The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 104 The Opening of the Wedding Shop

Chapter 104 The Opening of the Wedding Shop

May [-]rd!

In a burst of 'cracking' firecrackers, 'Chen Xing' wedding photography shop officially opened.

The name of the bridal shop is very simple, and it still uses the name of the previous world education institution, because Zhou Chen really doesn't have much talent in naming, so he just used one name to the end.

Many flower baskets were placed in front of the store, which were all sent by friends. Because the space in front of the store is relatively large, on the opening day, Zhou Chen also specially set up a stage and invited people to perform to attract customers.

At the beginning, there were not many customers, but in the afternoon, there were more and more customers, some of them were attracted by shopping, some of them knew that this place was going to open a while ago, and they came here today, and some of them were read in magazines Advertisement, was attracted.

Li Bing, a friend of Hong Baida who worked in a magazine, asked Zhou Chen for the right to use the photos. After discussing with Yang Tao, Zhou Chen felt that this was a very good opportunity, so Zhou Chen negotiated with Li Bing.

They agreed to use the photos, but their bridal shop must be advertised in the magazine, and Li Bing finally agreed.

It is now 13 years. Although the new media era has come, it has not yet reached its peak. Magazines still sell well, especially the magazine that Li Bing works for in Yanjing. Many people who saw the advertisements in the magazine, They all came here to watch.

From the morning to the evening, many customers came, but at the end of the day, under the circumstances of various discounts, only six orders were reached, one was to buy a wedding dress, the other was to customize a wedding dress, and the other four orders It was because of the great discount that I decided to take wedding photos.

On the first day, six deals were concluded, which seems like a lot, but in fact, compared with their publicity and investment, the effect is not very satisfactory.

However, Zhou Chen was not in a hurry, because this kind of store business was different from the educational institution he ran in the last world, and he had a different background. It was definitely impossible to make money from it, but it would take a certain amount of time to accumulate slowly.

After opening, Zhou Chen and Yang Tao went to work in the bridal dress shop on time every day. Apart from Zhou Chen and Yang Tao, the current bridal dress shop only has one deputy store manager and nine other employees. up.

Now everyone knows the relationship between Yang Tao and Zhou Chen. Although Yang Tao doesn't want to be the store manager, she just learns from the deputy store manager, but the employees in the Chenxing store are very discerning and have long regarded her as the store manager and Boss.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye. During this time, Yang Tao was really busy, busy with studying, but Zhou Chen was much more relaxed. He is the boss, and he doesn't need to do many things at all, as long as he pays for it.

After more than ten days, the business in the store can only be said to be so-so, and it is at the stage of making ends meet. As the boss, Zhou Chen is not in a hurry. It's called business, but it's called stealing money.

The loss was expected by Zhou Chen, and he was even prepared to lose money within a year. For him, the first task is to cultivate carambola first.

After the bridal shop opened, Xue Sumei, the mother-in-law-to-be, had already visited several times, and once brought her old sisters to visit, which made Zhou Chen and Yang Tao dumbfounded.

On this day, Xue Sumei took the initiative to call two old friends, Liu Xiu and Lan Caiping, to get together.

"Sumei, your son-in-law's bridal shop is really good, and your son-in-law is also good-looking, young and rich, Tao Zi is really lucky."

After the three of them sat down, Liu Xiu complimented Xue Sumei sincerely and kept praising Zhou Chen, which made Xue Sumei feel elated.

Xue Sumei has no reason to be unhappy. In fact, among the three old sisters who are friends with each other, she is the worst one in these years.

Although she always acted as the heroine in the drama troupe before, how much money could she earn at that time? Later, she raised two children by herself. Compared with Liu Xiu and Lan Caiping's happy family, she really suffered a lot .

The first two 30 years of scenery, the next ten 20 years have been inferior to Liu Xiu and Lan Caiping, Xue Sumei didn't say it on the surface, but she was actually quite aggrieved in her heart.

Recently, the prospective son-in-law Zhou Chen gave her a long face, which made her life very comfortable, especially the compliments from the old sister, which really made her extremely comfortable.

