The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 156 Xiaomeng, Zhou Chen's warning

Chapter 156 Xiaomeng, Zhou Chen's warning
"came back?"

Seeing Zhou Chen walking in, both Su Mingyu and Yi Fei looked at him.

Seriously looked at Zhou Chen, and found that only his hands were wrapped in gauze, both Su Mingyu and Yi Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

"Looking at you, you should have won the battle. How is Su Mingcheng? He's not disabled, right?" Su Mingyu asked.

Zhou Chen walked up to Yi Fei and sat down, and replied, "It's not impossible to be disabled, but at least you need to lie down for half a month before you can stand up, which is much worse than you."

Su Mingyu nodded, and said: "You don't have to worry, they don't dare to call the police, if they dare to call the police, I promise you will be fine in the end, but this kind of thing is only this time, it must never happen again, I don't want you to go there again that place."

"Don't worry, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't bother to pay attention to Su Mingcheng. I have already warned them, but they didn't call the police."

During the beating, he had already uttered harsh words. If Zhu Li and his family dared to call the police, they would have already reported it, instead of reporting it later.

"I've already asked someone to clean up the house outside the city. You can live there directly this afternoon, and I can be discharged from the hospital in two days."

"Well, after you leave the hospital, rest for a while and live with us, so that I can take care of you conveniently."

"Then I won't bother you. I can do it myself. If you have time, take Yi Fei for a stroll. You can't always stay in the house. There are still many places worth visiting here."


In a blink of an eye, more than half a month passed.

Zhou Chen and Yi Fei have already settled down in Su City. Apart from living outside the city, the two of them would go to the June bar every day, and also go around to have fun.

At the beginning, Yi Fei was more worried about the situation in the studio, but after Zhou Chen gave Song Yuqing several songs, two of them were sold, and after selling at a good price, Yi Fei also I slowly relaxed my mind.

In fact, Zhou Chen has already written seven or eight songs of good quality and handed them over to Song Yuqing. However, except for selling the copyright of the songs in order to get closer to the two heavenly kings at the beginning, she has written all the other songs. I am not going to sell it directly, but I am going to hold the copyright in my hands and operate it slowly.

Song Yuqing's agent is an expert in this regard, so Zhou Chen didn't instruct her how to do it, but let her manage it after registering the copyright.

Su Mingyu's injuries have also fully recovered, and she has started to go to work now. Zhou Chen learned from Su Mingyu that Su Mingcheng lay in the hospital for a week, and lay in bed for a few days when he returned home. He still hasn't started to go to work yet.

But Su Daqiang finally got his wish, got the new house Su Mingzhe bought for him, and moved there happily alone.

Zhou Chen did not participate in this matter, but transferred 500,000 to Su Mingzhe, telling him clearly that this was part of his payment and a filial piety of his.

The money was not obtained from Su Mingyu, but Zhou Chen earned it by selling songs himself.

The face-saving Su Mingzhe didn't want it, but Zhou Chen's words made him unable to refuse, so he could only accept the 500,000. To him, the 500,000 was simply life-saving. He didn't have any more conflicts with Wu Fei.

However, when giving the money, Zhou Chen kept an eye out and made it clear to Su Mingzhe that the house can be bought, and he can also pay the money, but there is one thing, that is, the mortgage name on the real estate certificate must be Su Mingzhe, not Su Daqiang. name.

After Su Mingzhe told Su Daqiang, although Su Daqiang was a little unhappy, he did not object. Now he is immersed in the joy of getting a new house, and has not thought about the real estate certificate at all for the time being, even if the property right of the real estate certificate is not He, but also has his name, so he doesn't worry about anything.

When buying a house, Zhou Chen went with him, and he was completely relieved after seeing with his own eyes that Su Mingzhe's name was written on the property owner column.

Zhou Chen doesn't care about the 500,000 he paid without a name, and he is not someone who is short of 500,000. As long as the house is not owned by Su Daqiang alone, he will not worry about the scandal of Su Daqiang finding his wife and dividing the house in the future.

