Chapter 164 Zhu Suosuo: I am so happy

As Ye Jinyan's driver, Mr. Ma is naturally familiar with all places in Shanghai. Zhou Chen drove Zhu Suosuo to a stylish restaurant in Ye Jinyan's BMW [-] Series.

"This is where?"

Zhu Suosuo loves to play very much, but because of limited financial conditions, she can't go to high-end places at all. This is the first time for her to come to this place that Zhou Chen brought her to.

After entering the restaurant, she was immediately attracted by the special style and environment here.

"This is a very good music restaurant with professional pianists and violinists. It is the most suitable place for dating."

In the world where things are pretty good, Zhou Chen followed Yi Fei to travel all over the world, with music, and went to many places related to music.

Just because I did too many music-related things in the last world, I thought of this place just now when I thought of eating.

It was already dinner time, and there were many guests in the restaurant. Zhou Chen and Zhu Suosuo, led by the waiter, found an empty table and sat down.

Taking the menu from the waiter, Zhou Chen handed the menu to Zhu Suosuo: "Suosuo, order."

Zhu Suosuo took the menu and looked at it. The price was really not cheap. He rolled his eyes and quickly handed it to Zhou Chen: "You order it, it's too expensive, I dare not order it."

Although Zhou Chen had no money in his pocket, he didn't panic at all. The credit card given by the company could still be swiped, and he could earn more money when he ran out of money. Now it was not the first time he traveled through time, and there were many ways to make money that he could think of.

"It's okay, you can order whatever you like. This little money is really nothing to me."

Zhu Suosuo pursed his lips into a smile, and his red lips parted slightly: "Really? Then I'll order."

"Come on."

Zhu Suosuo ordered a few, all of which were cheaper. It could be seen that she was more scheming. Although she wanted more expensive and better ones in her heart, she was able to restrain her thoughts.

In the end, Zhou Chen ordered a bottle of red wine, which cost more than 2000.

The wine is for Zhu Suo.

In fact, Zhou Chen doesn't like red wine very much, but to order wine for a lady, white wine is naturally not suitable, so he can only order red wine.

While waiting for the meal, Zhu Suosuo has been observing the situation here. She saw a man in a suit talking about the piano over there. She hadn't heard this piece before, but she thought it was very nice.

She also found that there was a violinist going back and forth among the surrounding guests, playing one piece after another.

The restaurant seemed very quiet, only the sound of the piano echoed, which made her feel very novel and surprised.

When the violinist came to their table, she smiled happily and listened carefully with her chin up.

"How's the vibe here?"

Zhou Chen skillfully cut the steak, put the cut steak in front of Zhu Suosuo, and asked with a smile.

Zhu Suosuo was eating a small piece of steak cut by Zhou Chen, with a smile on her face. She enjoyed this kind of service very much, which made her feel very important.

"I've never been to such a place. It's really good. I don't dare to speak loudly, for fear of embarrassing you."

Zhu Suosuo lowered her voice, and she didn't feel ashamed for not being here at all. Years of low-level life had already made her lose face, and she was very good at catering to others.


For a day, Zhou Chen felt that his acting skills had improved a lot. He glanced at the empty piano and said to Zhu Suosuo, "Wait for me."

After speaking, he stood up, walked to the front desk of the restaurant, and said a few words to their person in charge.

Zhu Suosuo has been watching Zhou Chen's every move. When she saw Zhou Chen walking towards the piano, she immediately showed a shocked expression.

"Ding, ding, ding..."

Zhou Chen casually played the piano keys a few times, and the sporadic sound of the piano attracted the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

Facing the gazes of dozens of people, Zhou Chen was not nervous at all. Such a scene was just a small scene for him. When he was in the bar, there were hundreds of people watching him sing, and he had already practiced it. .

"Excuse me for a few minutes, my girlfriend. Today I came here for dinner with my girlfriend. I will present a song to my girlfriend by taking advantage of the environment here. Please forgive me if I disturb you."

