The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 157 My daughter, the result of everyone in the Su family

Chapter 157 My daughter, the result of everyone in the Su family
At the end of December, the climate in Su City has become cold.

In this kind of weather, people dress differently when they go out. Some people wear down jackets, some wear single-shirt and small coats, and some people still show their thighs and even their shoulders.

In short, there are all kinds of trends, each leading the way.

Zhou Chen stood outside the delivery room, pacing back and forth anxiously, while Su Mingyu next to him said impatiently, "Ming Yang, can you stop walking back and forth?"

"I can't help myself."

Zhou Chen looked anxious. When he was watching TV before, he saw those men waiting outside the delivery room, couldn't sit still and walked back and forth, and felt that they were not calm enough.

But when it was really his turn, like thousands of men, he couldn't control his legs. It seemed that only by walking around could he not be so irritable.

Yi Fei has already entered the delivery room. Originally, he wanted to go in to accompany the delivery, but Yi Fei didn't want him to experience such a scene, so she let Song Yuqing go in to accompany her.

So he could only pace back and forth outside, praying for God to bless Yi Fei's smooth delivery.

Yi Fei is a very strong person. Originally, Zhou Chen was afraid of her pain and suggested that she have a caesarean section directly, but Yi Fei insisted on giving birth by herself. In the end, she had to give her a painless injection and have a normal delivery.

But now it has been half an hour since I went in, and I haven't come out yet, Zhou Chen is so anxious that he can't wait to break open the big iron gate and rush in directly.

He has lived in four worlds, more than 30 years, but Zhou Chen has his own child for the first time. Although this is not in the real world, this is his own child, his first child.

About to become a father for the first time, Zhou Chen's mood is very complicated, excited, afraid, nervous, looking forward...


Suddenly a loud cry sounded, Zhou Chen shuddered, and then excitedly rushed to the big iron gate in front of the delivery room, through the only gap, and looked inside vigorously.

Unfortunately, nothing can be seen.

It took a long time before the door was opened, and then Song Yuqing put the package containing the child in front of him.

"Your child is a lovely daughter."

Zhou Chen hurriedly rubbed his hands together, then took his daughter, looking at the little baby with closed eyes and slightly purple face, he couldn't help smiling.

"Okay, Dad..."

"The child's father hurried over to sign."

Nima, before he finished his first sentence with his daughter, he heard the loud cry of the nurse, so he could only walk over with his daughter in his arms.

The nurse took the child, stamped it with her little feet, and fiddled with it again, which made Zhou Chen feel very distressed.

"Hurry up and sign, here, here, and this is the list to be used for inspection after the full moon, free of charge..."

Under the command of the nurse, Zhou Chen signed several names in a daze, and then took a notebook and several sheets. He didn't know what it would be useful for, but he kept them carefully anyway.

After finishing his work, he quickly took over his daughter from the nurse. The nurse said to him, "Go and vaccinate the child first, and then take her to the ward to change clothes."

"oh oh."

Zhou Chen was about to carry his daughter to the nurse's station in the ward, but before he had taken two steps, the nurse stopped him again.

"Wait, you have to leave one person to wait for the mother, she is still inside, and it will take a while to come out."

"Oh, I'm staying, I'm staying."

It was the first time for Zhou Chen to experience this kind of thing. He did what the nurse told him to do. He had no sense of his own at all. He only reacted after being reminded by the nurse.

"Mingyu, take my daughter there for the vaccination."

In fact, after the child came out, Su Mingyu had been standing by the side, as if she wanted to hug her but didn't dare to reach out.

Seeing Zhou Chen handing over the child, he dropped the bag in his hand and took the child carefully.

"Is it like this, is it hugging like this? Oh, why is she crying? Did I hug it wrong..."

As soon as the child arrived in Su Mingyu's hands, he began to cry. Su Mingyu was so frightened that he was flustered, sweating profusely, and extremely nervous.

"What are you making all the fuss about? Don't be so stiff. Be casual. The child is not a porcelain doll. Just don't fall on her. Hurry up and take her to get the vaccine."