As for the possibility of that "Baby Cai Genhua" appearing in the future, he will not be too worried. Without the property rights of the house, Su Daqiang, who only has a pension, even if Cai Genhua appears, he will not have to divide the house as in the plot. .

As long as there is no way to divide the house, even if Su Daqiang is cheated, he won't suffer too much loss, and they won't be able to make trouble.

On the side of the Zhongcheng Group, Lao Meng quickly solved the internal problems as soon as he made a move. Not only did he eradicate Vice President Sun, but even the members of the Meng Tai family were also eliminated. Now the Zhongcheng Group has become a A word from Lao Meng.

I heard from Mingyu and Liu Qing that Lao Meng approached them privately and wanted one of them to develop the southwest market.

Liu Qing had been on guard for a long time, and immediately refused on the grounds that she was familiar with this place. Su Mingyu also refused to develop the southwest market.

Afterwards, Liu Qing told Zhou Chen that Lao Meng seemed to be very angry, and checked the accounts of Jiangbei sales company several times. Several salesmen in Jiangbei were found to have problems, and they were immediately fired, which made Liu Qing The sales boss is very aggrieved.

Su Mingyu's Jiangnan was also investigated, but the losses were not as serious as Liu Qing's Jiangbei.

After going through all kinds of incidents, Liu Qing has lost the slightest loyalty to Lao Meng, and wanted to change jobs more than once, but was suppressed by Su Mingyu.

Su Mingyu is still very loyal to Lao Meng. After all, Lao Meng is her mentor. Without Lao Meng, she would not be where she is today. Even if Lao Meng has done a little too much recently, she has not suffered any real harm, so she still treats Lao Meng. Very trustworthy.

Zhou Chen didn't force Su Mingyu to change his mind, because with Mingyu's ability, even if the city couldn't stay, he didn't worry about finding other jobs, but he was still on guard secretly. If Lao Meng really turned his face and ruthless, he wouldn't Maybe sit back and watch Mingyu being bullied.

On this day, Zhou Chen was watching at the bar, and Su Mingyu brought someone to look for him.

"Ming Yang, why are you alone today?"

Su Mingyu walked into the office and saw that Zhou Chen was the only one there, and asked in surprise, because usually Yi Fei and Zhou Chen were together.

Zhou Chen raised his head, "Her agent came over today and said she had something to sign for her, so she didn't come over. Why are you free today? Are you not busy?"

"It's okay recently."

"Su Mingyu, is this the bar you mentioned? It's not that good, it's not interesting at all."

Suddenly a person came from behind Su Mingyu, making loud noises while walking.

Zhou Chen raised his brows, looked at the arrogant young man who walked into the office, and asked, "Who is this kid?"

"Old Meng's son." Mingyu introduced.

After seeing Zhou Chen, Xiao Meng walked over immediately: "You are the owner of this bar, you can't do it here, now you can't make much money in the bar, why not change it to that kind of movement, that kind of atmosphere can Get up, by the way, you are Mingyu's younger brother, I am Mingyu's future boss, hello, hello."

Xiao Meng walked up to Zhou Chen, stretched out his hand, with an arrogant look on his face.

Zhou Chen stood up. With a height of nearly 1.8 meters, he stood in front of Xiaomeng, a head taller than him. He reached out and held Xiaomeng's hand.


Xiao Meng screamed, "Let go of me, let go of my hand, ah..."

Zhou Chen raised his hand and said with a stern expression: "Old Meng's son, Xiao Meng, right? Who gave you the courage to be so arrogant in my territory? Can you call Mingyu too? Give it back to me It’s quite a skill to give advice to the bar.”

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts, brother, brother, it hurts so much, let me go, let me go, I don't dare anymore, Mingyu, no, sister Mingyu save me, sister Mingyu save me."

Su Mingyu looked at this scene amusedly, and waited until Xiaomeng was snotted by Zhou Chen, and then said: "Forget it, Mingyang, kid, please forgive him."

Only then did Zhou Chen let go of his hand, and Xiao Meng covered his hand, scrambling back in fright, looking at Zhou Chen with horror and resentment.

