The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 185 Jiang Jiaquan martial arts, lock the door and beg for mercy

Chapter 185 Jiang Jiaquan martial arts, lock the door and beg for mercy
But just when Jiang Nansun was about to leave with a flick of his sleeves, Zhou Chen said something lightly.

"Since you don't want to have anything to do with me, you should return the money to me as soon as possible, what do you think, Uncle Jiang?"

Jiang Nansun stopped immediately and turned to look at Jiang's father: "Dad, what does he mean by that? Do you owe him money?"

Father Jiang's face was ugly, and his daughter's sudden attack made him very embarrassed. The current situation is that he dare not offend Zhou Chen at all, nor can he afford to offend him.

People have also met, and the matter has been revealed, so Zhou Chen no longer hides it.

"One thousand and six million, plus interest, one thousand more than 6 million, as long as the money is repaid, there will be no involvement between us."

"One thousand more than six million?"

Jiang Nansun was startled when he heard this number, and shouted at his father, "Dad, didn't you say that you have paid off all the money owed? Why do you owe this guy more than 1000 million?"

One thousand more than 600 million, even for the former Jiang family, it is definitely not a small number, let alone the Jiang family who are already poor and can't get rid of the pot.

Jiang's father said awkwardly: "Mr. Ma and I met in a securities company a few months ago. He is very generous. I borrowed money from him a few times, so..."

"You borrowed so much money from someone you haven't known for long, Dad, you are really crazy."

Jiang Nansun was really shocked and despaired by what his father did. Not to mention that he lost all his family property, and now he still owes more than 1000 million foreign debts. This is like selling the lives of their Jiang family.

Jiang Nansun stared at Zhou Chen bitterly: "I don't know how you tricked my dad into borrowing money from you, but I know you have bad intentions, you said my dad lent you money, do you have an IOU and evidence? "

Zhou Chen smiled slightly: "Miss Jiang, I know what you're thinking. Your father borrowed money from me. All the process was completed with the assistance of a lawyer, and it has legal effects. You don't want to rely on this account." It can be depended on."

Jiang Nansun's face was ugly. What Zhou Chen said was right. She did have this idea just now, but now it seems that what she thought was too naive.

"Ma Hongshu, I also explained to you directly, our family can't afford that much money now, what exactly do you want?"

"You can't pay back the money, and you are so arrogant and unreasonable. In this regard, you are really exactly the same as Zhu Suosuo."

Zhou Chen was really speechless about Jiang Nansun's domineering appearance when he owed money. He really thought that if he was pretty, men all over the world would give her good looks?

"I didn't ask you to come here today, but your father asked me to come here. I think you should ask your father what you want."

Immediately, the three people in the private room all turned their attention to Father Jiang.

Jiang's father was very embarrassed. Zhou Chen was the matter of Zhu Suosuo's ex-boyfriend, which really messed up his wishful thinking, but for the current situation of the Jiang family, he felt that it was necessary for him to stand up.

"Nan Sun, it's like this. Mr. Ma is young and promising, and he looks good. I think you can try to develop with him."

"Dad, are you crazy?"

Jiang Nansun looked at his father in disbelief, knowing that Zhou Chen was Zhu Suosuo's ex-boyfriend, and let her develop with Zhou Chen.

"Are you going to sell me for that little money? Dad."

His daughter contradicted him several times, Jiang's father was already very shameless, and now his daughter is not giving him face, saying that he is crazy to his face, which makes him even more angry.

"Nan Sun, why did you talk to Dad? When did I do anything to hurt you? Isn't a young talent like Mr. Ma a hundred times better than the Zhang Anren you were looking for before?"

Jiang Nansun also refused to budge, and shouted loudly: "He is Zhuangsuo's ex-boyfriend, and he also cheated Suosuo's feelings. You let me get in touch with such a person, you are not selling me, what is it?"

