The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 179 Actions against Jiang Nansun

Chapter 179 Actions against Jiang Nansun

Zhou Chen didn't stay long, and soon broke up with Ye Jinyan and the others.

I met Zhu Suosuo again today and made some sarcasm. Maybe it wasn't very cruel, but the accumulation made a lot. He has plenty of time, so he will take his time in the future.

"Mr. Ma, I have already contacted him, and now he has arrived at the company. Shall we go back?"

The driver Xiao Chen said to Zhou Chen that before Zhou Chen asked him to find someone to come over, he had already found him, and he just called and asked him to go to Chenxing Real Estate Company.

"Did you go to the company? OK, let's go directly to the company."

Zhou Chen sat in the back row and nodded.

The car returned to the company soon, and Zhou Chen directly asked the front desk to bring the person he wanted to meet to his office.

Sitting in his office, Zhou Chen picked up the documents on the table and took a look at them. These were the documents just delivered, and they all needed his own approval.

As soon as a document was approved, there was a knock on the office door.


Zhou Chen's secretary is a woman in her twenties, with good looks and temperament. This is his second secretary.

As for the first secretary, after using it for a few days, Zhou Chen was not very satisfied, so he replaced it with the current secretary.

This woman named Wang Jing is pretty and has good professional skills. Zhou Chen is quite satisfied.

After all, if you don't have any special hobbies, of course you should find a woman, such as a secretary. If it's a beautiful woman, that's even better.

Those secretaries looking for ugly girls must either have strict wives at home or have other problems. Anyway, if Zhou Chen was to face an ugly secretary every day, he would definitely not be able to bear it.

I saw Wang Jing walking in with a short woman, "President Ma, the front desk said this lady is your guest, so I brought it here."

"Okay, you go out first."


Wang Jing nodded, then walked out and closed the door.

Yuan Yuan stood in the office with a reserved expression, and looked at Zhou Chen timidly. She was brought all the way here, and seeing the luxury here, she was very yearning in her heart.

Especially after knowing that the person who wanted to see him was the general manager of this company, she felt even more nervous, because she didn't know why Zhou Chen wanted to see her, and she didn't know such a big man like Zhou Chen at all.

"Nice meeting, Miss Yuan, please sit down."

Zhou Chen took the initiative to speak, pointed to the chair opposite his desk, and said to Yuan Yuan.

Yuan Yuan walked over cautiously, half of her body sat on the chair, not daring to sit still.

"Hello, Mr. Ma, I don't know why you want to see me, I don't seem to know you?"

Zhou Chen smiled and said, "Don't be so nervous, we really don't know each other, but you should know Jiang Nansun, right?"

Yuan Yuan's expression changed immediately, and she became more nervous: "I know Jiang Nansun, but what is your relationship with Jiang Nansun?"

"Don't be nervous. I do know Jiang Nansun, but it's different from what you think. I don't have a good relationship with her. It's not an exaggeration to say that I have a grudge against her."

"You have a grudge against Jiang Nansun?"

Yuan Yuan's expression became very astonished, she never expected that Zhou Chen would have a grudge against Jiang Nansun.

Zhou Chen said: "To be more accurate, you should know Zhu Suosuo. I used to be boyfriend and girlfriend with her, but we had conflicts and broke up. Jiang Nansun played a catalytic role in it, so our relationship is very bad, um, I don't need to say much, you should understand what I mean."

"Yes, I understand, I just can't believe it, Zhu Suosuo has a boyfriend like you, but..."

It was really hard for Yuan Yuan to imagine. She had been in contact with Zhu Suosuo and knew something about Zhu Suosuo. She really couldn't figure it out. With such a boyfriend, is Zhu Suosuo crazy or stupid to break up?
"Then I don't know why you asked me to come here?"

Zhou Chen: "These two women have caused me a lot of trouble. I'm not a big-hearted person. I'm not the type who won't fight back when I get bullied. I asked you to come here because I want you to do me a favor." , to add trouble to that woman Jiang Nansun, if you can snatch her boyfriend away, that would be even better."

"Is that bad?"

Yuan Yuan was shocked, she never expected that Zhou Chen would let her do such a thing.

Zhou Chen said: "What's wrong? As far as I know, Zhang Anren, Jiang Nansun's boyfriend, seems to be your boyfriend before. No matter what the reason is, Jiang Nansun stole your boyfriend. Haven't you thought about it?" Want to grab it back?"

Yuan Yuan showed embarrassment: "I broke up with Zhang Anren peacefully, and compared with Jiang Nansun, I, who came from a small place, have no advantage at all."

"So what if you come from a small place? Who stipulates that people from small cities are not as good as people from big cities. I know Zhang Anren. He is now a university teaching assistant. If there is no accident, he will become a lecturer in the future. If he performs well If you don't, you will be promoted from associate professor, professor, doctoral supervisor, and it can be said that the future is bright, such a boyfriend, are you willing to give up like this?"

Hearing Zhou Chen's words, Yuan Yuan's face was full of unwillingness. Of course she knew that Zhang Anren had a bright future, but she really couldn't compete with Jiang Nansun. Settle her down.

Now with Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo's joint defense, she has no chance to contact Zhang Anren at all, so even if she is unwilling, she can only endure it.

"I know you are not reconciled, and you dare not fight with Jiang Nansun, but I can help you."

"You help me?" Yuan Yuan called out in disbelief.

Zhou Chen nodded and said: "Yes, I will help you. You feel that your conditions are not as good as Jiang Nansun's because you don't know the current situation of Jiang Nansun's family. Their family is actually going bankrupt and owes a lot of money to outsiders. She will go from a so-called princess to a debtor in no time."

Yuan Yuan's face was full of shock. Although she didn't know what happened to Jiang Nansun's family, as far as she knew, they were still very rich. Why would they go bankrupt?
"Don't doubt my words, I can tell you that Jiang Nansun's father owes me 10 million. I'm telling the truth. If you are willing to cooperate with me, I can solve your problem of staying in Shanghai and let you Have the capital to recover Zhang Anren."

Yuan Yuan didn't dare to speak, because she didn't know whether what Zhou Chen said was true or not. It was too difficult for her to stay in Shanghai.

"President Ma, how are you going to help me?"

Zhou Chen said: "How about letting you work in my company?"


Yuan Yuan's city was still not enough, and when she heard this, she stood up in shock.

Just walking all the way, she can tell that this Chenxing real estate is a big company, if she can work here, it will be like a carp jumping over the dragon's gate for her.

"Of course it's true. I'm the general manager here. Do you think I can be the master?"

"For you, it may be difficult, but for me, it is just a very simple matter, and you should understand that I have no need to deceive you, and there is nothing in you worthy of my deception. "

"I'm looking for you on a whim. It's up to you to agree or not. But my time is limited, so I can't give you much time to think about it."

Yuan Yuan hesitated: "I, I..."

She wanted to agree, but she still didn't have the confidence to fight Jiang Nansun.

Seeing Yuan Yuan's appearance, Zhou Chen shook his head slightly. Jiang Nansun still has means. If this woman is of this level, she will definitely not be able to beat Jiang Nansun.

(End of this chapter)

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