Chapter 174 Angry Zhu Suosuo

After Zhu Suosuo left, only two waiters came over.

"Sir, are you here?"

Zhou Chen said politely: "You're welcome, you clean it up and give me another copy."

"Okay, sir, wait a minute."

While the waiter was tidying up, Zhou Chen glanced around, stood up, and said apologetically, "I'm really sorry for disturbing everyone's elegance."

"it's okay no problem."

"It's ok."


The guests around spoke one after another. Although they didn't know what was going on with Zhou Chen and Zhu Suosuo, no one wanted to cause trouble when they were away from home.

Before the food came, a person sat across from Zhou Chen.

"Did you argue with your girlfriend?"

Zhou Chen looked at the woman opposite in surprise, and this woman was the proprietress of this restaurant.

"It's not a quarrel, it's just getting to know each other. She thinks I'm a driver, a poor ghost, and I'm not good enough for her, so I left."

The proprietress smiled slightly, "Then she really has no vision, who stipulates that the driver must be a poor ghost?"

Zhou Chen smiled: "This is reasonable. Whoever stipulated that the driver is a poor ghost? In ancient times, princes, generals and prime ministers were kind to each other. Whoever stipulated that drivers should not have spring?"

The proprietress kept smiling all the time, "Little girls nowadays are very realistic. They only look at the outside and don't see the inside at all. How can a person like you be just a driver?"

As the proprietress of the restaurant, the restaurant is full of people coming and going every day, and I have seen a lot of people. I have never seen any kind of people.

Zhou Chen looks ordinary, but she can tell that Zhou Chen's temperament is different, and he can play such beautiful piano music. Without a dozen or 20 years of study, it is absolutely impossible to reach this level.

All kinds of phenomena made her sure that Zhou Chen was definitely not an ordinary person, driver?It's funny.

"You play the piano so well, it sounds very professional. Do you specialize in making music?"

Zhou Chen replied: "I have been doing music for a while, but then I found it boring, so I stopped doing it. I used to be a driver, but I don't do it now."

The proprietress' eyes lit up: "Then let me ask a little more, are you interested in doing it with me?"

Zhou Chen looked at the restaurant proprietress in amazement, and carefully sized her up.

more than 30 years old is the most mature and charming age for a woman. Although she is not very beautiful, her skin is very fair. With light makeup and mid-length hair in a shawl, she looks particularly intellectual and mature .

"What are you doing here, waiter, or bartender?"

The proprietress's pair of red phoenix eyes revealed light: "If you want, there are other better positions, how about it?"

Zhou Chen said with a smile: "Thank you for your kindness, old lady. I just accepted a job, so I can only refuse you with tears in my eyes."

"Hehe, that's really a pity, but sir, if you are free in the future, you can come here often. From today onwards, as long as you come here, I will give you free bills. If you can play a song occasionally, then Better."

"Hospitality is hard to turn down. Since you are so polite, lady boss, if I refuse again, it will be too unflattering. Thank you lady boss."

Zhou Chen didn't refuse again this time. The proprietress didn't need money at first glance. What's more, if it really counts, his piano sound is not just for people to listen to, because what he plays is not the music of this world.

"You don't need to call me Mrs. Boss, my surname is Qin."

"Hello, Ms. Qin, my surname is Ma."

"Mr. Ma, hello."

At this time, the dishes had already been served, and the proprietress left without disturbing Zhou Chen's meal.

After Zhu Suosuo left the music restaurant angrily, she went straight to the university where Jiang Nansun was. Now she is the only one who can really make friends with Jiang Nansun.

The moment he saw Jiang Nansun, Zhu Suosuo rushed over, hugged Jiang Nansun, and burst into tears.

"Suosuo, don't cry, don't cry, it's okay, I'm here, it's okay."

Jiang Nansun knew why Zhu Suosuo was crying so sadly. She patted Zhu Suosuo's back and comforted him softly.

"Nan Sun, why am I like this? Why does God treat me like this?"

In front of Zhou Chen, Zhu Suosuo was very strong, but in front of Jiang Nansun, she showed her fragile side.

Jiang Nansun took Zhu Suosuo and sat down on the bench next to him, and comforted him: "Suosuo, I can't blame you, you are also a victim, who would have thought that guy would be so insidious and cunning, he is just cheating, it is so shameless .”

She knew that her best friend was really emotional this time, that's why she was so sad.

"Nan Sun, I'm really angry and unwilling."

Zhu Suosuo still couldn't calm down his anger, but there was nothing he could do.

"It's okay, it will be fine after a while, Suo Suo, we will treat it as if we were bitten by a dog and pass."

Zhu Suosuo said harshly: "No, I can't just let it go, it's too cheap for him, I must not let him go easily, Nansun, do you know his specific situation?"

Jiang Nansun wondered: "My aunt told me that he was Ye Jinyan's driver before, and I don't know anything else."

"Ye Jinyan, Jingyan Group?"

Zhu Suosuo wiped away her tears, and her eyes became extremely fierce. How much she loved Zhou Chen before, now she hates him, no, she hates Zhou Chen terribly.

If she wanted to take revenge on Zhou Chen, she had to figure out Zhou Chen's situation first, and now the best way to know Zhou Chen's situation was to investigate from Jingyan Group.


After falling out with Zhu Suosuo, Zhou Chen was not in a hurry to abuse her again, but started to do business first. He went to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau and asked about the registration method of the real estate company.

He had done business twice before, but it was the first time for a real estate company, and he didn't know if it was similar to the previous business, so he had to ask the situation clearly before starting to act.

He hasn't even started planning for the registered capital yet, because he's not going to make a small fuss, but to go big, so before that, he has to get more money.

Now with Wang Feiyu's 20 million capital and the cooperation plan with Wang Feiyu, this is part of the capital he uses to negotiate with others.

The first target Zhou Chen was looking for was Yang Ke, who had already given birth to a second heart in the Jingyan Group.

Apart from being involved with Zhu Suosuo in the TV series, Yang Ke is actually a very pragmatic and capable man, and he can definitely be regarded as the best partner.

It is no exaggeration to say that Yang Ke is a hook that Zhu Suosuo opened in the early stage. Without Yang Ke, Zhu Suosuo would not be able to get along in the TV plot at all.

The friendship between Yang Ke and Zhu Suosuo is really absurd. Just because he is beautiful, Yang Ke values ​​him and regards him as his best subordinate.

This is really rubbing the audience's IQ on the ground. There are thousands of beautiful women in the world who can charm all living beings with just one face, not to mention that Zhu Suosuo really didn't grow up to be that kind of disaster.

It can only be said that the screenwriter was too preoccupied, treating the men in the play as tools.

Leaving aside the relationship with Zhu Suosuo in the play, Yang Ke, in addition to his ability, can also support more than 200 poor students, and he still persists for ten years, which is not something ordinary people can do.

This shows that Yang Ke is a very good person in terms of quality, and such a person is more worthy of the trust of others.

(End of this chapter)

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