Jiang's mother also stood up to speak for her daughter at this time: "A man who deceives a woman's feelings is definitely not a good person. If you let your daughter develop with him, you are harming your daughter."

"shut up."

Jiang's father yelled at Jiang's mother, and cursed: "It's you who spoiled Nan grandson. You didn't learn anything good all day long. What kind of messy things did you learn?"

Jiang's mother couldn't bear it anymore: "Why do you ask your daughter to pay for the sins you committed yourself? If you have the ability, go and pay off the debt yourself, and don't betray your daughter."

"I'm not capable? All the food and drink expenses of your mother and daughter have been owned by the Jiang family for decades. Now you tell me that I am not capable? I think I have been so kind to you all these years, so what do you think now? If you oppose me, you can object as much as you want, let me tell you, even if the Jiang family is lonely, I am the one who decides now, what I ask you to do, you will do for me..."

Jiang's father, who was not going well, pointed at Jiang's mother and Jiang Nansun and cursed angrily. He has been under tremendous pressure these days, but seeing his wife, she doesn't care about him at all. Instead, she blames him everywhere. Anger, all broke out at this moment.

"What right do you have to blame us? Isn't it all because of you, you..."

Good guy, Jiang's mother is not a good stubble, facing Jiang's father's scolding, she also cursed back, angry Jiang's father slapped him, and directly staged a full martial arts.

Jiang Nansun screamed, and immediately went to pull her father, but the furious Jiang's father really lost his mind at the moment, and had no intention of letting Jiang's mother go.

Zhou Chen was stunned by this wonderful scene. He was surprised that Jiang's father was not forced to commit suicide by debt.

Hitting a woman is not an honor, but now seeing Jiang's father showing off his glory, for some reason, Zhou Chen felt very happy.

It's not that women can't be beaten, but it depends on what kind of woman they are. Some women just don't deserve to be beaten.

Although Zhou Chen enjoyed watching it, after watching it for a while, he still left the private room silently.

Zhou Chen didn't know what happened here in the end, but Zhu Suosuo came to the door the next day.

"Ma Hongshu!"

Zhu Suosuo pushed the door open, and Wang Jing, who was following behind, immediately explained to Zhou Chen nervously: "Mr. Ma, this woman insists on seeing you, and we can't stop her."

Zhou Chen waved his hand at her and said, "Okay, you go out first."

"Mr. Ma."

"Go out and close the door."

Wang Jing could only obey Zhou Chen's order, left the office, and closed the door.

"As long as you barge in like this, I can let the security guards blow you out."

Looking at Zhu Suosuo who was staring at him viciously, Zhou Chen said in a cold tone.

"Ma Hongshu, I didn't come here today to listen to your nonsense. I want to warn you. If you dare to touch Nansun, I will never let you go."

Zhu Suosuo pointed at Zhou Chen and threatened to warn.

Zhou Chen sneered: "If this is what you want to say, then you can leave now."

Naturally, Zhu Suosuo would not leave. She took a breath and asked, "Ma Hongshu, what exactly do you want?"

"It's really too troublesome to talk to you self-righteous women. It is obvious that her father owes me money. Why did I become a villain when it came to your mouth? What do I want? As long as they give me back the money , what else can I do?"

Zhu Suosuo said loudly: "The Jiang family owes you money, I will pay it back, and you can ask me to do anything."

Zhou Chen: "Sorry, I'm not interested in you now, and you overestimate yourself, more than 1000 million, do you really think you're worth that much money?"

"Ma Hongshu, don't go too far. I know you hate me, but Nansun is innocent. If you let her go, it's my begging. Let her go."

Zhu Suosuo's arrogance just now has disappeared. She clearly knows her current situation. She is absolutely no match for Zhou Chen, so she can only hope that Zhou Chen can look at their past face and let Jiang Nansun go.

However, in order to complete the task, Zhou Chen has already made up his mind to play this 'scumbag villain' to the end, so how could he let Jiang Nansun go so easily.

(End of this chapter)

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