making the final effort.

The scouring of the timeline only works on the characters in the plot, and it has a relatively greater effect on the protagonist, that is, it has a greater impact on Lu Fang.

Yuhua made a move, released the power of rules, cut off the correction of the timeline, and put the rules for a period of time into the rules of heaven.

She didn't touch the rules of the blue star world before, because her own rules were too high, and they were all the rules of the high-dimensional world. Putting them into the rules of the heavens was not repairing but destroying.

Repairing with the rules of the low-dimensional world is not good for breaking through the dimensional wall, because the dimensional wall is actually the space wall of the low-dimensional world itself. The more perfect the rules, the stronger the dimensional wall.

From the data code used by the mastermind to build the outpost, Yuhua restored the rule system applicable to the water blue star. She modified the rules for a while, and this would be a good time.

The flushing of the timeline stops.


Seeing that Lu Fang's attitude was a bit soft, Wei's father felt hesitant, and said, "Si Min's child is only strong in words, but in fact he is very soft-hearted. She can't accept this for a while, and I will talk to her later.

Let's discuss the change of surname, Fangfang, you go back to Wei's house with us first, and get to know the rest of the family. Your grandparents and uncles at home are looking forward to your return and want to see you. "

"Yes." Wei Siming was a little annoyed by Lu Fang's words just now, "Second sister, you are my biological second sister, this is an indisputable fact. You will know when you arrive in the capital. What do you want? Whatever you want, the Wei family can help you."

After hearing Wei Siming's words, Lu Fang's soft heart because of Wei's mother dissipated, she withdrew her hand from Wei's mother, and put it on Wei's shoulder.

When Wei's mother wanted to hold her hand, she took it away and said to Wei's mother, "You are my biological mother, I will not deny it. I will go to see you when I am free in the future. Not recently, I have I'm busy with work, so I can't leave."

Only Wei's mother is sincere to her, and the rest of the Wei family cares more about her than family affection.

It was Wei Siming, who thought to her that "the Wei family should return to the Wei family, and if they don't return to the Wei family, they will be making trouble for no reason", rather than being sincere. She can understand that the two were strangers a few days ago. What kind of affection can there be.

(End of this chapter)

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