Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 94 Borrowing a space to farm

Chapter 94 Borrowing a space to farm (27)

Liu Xiumiao still respected Wei Fusong, the captain of the brigade, and hurriedly agreed, "Hey."

Wei Fusong pointed at Man Huzi who was not convinced by him, "Look. Let others ignore this matter today, and Man Huzi's fault can't be escaped. For the sake of self-interest, I don't talk about principles."

Liu Xiumiao also saw Man Huzi's stubborn face, and beat him on the back again, and answered Wei Fusong's words, "Hey, okay, I'll go home and hand Man Huzi home to Wei Baogui for repairs." , and give him a suitable job in the future."

With a full tug, "Aren't you going to wait to be dried into dried persimmons?"

He dragged Man Huzi by the neck and left.

Yu Hua called out, "Uncle Fu Song."

Wei Xingyu then called out: "Uncle Fu Song."

Wei Fusong looked at Wei Xingyu's big bubbling eyes with fear, and it was hard to say what Xihua shouldn't do, so he just said, "Hurry up and take Xingyu home."

"Thank you, Uncle Fu Song."

Xihua didn't care what Wei Fusong said about Jiang Jing, it didn't cause any serious consequences, it was nothing more than a criticism.

After returning home for a while, Miao Dalan came back.

Wei Baoshan went to build a house for others again, and did not come back at noon.

Miao Dalan had already heard about Wei Xingyu's going up the mountain, so she scolded Man Huzi and Jiang Jing first.

Then he talked to Xingyu, and asked Xingyu to promise that he would not go up the mountain by himself in the future.

Knowing that Xihua had beaten Jiang Jing to stand up for Wei Xingyu, he praised Yuhua again.

Yuhua: ...

With every reprimand and praise, are you really not afraid to stir up Wei Xingyu's rebellious heart?
Looking at Wei Xingyu, she nodded at Miao Dalan's praise, "My sister is facing me. My sister said that I want to go up the mountain and she will take me there, and she also said that she will take me to catch hares."

"If you don't tell me, I almost forgot, Xingshou is strong, and I brought back such a big fat rabbit..."

Forget it, a female controller and a sister controller, the two get along very well, so she doesn't have much to do.

Yu Hua used this incident as an excuse to let Wei Xingyu rest at home in the afternoon.

The original owner said to be nice to Wei Xingyu, and Xi Hua thought for a while, letting Wei Xingyu achieve academically is the best thing for her.

Soon there will be news of the resumption of the college entrance examination. The college students in the next ten years will have a particularly high gold content. The sooner the college students pass the exam, the better their future will be.

She decided to let Wei Xingyu go to university earlier, no matter what Wei Xingyu wants to study or do, he will have a lot of choices.

The original owner and Wei Xingyu both went to school when they were over seven years old, which is considered early among the children in Weizigou.

Wei Xingyu is now eight years old and is in the second grade. Yuhua plans to start making up lessons for Wei Xingyu every day from today, and try to let her skip the grade to the third grade after school starts.

Textbooks from elementary school to junior high school are all there, so it is very convenient to teach.

Wei Xingyu didn't disappoint Xihua, she had a good brain, and Xihua could understand it after teaching it twice at most.

With the bonus of sister-in-law, Wei Xingyu will do what Yuhua says, and let me recite the text and write it several times, which is very easy to teach.

When Miao Dalan and Wei Baoshan came back in the evening, Xihua told them about asking Xingyu to study at home in the afternoon.

Both agreed.

Now that Xi Hua's health has improved and she doesn't need to take medicine, the family's expenses have been saved a lot, and at least half of the money earned by Wei Baoshan's bricklaying work can be saved.

If Wei Xingyu could skip a grade, it would save a year of tuition fees, which would be even more cost-effective.

The rabbit was stewed for dinner, and Wei Baoshan was still in charge.

Both Miao Dalan and Wei Baoshan were strict with their own family when it came to eating. They stewed a whole rabbit, and the whole family was full with meat.


In the evening, after Xi Hua finished her practice, it was almost eleven o'clock.

She communicated with the spiritual force thread left in the dimensional space, and saw the situation in the dimensional space.

It's really a space that can hold real things.

This dimensional space is an ideal golden finger, with mountains, water and bamboo houses inside.

After listening to the sounds around her, Yuhua was sure that the other three people in the family were asleep, and disappeared from the room in a flash.

The next moment, Yu Hua's figure appeared in the dimension space.

The fresh breath made Yuhua's breathing easy.

The concentration of aura is much higher than that of the outside world.

It is night outside, and there is plenty of light in the space.

As she judged, Jiang Jing didn't know the existence of this space, because apart from the footprints she stepped on, there was no trace of anyone's recent footsteps in the space. If Jiang Jing knew that there was a space on her body, it was impossible not to come in .

Apart from her, there are no people or animals in the space.

It seems that the space forcibly binds Jiang Jing, Jiang Jing is not the master of the space, but the space is the leader.

If it wasn't Jiang Jing's, it would be easy to handle.

Xihua will not grab other people's things by force.It would be a different matter if Jiang Jing attacked her.

Although Jiang Jing is likely to be the indirect murderer who caused the original owner's death, there is no real evidence yet, and she, as Wei Xingxi, cannot take away Jiang Jing's golden finger.

Now that the space does not belong to Jiang Jing, she can use it.

Yu Hua forcibly broke in, and of course the space stopped. She didn't stay for a while, and an invisible weight squeezed towards Yu Hua from all directions.

It was a ruthless move from the beginning, trying to eliminate her from body||body to soul, not to exclude her.

Xihua can survive for a while under the rejection of the big outside world, and can be afraid of being squeezed by this small space.

She unleashed the power of rules and rolled over in reverse.

In this dimensional space, her mental strength is much less restricted, and she still has aura that can temporarily replace her physical strength, so she will take action to counter it.

In the outside world, she cannot easily use the power of rules and is easily rejected by this world, but this dimensional space exists independently no matter how small it is, and there is a space barrier to isolate it from the outside world, which is just convenient for her.

Her body is a complete plane, and this dimensional space can only be regarded as a space fragment, and the two parties are not on the same level.

The rules of her conscious body are much higher than the rules of this dimensional space, and they have an instinctive suppression effect.

The space is tightly suppressed.

It is inconvenient to attack from the outside world, now that she is inside the space, she can't help but let the space decide.

If Yuhua wants to, she can group, group, and dismantle this dimensional space, but it is a bit difficult to make it fit without damaging the space.

Her current physical condition does not allow her to suppress it for too long. This is because her mental power is less restricted in the dimensional space, and her aura is sufficient to temporarily replace her physical energy, so she can counter the space.

She hooked up the rules of space, and accidentally discovered that this dimensional space derived the existence of chaotic will similar to obsession.

This space can also be said to be an independent world, and it is possible to produce spatial consciousness, but it does not reach the category of world consciousness, it can only be called spirit.

She has sensed that there is no spirit in this dimension.

Space will is not consciousness, and it cannot communicate with her directly. It can only convey the instinctive reaction of rules to her.

This is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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