"Xiao Meng, if you want to take revenge on me, you can go to your father to inquire about my affairs first, and then come to me after you figure out the situation, otherwise, next time you won't be punished like this. "

Xiao Meng pointed at Zhou Chen resentfully: "You wait for me, today's matter will not pass so easily."

After speaking, he didn't dare to stay for a long time, so he just ran away.

"It's just a dude, don't worry about him." Su Mingyu walked to Zhou Chen and sat down.

Zhou Chen asked: "Old Meng brought him to your side?"


"Mingyu, I want to remind you that Lao Meng brought his son to you, didn't you think of something?"

Su Mingyu looked surprised: "What did you think of? Lao Meng said that his son is very dandy, let me take him and educate him well."

Zhou Chen sneered: "It's just his casual talk. I suspect that he put Xiaomeng by your side to study. The ultimate goal is to let Xiaomeng replace you?"

"Let Xiaomeng replace me? Mingyang, are you thinking too much?"

Su Mingyu didn't believe it at all. First of all, she didn't think that Lao Meng would scheme against her like this. Moreover, this little Meng was just a playboy, and it was not an easy task to train him well.

"I just want to remind you that shopping malls are like battlefields. After what happened last time, don't you understand? You are loyal to Lao Meng, but Lao Meng does not regard you as his first confidant. Let you bear it, but good things can't think of you, I don't mean to provoke you, I just want you to be careful, don't be sold and count the money for others."

Lao Meng put his son next to Mingyu, saying that he was educating him, but the ultimate goal was for Mingyu's Jiangnan Sales Company, which is the biggest profit of Zhongcheng Group. Only by letting his son control it can Lao Meng be completely at ease. .

Su Mingyu frowned, and after a while, she said: "Master won't do that, but I will take your reminder to heart. Has Liu Qing visited you recently?"

"what happened?"

"Liu Qing's Jiangbei has had many problems recently, and he is not in a good mood."

"It's okay, Liu Qing is also capable, even if she doesn't work in the cities, she won't starve to death."

Zhou Chen wasn't too worried about Liu Qing. Liu Qing's ability was good, and she wasn't working in the cities anymore, so it wasn't much worse.

He is most worried about Mingyu, because for Mingyu, it is not only a job, but also gratitude and respect for Lao Meng.

"Let's go, I'll take you to a place to eat. I just discovered it a while ago. I have a good appetite."

Su Mingyu pulled the bar where Zhou Chen left, and then drove to a quaint little bridge.

"A meat eater?"

Zhou Chen was surprised when he saw this restaurant.

"Yes, this is the place. The food here is good. Let's go in."

Being dragged into the meat-eater by Su Mingyu, Zhou Chen's expression changed slightly. Having watched the plot, he naturally knew that in the plot, Mingyu and the boss of the meat-eater finally became a couple.

She thought that her appearance would prevent Su Mingyu from meeting Shi Tiandong, but she did not expect to meet Shi Tiandong in the end.

Zhou Chen doesn't have a good opinion of Shi Tiandong, a character in the plot, because Shi Tiandong looks good in the play, but most of the time he is a bit nosy, especially with Su Mingyu's strength, he doesn't go well with Shi Tiandong.

Su Mingyu stopped Zhou Chen's arm and walked into the meat eater.

Shi Tiandong is cooking. There are not many guests tonight, only two tables. After copying the dish in hand, he can take a rest.

He has been a little restless in recent days, because some time ago he met a woman who moved his heart, she was a woman who was like the wind, she ate a few meals in his restaurant, although she didn't say much, but This woman is very attractive to him.

He didn't see this woman again for a few days, which made Shi Tianlong miss him a little, and he longed to see that woman again.

Suddenly two guests came in, and the waiter Archie immediately shouted: "Welcome."

Shi Tiandong habitually turned his head to take a look, and instantly caught the shadow of the woman he was thinking about day and night, but the next moment, his expression froze.

I saw that the woman walked in holding a man's arm. The two were talking and laughing, their relationship seemed unusual.