"It's okay, Xiao Zhou is a pretty good kid. Tao Zi doesn't work in the hotel now, and just works in the bridal shop. After a while, she will be promoted to the store manager after she gets to know her better."

Liu Xiudao: "It seems that Xiao Zhou is really kind to Taozi, Sumei, it seems that soon, I will be able to drink Taozi's wedding wine, and I will definitely pack a big red envelope by then."

"Hahaha, of course, the red envelope must be big enough."

Xue Sumei laughed loudly, as long as Taozi got married, her biggest wish would be fulfilled, not to mention she was very satisfied with this son-in-law.

"Ping'er, why don't you say a word today, our Taozi's happy event is coming soon, and your family's Weiwei is about the same."

A word of joy, but who knows that it pokes Lan Caiping's hornet's nest, and Lan Caiping immediately loses his temper.

"Xue Sumei, don't you feel uncomfortable if you don't target me for a day?"

The plastic sisters are indeed well-deserved of their reputation, and if they disagree with each other, they will immediately open up.

Xue Sumei was stupefied when Lan Caiping yelled at her: "Ping'er, what are you talking about? How did I target you? Xiu'er, come to judge. Why did I target her?"

Liu Xiu was also puzzled, she asked Lan Caiping: "Caiping, did Sumei say something wrong?"

Xue Sumei hurriedly said: "No, I didn't say anything, I just said one thing to her, and you heard it, I didn't provoke her."

"Pretend, you just pretend, Xue Sumei, Xue Sumei, I have known you for decades, don't I know you well, you can't see that our family is good, nothing happened, now you are happy, you are happy to hide Go happy and run to me, isn't it too bullying?"

Lan Caiping pointed at Xue Sumei with a stern tone, and as she spoke, her eyes turned red with anger, tears streaming down her face.

"No, what happened to Weiwei? Caiping, I really don't know." Xue Sumei hurriedly explained.

But Lan Caiping didn't believe her at all, and said sharply: "You don't know, how could you not know, Taozi won't tell you? Xue Sumei, I don't know you yet, you just want to see me make a fool of myself, and want to be angry Me, laugh at me, it’s all right now, you’ve got your wish, you’ve succeeded, you’re happy.”

"Here, Caiping, what are you talking about? What happened to Weiwei? Taozi didn't tell me. I really don't know anything."

Xue Sumei looked bewildered, she really didn't know what happened to Lan Weiwei, Tao Zi didn't go to her place at all recently, how could she know what happened to Lan Weiwei?

But Lan Caiping didn't believe her at all, and looked at her coldly, which made her feel very awkward. He had no choice but to ask Liu Xiu for help.

"Xiu'er, you helped persuade Caiping, what's going on?"

"Don't worry."

Liu Xiu comforted Xue Sumei, and then asked Lan Caiping. Facing Liu Xiu, Lan Caiping's attitude improved a lot, and under Liu Xiu's questioning, she slowly told the truth.

"What? Why is there such a scumbag?"

After listening to Lan Caiping's narration, Xue Sumei slammed the table and cursed angrily.

"Okay, Xue Sumei, don't pretend, I know you already know, if you want to laugh at me, just laugh."

Lan Caiping believed that Xue Sumei was acting, and her overreaction was not as good as her acting.

Xue Sumei was in a hurry: "Ping'er, why would I laugh at you? I only knew about it after I heard what you said. If there is a festival between the two of us, it belongs to both of us. No matter how hard it is, I can't use the child's matter as a target. You, Weiwei have met such a scumbag, it's too late for me to get angry, how can I think about these things."

"Hmph." Lan Caiping had already snorted coldly.

Liu Xiu hurriedly persuaded: "Caiping, Sumei is not that kind of person, so don't think too much about it, Weiwei was wronged, but fortunately, it's not too late, she sees the true face of that scum, so that she won't be caught off guard. It is a blessing in misfortune to suffer more injuries."

Lan Caiping sighed sadly: "My poor daughter, how could I meet such a scumbag? I thought he was the boss of a listed company and would be a good person, but I didn't expect him to be so morally corrupt. It's really pitiful. It's my Weiwei."

Liu Xiu and Xue Sumei quickly persuaded Lan Caiping not to be too sad.

(End of this chapter)

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