The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 173 Turning face, opening abuse

Chapter 173 Turning face, opening abuse

"Mr. Ma, you have a lot of face."

Zhu Suosuo was also honored by Zhou Chen's face, but she glanced at the female boss and said in a low voice, "I didn't expect the boss of this restaurant to be a woman."

When she was talking, she felt a little vigilant unconsciously in her heart. The other party was able to waive the bill so simply in order to listen to a piece of piano music. In her opinion, it was an evil intention.

After all, a meal here costs thousands of dollars, and Manager Liu also said that they can order whatever they want.

This is also the reason why Zhu Suosuo's vision has not kept up at all. In her eyes, tens of thousands is already a lot of money, but she did not realize that for such a restaurant owner, tens of thousands is probably not enough money. It must be enough for a bottle of wine.

Food and wine came up soon, Zhou Chen couldn't drink while driving, so he ordered wine for Zhu Suosuo, of course, Zhu Suosuo's energy after drinking last time was still fresh in his memory, and he wanted to experience it again.

Halfway through the meal, Zhu Suosuo stretched out his head, grabbed Zhou Chen's hand with both hands, and said coquettishly: "Mr. Ma, I want to hear you play the piano, so you can play a song for me, okay? Okay?"

Although Zhou Chen and Zhu Suosuo were together more for the mission, he had to admit that he made a mistake that any man would make, and felt a little bit of nostalgia for this tortured goblin.

"The concentration is still a bit weak."

Zhou Chen thought in his heart, he never thought of himself as an upright gentleman, and he didn't plan to be an upright gentleman, but a little bit of concentration is a little bit worse, this is a fact, and it must be admitted.

"You wait."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the piano in the restaurant, and it happened that no one was playing at this time.

Seeing Zhou Chen's movements, Manager Liu, who had been observing him, trotted over immediately. The female boss who was tasting wine alone also put down her wine glass and looked at Zhou Chen with great interest.

At this moment, Zhu Suosuo glanced at the female boss triumphantly, but when he found that the other party didn't look at her at all, he curled his lips in boredom.

The melodious sound of the piano sounded leisurely, making all the guests in the restaurant couldn't help but cast their eyes on Zhou Chen's position.

Zhu Suosuo was listening to the music carefully, when suddenly the mobile phone on the table vibrated, she glanced at it, it was Jiang Nansun's message, so she turned on the prestige of the mobile phone.

"Suosuo, that Mr. Ma of yours is a liar. He lied to you. My aunt has already asked Ye Jinyan. They Jingyan Group does not have his partner at all. His real identity is actually Ye Jinyan's driver has left his job two days ago, so you must not be fooled by him, everything you see is fake. '

Seeing this message from Jiang Nansun, Zhu Suosuo was dumbfounded, as if his brain had been hit by a hammer, and the whole sky was dark.

"How is it possible? Mr. Ma, he lied to me?"

This answer really shocked her, but she didn't doubt what Jiang Nansun said, she believed that Jiang Nansun would not lie to her.

At this moment, he thought of the situation when he first met Mr. Ma. There are indeed many strange things about Mr. Ma.

Raising his head suddenly, Zhu Suosuo looked at Zhou Chen who was playing the piano seriously. The love in his eyes had disappeared, replaced by deep anger and uncontrollable humiliation.

'He lied to me, he lied to me, all of this was fake, I, Zhu Suosuo, was cheated one day, and for such a long time. '

Thinking of what she had done recently to cater to Zhou Chen, Zhu Suosuo felt even more humiliated. When had she, Zhu Suosuo, been bullied like this?

Taking a deep breath, Zhu Suosuo resisted not to explode immediately, but continued to sit in her seat. She wanted to wait for Zhou Chen to come back and ask for an answer.

This piece of music was relatively long, and Zhou Chen stopped playing after six to seven minutes.

The applause stood up, and everyone in the restaurant was conquered by Zhou Chen's piano sound, but Zhu Suosuo was full of anger and did not applaud.

After finishing the song, Zhou Chen stood up, faced the applause, bowed slightly, and walked to his seat.