Shi Tiandong's first reaction was, it's over.

After Zhou Chen walked into the restaurant, he quickly glanced at the kitchen, saw the figure of the man inside, and immediately knew that the man was Shi Tianlong.

Su Mingyu pulled Zhou Chen to find a table and sat down, picked up the menu and ordered, and handed the order to the waiter Archie.

"The food here is good. We'll finish eating later. Would you like to pack a copy for Yi Fei?"

Zhou Chen: "No need, Yi Fei and Song Yuqing went to eat."

"Oh, by the way, you asked me to keep an eye on your houses last time. I let people look around. There are many vacant houses that can be moved in with bags, but not many that meet your requirements. In our community, there happened to be a family that wanted For sale, it is a duplex on the first and second floors, but the price is a bit expensive."

The Yulongwan community where Su Mingyu is located has a very good location and environment. Housing prices are relatively high, and two-story duplexes are relatively rare. The area is naturally larger than that of a single-story one, and the price will naturally go up.

Zhou Chen became interested: "Your community is really good. If there is one, you can buy one. What's the price?"

"10 million is probably unstoppable."

Su Mingyu told the price: "But if you really want it, it's okay. I still have the money, and I can call you directly."

Zhou Chen didn't accept it with peace of mind this time, but said: "That's not okay. It doesn't matter if I wasn't married before, but now I'm married, so I can't gnaw at you anymore. In this way, I will figure out the money thing myself, and you help me first." I asked the seller of that house to see how much he sold it for and when he could sell it."

Su Mingyu said: "What can you think of? I told you that you can't take Yi Fei's money. I don't object to you now, but as a man, husband, you must never use a woman's money to buy a house. If you do so, you will be punished." People look down on me, I can't let my brother be looked down upon by my wife, if you don't want to take my money, then treat it as a loan from me, and return it to me when you have it."

"Don't worry, I have an income now, not to mention bars, I also write and sell songs, so you don't have to worry about me, I'm really short of money, I won't be polite to you."

While Zhou Chen was talking to Su Mingyu, Shi Tiandong came over with the dishes.

"This is your dish."

After the dishes were put down, Shi Tiandong didn't leave, but said with a smile: "You two, do the dishes here suit your taste?"

Su Mingyu nodded and said, "Yes, boss, your dishes are really good."

When Shi Tiandong was praised, he immediately smiled contentedly, "Then I won't bother you two for dinner."

Zhou Chen looked at Shi Tiandong who was looking here frequently at the cash register, and asked Mingyu with a smile: "The owner of this restaurant seems to be interested in you, and has been staring at you."

Su Mingyu looked back and saw that Shi Tiandong was staring at him, seeing her look, and smiling at her, she also nodded.

"It's interesting, that's other people's business, I don't care about it, anyway, I don't plan to get married in this life, and naturally there is no need to fall in love."

Zhou Chen smiled and said: "We still have to get married, but I hope you can find someone who is really good to you. You are so strong. In my opinion, your ideal partner is to find a man who can endure your temper. No ability is not important.”

"Okay, eat yours."

Su Mingyu gave Zhou Chen an angry look, she was telling the truth, she really didn't want to get married.

When Yi Fei was three months pregnant, Zhou Chen took her to the Maternity and Children's Hospital to register, and she will go to the hospital for regular checkups in the future.

Speaking of which, Yi Fei was pregnant, and Su Mingyu showed more care than Zhou Chen's father. He brought a bunch of supplements over every three days, and ordered this and that, for fear that Zhou Chen would not take good care of Yi. Fee, just like an old lady.

Su Daqiang lives alone now, but he has not stopped being a monster. Su Mingyu found a nanny for him, but it was not pleasing to the eye. He already left two nanny in anger, and Su Mingyu had to continue to find him a new nanny.

Zhou Chen didn't know about Su Mingcheng's situation, because Su Mingyu didn't ask at all, but he heard that Zhu Li's work had resumed and she was reused.

Zhou Chen didn't care about the affairs of the Su family either, and took care of Yi Fei wholeheartedly.

(End of this chapter)

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