Chapter 184 The Shocked Jiang Nansun
For Jiang's father, he has worked so hard to raise his daughter to such a great extent, which certainly means pampering his daughter, but it also has another meaning, that is, he hopes that his daughter can find a good family by virtue of his own advantages in the future.

It was precisely because he had high expectations for his daughter that when he found out that his daughter was in love with Zhang Anren from a small city, he was so angry and wanted to break them up in various ways.

He spent so much energy and money to cultivate an excellent daughter, how could it be possible for a small person like Zhang Anren to be cheap? If his daughter wants to marry, she must marry a powerful man. At least she must have a lot of love for their Jiang family help.

He still had some choices before, but now, for the sake of the Jiang family, he has no choice.

However, in Jiang's father's view, Zhou Chen's identity is already very good. Although he is several years older than his daughter, he is rich and the general manager of a real estate company. His future is limitless, and more importantly, he is still single.

Considering the situation of Jiang's family and the fact that he still owes Zhou Chen money, if Zhou Chen and his daughter can achieve something good.

Not only can there be no need to pay back the money, but it can also solve the current predicament of the Jiang family and find a good home for her daughter. It's killing three birds with one stone.

After Zhou Chen heard this, he smiled: "Uncle Jiang, your daughter is 25 and hasn't been in a relationship yet?"

He also admired Jiang's father's ability to open his eyes and tell lies. Does it really mean that this kind of thing can't be found out by others?

Jiang's father was not embarrassed, and said affirmatively: "My daughter got along with a man before, but because our family's family education is relatively strict, they are not really together. I know my own daughter very well. She She is the kind who is very sensible and will never fall in love easily."

Zhou Chen has no doubts about this, because he has watched TV dramas and knows that although Jiang Nansun and Zhang Anren fell in love, in fact, Zhang Anren did not really pass Jiang Nansun's test, and the two did not live together, so What Jiang's father said should not be false.

"Uncle Jiang, this kind of thing is not a matter of shaving your head. I think you should go back and discuss it with your daughter. It's okay to know each other, but if you want to develop further, I think it depends on fate."

Zhou Chen approached Jiang's father at the beginning and borrowed money from Jiang's father in order to get in touch with Jiang Nansun, but he was still rational and could not show his enthusiasm. Since Jiang's father proposed this kind of thing, let Jiang's father Let's do it.

However, if it is really effective, the method of abusing Jiang Nansun can be slightly changed, and the effect may be better.

Jiang's father immediately said happily: "Okay, then I will arrange for you to meet as soon as possible. I think you will definitely have a good impression of each other."

He has already inquired about it. The background of Chenxing Real Estate is very deep. As the general manager, Zhou Chen is said to be even more powerful. The Jiang family is now lonely. degree, but at least it is many times better than the current situation.


There was a meaningful smile on the corner of Zhou Chen's mouth. He really wanted to see what Jiang Nansun's expression would look like when he saw him again. It must be very interesting.

After a few worlds, he can be said to be the most relaxed in this world, because he doesn't need to worry about anything, and he doesn't even think about putting in any real feelings, he just thinks about how to abuse the two heroines.

Jiang's father acted very quickly, and arranged a meeting two days later.

"Dad, who are you taking me to see?"

In the private room of the hotel, the three members of the Jiang family sat together, and Jiang Nansun asked his father easily.

Since the bankruptcy happened, Jiang Nansun hated her father more and more, but because she had nowhere to go now, she could only stay at home with her mother.

Seeing that her daughter was anxious, Jiang's mother also asked, "Yes, who are we going to see today?"

"Don't worry, just wait. The person I want to meet this time is someone who can help our Jiang family. You must be more polite later."

Jiang Nansun was impatient, and Jiang's father was also not difficult to be annoyed.

After these hard days, he also noticed the problem. Except for the old mother who still loved him as always, his wife and daughter began to treat him worse and worse.

That's all for his daughter, after all, it's his own blood, he can bear it, but his wife's behavior really makes him very uncomfortable.

All kinds of overt and covert satire on him, running on him, even though the family has no money, she still doesn't want to cook by herself, even when she sleeps at night, she doesn't want to be close to him.

Although the relationship between him and his wife was not very good before, how long has it been since he had no money, and his wife's attitude has changed so much, which makes him very dissatisfied and uneasy.

So now he is eager to prove his strength, let his wife and daughter know that he is still capable, and he will definitely be able to make the Jiang family rise again.

Jiang Nansun couldn't hold back his father, so he could only wait impatiently, and chatted with his best friend Zhu Suosuo on his mobile phone.

A few minutes later, the door of the box was suddenly pushed open. The person who pushed the door was a waiter, and then a man walked in. Jiang Nansun was playing with his mobile phone with his head down, and he didn't see the person coming at the first time.

On the contrary, Jiang's father stood up quickly, and laughed loudly: "Mr. Ma, you are here, come in and sit down."

Hearing her father's voice, Jiang Nansun raised her head and took a look, but it was this look that made her face change instantly.

"why you?"

Jiang's father was about to introduce Zhou Chen to his wife and daughter, when he suddenly saw his daughter standing up, he let out an exclamation, and immediately trembled.

"Nan Sun, what's the matter with you? Do you know Mr. Ma?"

Jiang Nansun immediately asked his father excitedly: "Dad, the person you want to introduce to us, shouldn't it be him?"

Jiang's father nodded and replied: "Yes, this is Mr. Ma, Mr. Ma of Chenxing Real Estate, and now a rising star in the real estate industry in Shanghai."

Zhou Chen smiled slightly at Jiang Nansun: "Miss Jiang, we meet again."

Jiang's father looked at Zhou Chen in astonishment, then looked at his daughter, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Ma, Nansun, it turns out that you know each other, so that would be even better."

"What's the matter?"

Jiang Nansun directly interrupted his father, and scolded loudly: "Dad, do you know who he is? He is the scumbag who cheated on Suo Suo's feelings, Ma Hongshu."


Both Jiang's father and Jiang's mother showed shock, especially Jiang's father. He hadn't thought that there would be such a situation in the middle, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

But Zhou Chen said very calmly: "Miss Jiang, you can't just accuse me of Zhu Suosuo just because Zhu Suosuo is your best friend, and I deceive Zhu Suosuo's feelings? What a joke."

"You must know why Zhu Suosuo fell in love with me, and you should also know why she broke up with me. It was she who wanted to break up with me on her own initiative, not me abandoning her, so you said I was a scumbag. I can't admit it."

Jiang Nansun snorted coldly: "From the very beginning, you lied about your identity. Isn't that called cheating? Suo Suo knew your true identity and left you. What's wrong with that? It's you who still clings to you after breaking up Beating badly, bullying Suangsuo repeatedly, you are even more scumbag than a scumbag."

Zhou Chen sneered: "You women have said everything. Didn't Zhu Suosuo break up with me because she knew I was a driver and thought I was a poor ghost? Don't make her sound so noble, it's just for money." It's just the gold digger who was with me."

Jiang Nansun: "It's true that Suo Suo worships money, but she is pure in nature. You cheated her feelings and bullied her. You are a complete scumbag. I feel disgusted when I see you, and I don't want to be with you." Kind of people have a little bit of involvement."

With that said, she picked up her bag and was about to leave the private room.

(End of this chapter)

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