Chapter 163 Conquest
After taking a shower and seeing himself in the mirror again, Zhou Chen was still somewhat uncomfortable.

He traveled through the real body in the first two worlds, and all he saw was his own appearance, but now he is wearing someone else's appearance again, which naturally feels a little awkward.

'Mr. Ma' relied on his ordinary appearance to win Zhu Suosuo, which once again proved one thing, most women can win by relying on money ability, let alone gold diggers.

After taking a shower, Zhou Chen sat by the bed and began to think.

The task of a master architect will not be completed in a short period of time. It is estimated that it will take a long time to complete like the previous world. After all, it will take at least a few years for a landmark building to be completed from the beginning of planning, not to mention It also needs to be recognized by the industry.

On the contrary, the first task is to abuse the master, so you need to think carefully about how to complete it.

Before time travel, Zhou Chen did a lot of homework, but these two tasks had nothing to do with his homework at all.

There are countless ways to abuse people. If it is a man, you can beat him once, twice, or three times.

If it was a woman, it didn't mean that he couldn't be beaten, but if he really did it, the impact would definitely be bad, and the effect might not be good, so he needed to think of a way to complete this task.

While Zhou Chen was meditating, Zhu Suosuo woke up from a deep sleep. She turned over lazily, and opened her eyes immediately when she found no one beside her.

The quilt slipped off his body, revealing his smooth skin, and his slender body fell into Zhou Chen's sight.

With the dawn of spring, Zhu Suosuo was not shy. Instead, he smiled at Zhou Chen who was sitting by the bed, put on a provocative pose, and stretched out his hands.

"Mr. Ma."

The reason why Zhu Suosuo was called Mr. Ma was not because she didn't know Zhou Chen's name, but a kind of affectionate name.

Facing the passionate Zhu Suosuo, Zhou Chen did not leave coldly, but walked over, followed Zhu Suosuo's hands, and encircled her body.

"Mr. Ma, I like you so much."

Zhu Suosuo rubbed her cheek against Zhou Chen's chin, rubbing against the sporadic beard, which made her feel extra stimulated and happy, and the love words came out of her mouth.

Zhou Chen is not a first-timer in love, he has been married twice, and his wives in the three worlds are all excellent women.

Although Zhu Suosuo is beautiful and charming, with fair skin and fair skin, his temperament is far worse than that of the wives in the other three worlds, and he exudes a kind of wind and dust all over his body.

Facing Zhu Suosuo's love words and seduction, he was happy on the surface, but his mind was not affected at all, as stable as an old dog.

Caressing Zhu Suosuo's hair, Zhou Chen said with a smile on his face, "I like you too, Suosuo."

I don't know if it was influenced by the original body, his acting skills have soared, and he said something against his will, which is not against harmony at all, very smooth.

Zhu Suosuo didn't realize that the "Mr. Ma" he was talking about had changed his soul, and he used his proud body to cling to Zhou Chen.

"Mr. Ma, when can we really be together?"

Zhu Suosuo waited for so many years just to find a rich boyfriend and help her escape from the current situation of being dependent on others.

She has lived in her uncle's and aunt's house for many years, and her greatest wish is to have a home of her own without relying on others.

She also had a few boyfriends before, but none of them persisted for two or three weeks, because her boyfriends basically couldn't meet her requirements.

She, Zhu Suosuo, is looking for a rich man to marry, and she doesn't look at those men who are running around for a living. Once married, she can be rich and enjoy life, and be a rich wife. This is what she expects.

In her eyes, Mr. Ma meets all her requirements, rich, gentle, and infatuated with her.

She is confident that she can hold Mr. Ma, especially after handing herself over today, she feels that Mr. Ma will definitely satisfy her request and fulfill her wish for many years.

Zhou Chen showed off his acting skills: "You can do it at any time. Originally, I was planning to rent you an apartment first, but now I have decided that it is better to take one step at a time and just buy one."

Zhu Suosuo was happy when he heard the words, but he still pretended to be indifferent and said, "No, I can live with you, and I don't need to buy a new house."

Zhu Suosuo didn't know what was going on with Mr. Ma, but Zhou Chen knew very well that he was originally a driver, and he was a poor driver. He was appointed as a driver by Ye Jinyan only because of his honesty, and he lived in a place assigned by the company. In the dormitory, I don't have my own house at all, let alone buy a new house.

"For you, I still have to buy a new house, Suo Suo, what kind of house do you like? A villa, a duplex, or a large elevator room?"

Zhu Suosuo's eyes glowed green after hearing Zhou Chen's three house types. She lived in a small room of a few square meters in her uncle's house, and even the dressing table was just a dilapidated small table. Dare to think about it in a dream.

"I really don't need such a good house. I just need a place to live, even if it's only a few square meters, as long as it belongs to me, I'm satisfied."

Hearing Zhu Suosuo's inappropriate words, Zhou Chen sneered in his heart. Having watched TV, he knew exactly what kind of woman Zhu Suosuo was, a proper gold digger.

Wanting to be with Ye Jinyan in the plot is because of Ye Jinyan's wealth. In the end, he said boldly that he did it for love, true love.

I love Nima who sells twist essence. Which man is worth more than one billion and the woman he meets is not true love?

Therefore, Zhu Suosuo didn't have any love for the original Mr. Ma, that is, he felt that Mr. Ma was rich and could help her.

Mr. Ma's mind is not clear, but Zhou Chen's mind is very clear. Zhu Suosuo was greedy for his money, and he got Zhu Suosuo's body, and each took what he needed.

As for buying a house, huh, huh.

"Suosuo, don't worry, I will look at the house as soon as possible, and I will never wrong you."

Having lived in the world of Dutinghao for more than [-] years, it is naturally easy for Zhou Chen to deal with a purposeful Zhu Suosuo, because Zhu Suosuo actually doesn't know much about the original body.

"Mr. Ma, you are very kind."

Zhu Suosuo twisted her body in Zhou Chen's arms, her tone was full of emotion and temptation, and her water snake-like waist made Zhou Chen aroused.

"Where am I the best?"

Zhu Suosuo, who has been through the dust for a long time, doesn't understand Zhou Chen's meaning, with a charming smile: "Everywhere is good, here is the best."

In an instant, a new round of offensive began again.

Until the next evening, Ye Jinyan didn't call. Zhou Chen had nothing to do, so he stayed with Zhu Suosuo in the hotel tenderly, and they didn't go out until it was dinner time.

Although Zhu Suosuo's physical fitness is good, but Zhou Chen's physical fitness is stronger. This afternoon, Zhu Suosuo was tortured enough, and when he left, he was a little out of shape when he walked.

"Mr. Ma, where shall we go for dinner today?"

Zhu Suosuo held Zhou Chen's shoulder and asked Zhou Chen in a coquettish tone.

Since meeting Mr. Ma, she feels that she has lived a very happy life. Mr. Ma is not only rich, but also kind to her, and he is physically strong. She is completely conquered today.

She felt that she must grasp Mr. Ma well, as long as she grasped Mr. Ma, she would have a good life in the future.

When it comes to eating, Zhou Chen is really hungry. He conquered Zhu Suosuo, but he also consumed a lot of energy. After all, he is the one who takes the initiative. His energy consumption is several times that of Zhu Suosuo, and his 13-point physique can't stand him. Made all day.

"I'll take you to a romantic place today."

(End of this chapter)

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