Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 93 Borrowing a space to farm

Chapter 93 Borrowing a space to farm (26)

"I find it difficult to tell who is right and who is wrong. One said yes, the other didn't say yes, and no one witnessed it. How can we tell who is right and who is wrong?"

"Look, Jiang Jing is not panicking at all, she doesn't seem to be lying."

"Man Huzi's mouth, he's always blind, and Xingyu is a fool, and Jiang Jing can't tell him that he is still a fool."

"You can't say that. Jiang Hehua has a grudge with Xingxi's family, but Man Huzi doesn't have it. There is no grievance or enmity, and there is no benefit. Can Man Huzi coax Xingyu?"

Oh, the willpower is strong.Yu Hua no longer underestimated Jiang Jing.

When she first arrived in this world, it seemed that she was easily tricked by her, and she didn't seem very smart. I didn't expect that she could quickly control her emotions and react in the best way for her—resistance.

This tough resistance is not easy, because under the pressure of Xi Hua's mental power, Jiang Jing was able to resist not telling the truth, and her willpower is strong enough.

It's a pity that the real water in the system space is used up, otherwise you can try it on Jiang Jing.

In addition to Jiang Jing's strong willpower, there is also Jiang Jing's soul instinctively protected by the dimension space.

Not only the soul is protected, but even the body has protection rules. If someone hurts Jiang Jing to a certain extent, it will touch a barrier similar to a shield to protect Jiang Jing.

Oh, it's a hard stubble.

Xihua became interested.

She walked slowly towards Jiang Jing.

Jiang Jing saw Yu Hua approaching, her expression was very bad, "Wei Xingxi, I didn't—"


Yu Hua reached out and slapped Jiang Jing.

She has always been very unimpressed with slapping people in the face.Slapping in the face is not very harmful, it is extremely insulting, and the person who is being slapped can directly punch the person who is being slapped, and insults are unnecessary.

But Jiang Jing, who attacked an eight-year-old child, deserves a slap in the face.And Jiang Jing was full of malice towards her and Wei Xingyu, she was right.

It is also because Jiang Jing, who has a golden finger, is no longer an ordinary person, and does not apply to the standard of conduct for ordinary people.

By the way, the moment she touched Jiang Jing's face, she put a strand of mental strength on Jiang Jing's face.

Slapping doesn't do much damage and doesn't trigger shields.

Jiang Jing was stunned again.

She was more dazed than Liu Xiumiao slapped her.When Liu Xiumiao hit her, she was unprepared and was hit by Liu Xiumiao.

But when Yuhua hit her, she clearly saw it and hid, but she was still hit, which made her even more unbelievable.

"You should be glad that Xingyu didn't have an accident, or else it wouldn't have been a slap in the face. Well, this matter is settled. But, if you plan on Xingyu in the future, I will punish you to death."

Seeing Jiang Jing's performance, Yu Hua knew that there was a high probability that this matter would not be resolved.

Just like what the onlookers said, Jiang Jing bit her to death and refused to admit it, and no one else saw it, so it was not true to just rely on what she said.

Man Huzi often talks nonsense, and his words are not very credible in the eyes of onlookers, and his identification alone cannot be counted.

Another one, Wei Xingyu is doing well, she hasn't even been bumped or frightened, it's a big deal, but not a big one.

Even if Jiang Jing admits it, Jiang Jing can still say that she kindly reminded Wei Xingyu because she wanted the Wei family to have eggs to eat.

As for why she told Wei Xingyu through Man Huzi instead of herself, the reasons are ready-made.

Because she had conflicts with the Wei family, she was afraid that Wei Xingyu would not believe her.Wei Xingyu didn't find the wild eggs, maybe someone else picked them up.

In addition, there were no consequences, and Jiang Jing would not be punished in any way. At most, she would be gossiped behind her back and her reputation would be damaged.

The same goes for the brigade.

From Jiang Jing's design of Miao Dalan last time, if you know Wei Fusong's handling method, only big things will be taken seriously, and it's one thing to miss other small things.

Although Wei Fusong will be displeased with Jiang Jing, who has caused one incident after another, if Xihua clings to her tightly, Wei Fusong will be equally displeased with Xihua.

This is not good for Xihua's farming plan.

She slapped Jiang Jing to settle the matter here, Wei Fusong would only be happy, thinking that she knew the general idea.

Hua Hua thinks that her position as an agricultural technician is expected to be formalized.

Hitting Jiang Jing was not only for Xingyu, but also for a personal matter.

Xi Hua hit Jiang Jing on the left cheek, and Jiang Jing subconsciously covered her face with her left hand, and now the thread of mental power entered the dimensional space along the gap between her left palm and the dimensional space.

Because of the protection of the dimensional space, instead of directly touching Jiang Jing's palm, mental power cannot use the only entrance or loophole in the dimensional space.

Dimensional space protects this loophole together.

Under Yuhua's intention, she found that when Jiang Jing's palm was spread flat, the protection against loopholes was minimized, and her spiritual force should be able to penetrate the thin layer of barrier covering it.

She estimated that she was right, and the spiritual force passed through the barrier smoothly.

She can use the spiritual force thread as an anchor to enter the dimensional space.

Her physical strength was almost used up, so she didn't check it immediately.

"Wei Xingxi, you are going too far." Jiang Jing wept first, "I said I hadn't done it, and I hadn't done it, no matter how many times I said it. Why do you beat someone..."

Yuhua didn't want to engage in futile arguments with Jiang Jing, so she pulled Wei Xingyu and turned around, and said to Liu Xiumiao, "Aunt Xiumiao, I don't think we can get to the bottom of this matter, I'll take Xingyu and leave first gone."

After the matter is over, she doesn't need to stay here anymore.

Liu Xiumiao also knew this truth. She believed in it, but no one else believed it.She pointed at Jiang Jing again, "Forget about it, and when I see you looking for a tiger in the future, I will definitely hit you."

She doesn't want to see Jiang Jing crying and crying. She is like Li Erni and uses crying as a means. If Jiang Jing comes up to beat her directly, she can wait to see Jiang Jing again.

Wei Xingyu held Wei Xingxi's hand with a look of fear and confusion. She understood why Man Huzi coaxed her, but she didn't quite understand why Jiang Jing wanted to coax her but didn't coax her herself.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand, anyway, follow my sister, she will take her wherever she goes.

The two of them held one in their hands and one in the other's hand. Before they had gone far, someone said, "The captain is here."

Wei Fusong walked over with a sullen face, looked around at the crowd, "They're all free."

There were bursts of hey laughter.

Seeing Jiang Jing under the tree covering her face and crying, she frowned, "It's a big deal, I'm starting to get started. Wei Baogui, are you there?" Wei Baogui is Man Huzi's father.

Someone responded, "Precious has gone to pick up fertilizer and water, and is not in the field here."

Wei Fusong didn't necessarily want to look for him, so he pointed to Liu Xiumiao's name, "Aren't you here? Liu Xiumiao, you have to take good care of your sons, you are almost twelve years old, and there are still teams everywhere. Swim.

Look at the eleven or twelve boys in our brigade who are still doing the easy work of cutting pigweed? "

(End of this chapter)

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