The nurse was speechless when she saw Su Mingyu, a woman who couldn't even hold a baby and looked like she was about to cry in fright, and hurriedly urged her impatiently.

Su Mingyu, who was usually domineering and domineering, didn't dare to refute a word at this moment, carefully carried the child and went to the floor of the ward.

"The clothes are in the closet, don't forget to wear them for her."

Zhou Chen shouted from behind, and then he was worried, and told Song Yuqing to stop waiting here and go up to help Su Mingyu, while he stayed here alone and waited for Yi Fei to come out.

Zhou Chen waited anxiously outside for about half an hour before Yi Fei was pushed out, and he immediately greeted her.

"Feifei, are you okay?"

Yi Fei opened her eyes, her face was exhausted, but she still smiled: "I'm fine, why don't you go with your daughter?"

"I'll stay here and wait for you. My daughter is fine. Mingyu and Sister Qing are accompanying me. I'll push you up first."


For the next week, Zhou Chen stayed in the hospital with Yi Fei and her daughter.

On the third day in the hospital, Zhou Chen issued a birth certificate for his daughter and named her Su Yiran. This name was not chosen by him, but by Yi Fei.

During the past few days in the hospital, because Zhou Chen didn't notify any relatives, no relatives came to see them, that is, Su Daqiang and Zhu Li came once.

Speaking of Su Daqiang, Zhou Chen really didn't know what to say. When he came, he wrapped a red envelope. The red envelope was not small, but it turned out that there was only 100 yuan in it.

Zhu Li was generous, she wrapped a red envelope of 2000 yuan.

Half a year has passed, many things have happened to the Su family, and the culprit is Su Daqiang.

Su Daqiang, who had his own house, still didn't stop his tossing. Su Mingzhe didn't know what was going on, and finally found that Cai Genhua.

Su Daqiang and Cai Genhua had a twilight relationship, but this time with Zhou Chen's intervention, the flame was extinguished before their relationship became hot.

Without Cai Genhua, although Su Daqiang was still noisy, he did not look for death or life, nor did he receive any major stimulation.

But later, at Zhou Chen's strong request, Su Daqiang went for another physical examination. The result of the physical examination this time was not good, and it was found that Su Daqiang had mild Alzheimer's disease.

For this matter, the four brothers and sisters got together specially, and after discussion, Su Mingyu finally took Su Daqiang back to support him.

Now Su Daqiang lives with Su Mingyu. Although he suffers from dementia, it is still in its early stage and is not serious. After receiving treatment, his memory has declined and he is relatively forgetful, but he is fine in other aspects.

When Su Daqiang fell ill, he stopped acting as a demon, and the entire Su family became peaceful.

Su Mingzhe resigned from his job in Shanghai for his wife and children, and returned to the United States to accompany his wife and children.

Because Su Mingcheng was beaten up by Zhou Chen last time, it was a blessing in disguise. He didn't catch up with the factory investment that time, so naturally he didn't lose money.

But later, Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li still had a conflict because of Su Daqiang's matter, and then they didn't know what happened, the two had a big fight, and finally divorced.

Su Mingcheng is living in a very embarrassing situation now. The house was given to Zhu Li, and he rented a house outside. He goes to and from work step by step every day, and he is much more decadent.

Regarding Su Mingcheng's result, Zhou Chen didn't care about it. He felt that Su Mingcheng ended up like this, and he couldn't blame others.

Many people's lives are very similar. They enjoy happiness when they are young, and suffer hardship when they grow up.

Enjoying blessings and enduring hardships is what everyone has to experience, but the time and process of experience are different.

Zhou Chen knew more about Su Mingyu's matter. Shi Tiandong, the boss of the meat eater, once pursued Su Mingyu, but it was unsuccessful. Su Mingyu did not agree to him, so Su Mingyu is still single now, but now there is another Su Daqiang in the family. .

And Zhou Chen and Yi Fei also moved to the Yulongwan community. They bought the two-story duplex, which is not far from Su Mingyu's 4001, so they can see each other whenever they want.

(End of this chapter)

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