The guests in the restaurant didn’t say anything. This kind of thing is normal in a music restaurant, but most people don’t have the ability to play, and naturally they don’t know how to play live. Those who can go on stage must have confidence in themselves of.

Where did Zhu Suosuo experience this kind of scene? She blushed and looked at Zhou Chen who was sitting in front of the piano.

Among the boyfriends she had in the past, none of them could sit in front of the piano in a suit and play for her, and it was still in this kind of mid-to-high-end restaurant, in front of so many people, which made her vanity extremely Great satisfaction.

Zhou Chen was smiling. This was the plan he wanted before. The system asked him to abuse the master. Simple abuse would definitely be boring, so he was going to play tricks.

Having watched TV dramas, he knew what kind of person Zhu Suosuo was. In the plot, she found out that Mr. Ma was lying to her, and she quickly recovered.

The reason why she didn't get hurt much was not because she was really strong in her heart, but because she didn't fall in love with Mr. Ma at all. What she loved was Mr. Ma's identity and banknotes.

If he showed his ability now, made Zhu Suosuo really fall in love with him, and then inadvertently let Zhu Suosuo know his identity, crushing her fantasy, wouldn't the effect of abuse be better?
After they broke up, they rose rapidly again. When he became a rich man and became a tycoon, wouldn't it be more interesting to appear in front of Zhu Suosuo again?

Dealing with money-worshiping women like Zhu Suosuo, the money-based abuse must be very effective.

The melodious sound of the piano suddenly sounded, and the guests who were not expecting much were soon attracted by the sound of the piano, especially those who knew a little about music, and their expressions gradually became serious.

At the end of the song, there was applause in the restaurant, because Zhou Chen's playing was even better than the pianist in the restaurant before.

Zhu Suosuo applauded even more excitedly. This was played by Zhou Chen for her. At this moment, she became the focus.

"Thank you."

Zhou Chen stood up. He had long been accustomed to playing this kind of playing. Because of the soul wear, the first playing did not reach his normal level, but even so, it was better than the pianist playing just now. excellent.

Returning to the position, Zhu Suosuo said excitedly: "Mr. Ma, you just played really well. You can see that everyone is conquered by your sound."

"It's okay, mainly because you like it?"

"I like it, I really like it, it would be great if I could always hear it in the future."

Zhou Chen smiled softly: "Yes."

In less than a day, he had naturally integrated into the new role, and he had already started planning for his mission.

"Sir, this is a free gift from our manager. Thank you for presenting us such a beautiful song."

The waiter took a piece of food and put it on Zhou Chen's table, and said very respectfully.

Zhou Chen nodded with a smile: "Thank you manager for me."

Zhu Suosuo was very happy throughout this meal. She felt that she was really lucky. She found a boyfriend who was rich, nice to her, and very romantic. Compared with Zhou Chen, she had never met him before. The boys here are really different.

After dinner, Zhou Chen drove Zhu Suosuo to the alley where she lives now.

"Mr. Ma, today is the happiest day in my life. I am so happy to meet you."

After getting off the car, Zhu Suosuo ignored all the acquaintances here, and stepped on her feet to give Zhou Chen a kiss. She felt that after today, she would soon be able to live the life she dreamed of, so she no longer worried about others knowing.

Zhou Chen could feel Zhu Suosuo's emotional changes, and he knew that everything he did today had an effect.

If Zhu Suosuo was close to the original body for money before, then after today, he will definitely give his true feelings, the difference is only how much he puts in.

"Shuo Suo, I am also very happy to meet you. I promise, there will be more surprises waiting for you in the future."

Zhou Chen showed a smile on his face, but he was thinking in his heart that there must be surprises, but surprises outweigh joys.

Handing over the gift that the original body had prepared a long time ago to Zhu Suosuo, after watching Zhu Suosuo go upstairs, Zhou Chen drove out of the alley.

(End of this chapter)

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