The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 178 Fan Jingang, you can't do it!

Chapter 178 Fan Jingang, you can't do it!
Following Zhu Suosuo, he took the elevator to Dongli's model house on display. This is a luxuriously decorated large one-story house with an area of ​​about [-] square meters.

Although Zhu Suosuo hated Zhou Chen deeply, but now that Zhou Chen was a customer, she couldn't figure out whether Zhou Chen intended to buy it, so she could only endure the awkwardness and introduce the situation of this house to Zhou Chen.

"The elevator here is the one we took just now. It can go directly from the garage to the home. It is very convenient. No matter how noisy it is outside, this is a quiet world, and..."

Listening to Zhu Suosuo talking a lot, I have to say that Zhu Suosuo's eloquence is still very good, there is no pause in the middle, obviously he has memorized it for a long time.

"Mr. Ma, what do you think of this place?"

Seeing Zhou Chen sitting down on the sofa suddenly, Zhu Suosuo's face was very ugly, but he still held back his anger and asked.

Zhou Chen smiled at her and said, "You called me Mr. Ma before, and now you call me Mr. Ma. The same title has completely different meanings before and after."

Zhu Suosuo's face turned red. Before she called Zhou Chen that way, it was more affectionate, especially when they were intimate, she was called 'Mr. Embarrassed, angry, and embarrassed, she wished she could pick up the cup next to her and smash it at it.

"Mr. Ma, how do you feel about our house?"

Zhou Chen glanced around, this house is really good, and it is a model house, it is for others to see, so the decoration is very luxurious, and the area is big enough, it is much better than his real house, this kind of house , he has lived in a world where everything is pretty good for a long time.

"It's okay, alas, it's just a pity, I originally wanted to buy a house for my girlfriend, but now it seems that she doesn't have this blessing."

Zhu Suosuo clenched his hands into fists, his face turned from red to blue, and Zhou Chen's tone of pointing at Sang Huai made her furious.

"Ma Hongshu, don't go too far."

Zhou Chen pretended to understand: "Oh, I forgot, so you are my ex-girlfriend, I'm sorry, I forgot; but I'm not wrong, if you didn't leave me before, maybe I would really buy a house like this for you to live in, what a pity, what a pity."

Zhu Suosuo gritted his teeth in anger, but dared not speak out, fully expressing the helplessness and compromise of adults.

Zhou Chen obviously didn't intend to let her go, and continued to speak venomously: "You left me, now you can only do one sales job, alas, man, choice is very important."

Zhu Suosuo said word by word: "Mr. Ma, we are talking about buying a house now, can you please stop making such unreasonable troubles, if you continue like this, I can only..."

"What can I do? Let the security guard kick me out? But if word spreads, Jingyan Group's sales will drive away the big customers. I don't know what will be discussed outside. Can you bear the consequences?"


Zhu Suosuo raised her arms, clenched her fists tightly, and her body was trembling. How could she be willing to give up halfway after she finally joined Jingyan Group.

She is now counting on being able to sell the house, earn money, and then move out of Jiang Nansun's house, go out to rent a house, and don't have to depend on others, how dare she give up her job.

"Ma Hongshu, you are a big man, don't you only have this capacity? You can only bully one woman?"

"Correct me, my actions may be disgraceful, but your actions seem to be even more unacceptable. To say that you are actually praising you, you are a gold digger, and a disgusting gold digger."

Zhu Suosuo's chest heaved unceasingly, she couldn't bear it anymore, and smashed the phone in her hand towards Zhou Chen.

When Zhou Chen dodged sideways, he dodged the phone, which fell on the sofa.

"You are hurting on purpose. If I call the police, you will be held legally responsible."

"If you call the police, I'll die with you, and I'll spread the word that you've always been chaotic and abandoned. I'll see what will happen to you then."

Zhou Chen gave a thumbs up: "Good way, it seems that you are going to go all out, but if you do that, I don't care, I am an unmarried man, I am really not afraid of this, but you are a woman, if you If you have thrown yourself out, what will you do in the future?"

Zhu Suosuo said coldly: "As long as I can die with you, I won't be afraid of anything."

While speaking, a voice suddenly came from outside the door, causing Zhou Chen and Zhu Suosuo to turn their heads and look over.

I saw three men walking in, two of whom Zhou Chen still knew were Ye Jinyan from Jingyan Group and his secretary Fan Jingang, followed by another man.

"Yo, someone is here."

Fan Jingang looked at Zhu Suosuo in surprise, and then saw Zhou Chen sitting on the sofa, his expression changed immediately.

"It's you."

"Boss Ye, Secretary Fan."

Zhu Suosuo shouted a little cautiously, but at this time Ye Jinyan and Fan Jingang were all focused on Zhou Chen and did not look at her.

