Chapter 103 Ring (Add more!)

early morning!

Zhou Chen felt something moving on his body, opened his eyes suddenly, and saw Yang Tao stretched out his fingers and slid on his chest.

"You teased me early in the morning. It seems that you are recovering well. Do you want to have a morning exercise?"

"NO, I have not."

Yang Tao hurriedly turned over and wanted to run, but Zhou Chen had already grabbed her arm and pinned her down with one turn.

"It's too late to run now."



"Hateful, bullying me early in the morning."

Yang Tao coquettishly slapped Zhou Chen's body twice. Now her whole body is numb and she has no strength at all.

Zhou Chen said with a smile: "You teased me first, okay, I'm just passively resisting, and it seems that I have to work harder?"

"I hate it, can you stop saying that, it's so embarrassing." Yang Tao hid her head under the quilt, not daring to show her head.

Zhou Chen took Yang Tao's head out, and said softly: "Get up after a short rest, I will take you to a place later."

"Where to go?"

Yang Tao was indeed attracted, and asked Zhou Chen curiously.

Zhou Chen touched Yang Tao's nose lightly with his nose, and said, "I won't tell you yet, you'll know when you go."

Yang Tao was a little dissatisfied: "You are mysterious, and I don't know what you are going to do, so I won't get up, and I will dawdle."

"I'll give you 5 minutes. If you don't get up, I can only use my ultimate move. You should know what my ultimate move is, hehehe."

"Zhou Chen, you hate me the most, you will bully me..."

"Okay, I promise I won't bully you anymore, come here, we'll get up after a short rest."

It said it was 5 minutes, but it took half an hour to get up. The two had a casual bite in the morning, and then Zhou Chen set off with carambola.

Sitting in the car, Yang Tao asked again: "Zhou Chen, where are you taking me today?"

"I won't tell you now, but after it passes, you will be happy."

"You don't tell me where to go, how do you know I'll be happy, what if I'm angry?"

Zhou Chen smiled confidently: "If you get angry, I'll let you be on top."


Facing Zhou Chen's molestation, Yang Tao really had no way to do it.

The longer she spent with Zhou Chen, the more she discovered that there was a big difference between Zhou Chen in front of others and behind others.

She was very polite in front of people, and her speech was clear and reasonable, but behind her, when it was only the two of them getting along, they became too lively, especially those jokes, which really made her hard to guard against.

At the beginning, she had to think for a while before she could understand what it meant, but now that she has practiced, she has understood most of the meaning, and she has changed from being shy and awkward at the beginning to the current copper skin and iron bones.

Zhou Chen drove the car, and the two came to a commercial street. After parking the car, he took carambola and went straight to the destination.


Zhou Chen pulled Yang Tao to stop at a storefront, and Yang Tao was stunned when he saw the storefront.

Because it turned out to be a ring store in front of him.

"Zhou, Zhou Chen, you brought me here, wouldn't it be..."

Zhou Chen smiled and said: "That's right, I brought you here to buy a ring. I think those on TV, putting rings in cakes, in flowers, or somewhere for you to find, are a bit clichéd, so I I just want to bring you to choose a ring personally, tailor-made for you, a ring that belongs only to you."

"Before I came here, I had already made up my mind, and I chose this D·R, because the rings of this shop have a romantic rule: men can only order one ring in a lifetime with their ID card, and I want to give my only A chance is given to you, Tao Zi, are you willing to accept it?"

Yang Tao was completely stunned. As a woman longing for marriage, of course she knew the brand of this ring, but she never expected that Zhou Chen would choose to bring her here on this ordinary day, wanting to give her a gift. She custom made the only ring.

Touched, moved beyond words, she couldn't help but shed tears.

Zhou Chen gently wiped away her tears, "Don't cry, there are so many people, it's too ugly to cry with makeup."

"Well, I don't cry, I didn't want to cry, it flowed down by itself, out of my control."

Yang Tao choked up and said, the more she talked, the more tears flowed, these were tears of emotion, tears of joy and excitement, and tears of happiness.

"Then, Taozi, I'm not as romantic as others. I don't have nine hundred and ninety-nine roses, and I don't have a grand marriage proposal ceremony. Are you willing to be the hostess of the only ring?"

Yang Tao nodded vigorously, choked up and said: "I am willing, I don't want flowers, and I don't want a grand ceremony. I just want to be with you, like an ordinary couple, and live a stable life of our own. I am willing to be the owner of your ring." hostess."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go in."

Zhou Chen and Yang Tao stayed inside for nearly an hour, and when they came out, both of them were smiling, especially Yang Tao, who walked out of the specialty store directly.

Back in the car, Yang Tao had a happy smile all over her face.

"Zhou Chen, you are too stupid. It cost more than 30 yuan to buy a ring. When I got the ring, I didn't dare to take it out casually, for fear of being targeted."

When the ring was first ordered, Zhou Chen seemed very timid and asked for the best one directly. Yang Tao wanted to buy a cheap one out of the idea of ​​being diligent and thrifty, but Zhou Chen's attitude was very firm and resolute, and he didn't give her a chance at all. Set that one.

Yang Tao is both happy and distressed. Being happy is naturally because Zhou Chen is willing to buy her the best ring, and being distressed is naturally also concerned about money.

"Where is this? Look at those rich and rich wives. They wear hundreds of thousands, tens of millions, or even tens of millions of them. I haven't seen them being targeted."

"You surprised me. You even bought me a ring. You bought a ring worth more than 10,000. It seems that you have a lot of savings."

It wasn't just that he bought a ring with Yang Tao, Yang Tao also bought one for him, but his was just a simple platinum ring.

Carambola: "Of course, you bought it for me, and I will buy it for you too, but I am not as rich as you, so I can only buy you a cheap one. When I make money in the future, I will definitely buy you one." OK."

Zhou Chen smiled and said, "Then I'll just wait."

"Of course."

Yang Tao was full of joy, but said with some disappointment: "But it takes forty days to get the ring, which is too slow."

Zhou Chen said: "We made it to order, of course it's slow, don't worry, just wait, forty days is also very fast, let's go shopping first, and then find a place to have lunch."

(End of this chapter)

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