When Zhou Chen walked back, he found that Zhu Suosuo didn't look at him, but sat there expressionless, and suddenly his heart moved.

Walking back to his seat and sitting down, he saw that Zhu Suosuo had no smile on his face, and was staring at him very gloomyly.

Zhu Suosuo's expression made Zhou Chen realize that his guess was correct, Zhu Suosuo must have known something, but he didn't mean to explain at all, and also looked at Zhu Suosuo expressionlessly.

Zhu Suosuo, who was already angry, became even more angry when he saw Zhou Chen not only did not speak, but also looked at him coldly.

"Have you nothing to explain to me?"

Zhou Chen shrugged and said, "What should I explain to you?"

Zhu Suosuo said coldly: "Explain that you are Ye Jinyan's driver. Didn't you say that you are a partner of Jingyan Group? But why did I hear that you are Ye Jinyan's driver?"

Zhou Chen: "You heard me right. I used to be Ye Jinyan's driver. Is there a problem?"

"You still have the face to ask? You are cheating, you are cheating. You are so shameless and shameless that you deceived my feelings." Zhu Suosuo shouted angrily.

This loud shout made everyone in the restaurant look over. When they saw that it was Zhou Chen and his table who made the sound, they all showed surprise expressions.

"I cheated on your feelings?"

Zhou Chen showed sarcasm: "Zhu Suosuo, you turned your face so fast. If you hadn't rushed over by yourself, how could I have lied to your feelings? You are right, I lied to you as a driver, but What are you? Didn't you just agree to be with me so quickly because you took a fancy to my money? "

"What are you talking about? I'm doing it for money? Ma Hongshu, you're going too far." Zhu Suosuo was furious.

"I'm too much? It's you who are too much. If you really have feelings for me, you will yell at me after knowing that I am a driver? Isn't it because I am a driver that you think I have no money and no hope of climbing high branches?" That's why you treat me like this."

"So, Zhu Suosuo, let's not talk about anyone, you are for money, I am for people, no one is more upright than the other; it's nothing at all, but seeing you like this, I can see your true face."

"Ma Hongshu..."

Zhu Suosuo stood up, grabbed the poured red wine and was about to pour it on Zhou Chen's face.

But Zhou Chen had been prepared for a long time. His task was to abuse Zhu Suosuo, so how could Zhu Suosuo bully him? He grabbed Zhu Suosuo's hand, swung it hard, and threw the wine glass to the ground. Zhu Suosuo staggered and fell. Sitting on a chair, I almost fell over.

"Zhu Suosuo, don't talk so much, who do you think you are? I really think you are noble, at best, you are a gold digger, and to put it bluntly, you are a high-ranking platform; I lied to you at first, but I am now You have spent a lot of money on your body, so if you don't want to be with me, just get out, don't act like I bullied you, who will you pretend to be?"

"Ma Hongshu."

Zhu Suosuo patted the table and stood up, pointing at Zhou Chen, but Zhou Chen slapped her hand away.

"Don't point fingers at me, you are not worthy."

Zhou Chen is no longer polite at all, Zhu Suosuo's reaction made him see this woman clearly, and now he can abuse without any pressure.

After adjusting his clothes, Zhou Chen sat down again, his thighs crossed, and he looked at Zhu Suosuo coldly.

"Again, if you don't want to eat this meal, get out and don't stay here to block my eyes."

Zhu Suosuo was about to explode, but the pain in her hand made her dare not point at Zhou Chen anymore. At this moment, she heard the discussion and pointing from the guests around her.

Normally, she wouldn't care about other people's eyes and pointing at all, but at this moment, she just felt extremely ashamed and ashamed.

"Ma Hongshu, remember, I won't let you go."

After speaking, she turned and fled the restaurant in anger.

Watching her leave, Zhou Chen curled his lips in disdain: "Don't let me go? I'm not ready to let you go. I'll have time to abuse you in the future."

 I sprained my waist today, and lay on the bed in pain for a long time. I couldn’t get up for a long time. I used my mobile phone to write words today. ! !

(End of this chapter)

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