Zhou Chen straightened his face and stood up from the sofa.

"Boss Ye, long time no see."

Ye Jinyan looked calm, and said: "It seems that being a driver by my side is really a waste of talent, the general manager of Chenxing Real Estate, not bad, amazing."

Ye Jinyan's words were still tactful, but Fan Jingang couldn't help it: "Master Ma, you are really good, Mr. Ye is so kind to you, even if you violated the company's regulations, he didn't punish you, but you are good, you It's fine to leave, but you are really shameless for instigating Yang Ke's rebellion."

Zhou Chen: "Secretary Fan, what you said is serious. It's just a normal business method. Compared with me, you don't seem to be much nobler?"

It was his predecessor who embezzled public funds, so he didn't have any psychological pressure, let alone get angry because of Fan Jingang's words.

"You are really shameless."

Seeing Zhou Chen, Fan Jingang felt ashamed at all, and felt even more angry: "This is the real estate of our Jingyan Group, who asked you to come?"

Zhou Chen looked surprised: "I'm here to buy a house, why? You Jingyan Group sells houses, do you still have to pick someone?"

Fan Jingang wanted to sarcastically say a few more words, but Ye Jinyan stopped him.

"We sell houses as we say, of course we don't pick customers. If Mr. Ma wants to buy, we will naturally sell it, you."

Ye Jinyan looked at Zhu Suosuo, and Zhu Suosuo quickly replied: "Boss Ye, I'm introducing, but he doesn't seem to have any intention of buying, and he's been rambling all the time."

The appearance of Ye Jinyan seemed to give Zhu Suosuo confidence, and she complained to Ye Jinyan with red eyes.

Ye Jinyan frowned and asked, "What happened to you?"

"I don't care about her, but your employee just hit me with a mobile phone. If I didn't hide quickly, I might have to go to the hospital."

"You deserve it, Ma Hongshu, you are avenging your own personal revenge. Please don't get involved in my work."

"What about the two of you?" Both Ye Jinyan and Fan Jingang showed curious expressions.

Zhou Chen said with a smile: "I forgot to say, this Miss Zhu Suosuo and I used to be in a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship."

"Are you guys and girls in a relationship?" Fan Jingang's eyes widened.

On the contrary, Ye Jinyan's eyes flickered. This incident really surprised him. The employees in his sales department even made friends with Zhou Chen.

"It has nothing to do with us, Mr. Ma, I heard that both of your Chenxing projects were designed by you?"

Zhou Chen nodded and said, "Yes."

Ye Jinyan asked puzzledly: "You have such design ability, why didn't you show it when you were in Jingyan Group? If you showed it earlier, you would definitely not be just a driver who is capable but willing to be mediocre. I count on you."

Zhou Chen said: "Perhaps, but I have learned a lot by following you, Mr. Ye, for a few years. Speaking of which, I really want to thank you."

"Hmph, we really dare not accept your thanks." Fan Jingang looked disdainful.

Zhou Chen also ignored Fan Jingang, and instead said: "Your Dongli's house is really nice, it seems that I still need to learn more in the future."

Fan Jingang snorted coldly: "Can you buy the house? If you buy it, sign the contract. If you don't buy it, you can leave quickly, so as not to be an eyesore here."

Zhou Chen said calmly: "Secretary Fan is really angry. People who don't know it think that Jingyan Group belongs to you."


"Okay, the visitor is a guest, Fan Jingang, please stop talking."

Ye Jinyan interrupted Fan Jingang's words, "Mr. Ma, continue to look at the house. If you have any questions, you can directly ask me."

"I've already looked at the house. As for whether to buy it, I'll go back and think about it." Zhou Chen said.

"If you can't afford it, you can't afford it. Say something open."

Fan Jingang looked disdainful, and Ye Jinyan didn't care about Zhou Chen's 'rebellion', but he couldn't accept it, so he kept on chasing Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen really didn't want to pay attention to him at first, but when he saw Fan Jingang beating himself one after another, his expression turned cold.

"Whether I can afford it or not, it's not up to Secretary Fan to take care of you. If you have time to take care of me, I think you should take care of yourself. You are such an old man, and he is still a bitch all day long. There isn't even a single woman, so people have to wonder if you can't do it?"

This sentence was so powerful that Fan Jingang jumped up: "Ma Hongshu, what are you talking about? Who can't do it, you can't."

Although he usually acts like a bitch, but he considers himself a strong man, how could he not be angry when Zhou Chen insulted him like this.

Zhou Chen: "Tsk tsk, look at you jumping out of breath, is that okay, do you want me to say more?"

When watching TV, some viewers may have a good impression of Fan Jingang, but after getting along with him a few times, he really feels disgusted by Fan Jingang. Women return women, he really can't get in touch with this kind of people.

(End of this chapter)

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